Merlin's Revenge Chapter 20

His thoughts were still puzzling out his future when a blur stopped right in front of him. as it hovered twenty feet from the end of his snout glen blinked as he made out the features of the creature before him.

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 2 - The Time of Roses

But that won't change the fact he still has to rely on not just his strength to escape the fog and monsters, but also his mind to deal with the strange and absurd puzzles placed before him.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 13

And finally the last piece of the puzzle will fall in place._ _puzzle? what puzzle?_ puzzle. we are one.

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PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 1

He just facepalm, and sighed, "what about that cross-word puzzle you were doing"? "finished it earlier" holding it. "book"? "the next book comes out next month and nothing is catching my eyes". "then your video games".

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Forty Two

Things gradually began to come together in my mind, like puzzle pieces. i took a sudden, deep breath when the last piece fell into place- all of them fitting together so perfectly that there was no denying it.

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The Littlest Fox

More puzzlingly, she had three tails, not just one. as usual his mind burst, all of his why's and how's wanting to tumble out. she smiled at him, and asked in a soft voice why he was here.

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Inside>Out! Ch3 Departure

Just as she was beginning to puzzle out what to take with her, master seijuko stood, sword in hand. "rise shinta." shinta did as she was told. the master drew his sword: a simple, curved blade without adornment of any kind.

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Friendly Direction: Chapter 4

He felt her turning him around in her head like a brain teasing puzzle, searching for that new angle to get her desired result. "i want you to close your eyes and think about all the girls you dated."

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Chapter one - Meetings

She moved towards them with an unconscious, natural grace, her bare feet stepping carefully between the puzzles. "thanks carter, this'll get me by until i get inside when the drill's over."

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Shadow Beast Rewritten

They have basic intelligence, able to work simple puzzles and avoid most obvious traps.

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Two Worlds: Prologue

What puzzles them to this day however is how the coastal residents were reported to have been slaughtered in ways that had nothing to do with natural occurrences. a greek scout wrote at the time that, "the bodies are everywhere.

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