PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 1
#1 of PI Isaac Case #1
I am re-posting this story. I deleted the first time do to multiple mistakes I just notice after some criticism. I still don't know if this even popular, or if people even care, but at least it is more readable.
I put it thought multiple spelling and grammar checkers, so most of the more obvious mistakes are taken care of. If they are still mistakes leave a comment so I can fix it.
I hope I get good enough to not need the grammar checkers.
The clear, warm sunlight peeks thought the blinds, landing on me. Stretched on the sofa, eyes staring in the ceiling fan only four words repeated in my mind I am so bored.
My best friend typed furiously on the computer. The rhythmic clicks and ticks are one of the sounds that always here, I even fell asleep to it. I never knew what he is always typing, but it seems he is entertained by it.
Finally, going crazy, I rolled off the sofa, hit the floor, walked to this fake fruit thing we have here as a decoration, and started to juggle it contents.
"What did I tell you about juggling" Niko said without looking away from his screen.
"I can only juggle five, go no higher than my ears".
"I mean when in the office".
"Stand perfectly in one place and avoid doing it next to anything breakable".
Nikostopped typing to look at me, "I mean not to do it all". I lightly tossed the fake fruit back into the bowl, inversely knocking it over and the fake fruit rolling on the floor. Nikojust sighed and went back to typing, leaving me to clean up. In a few seconds, I laid on the sofa again and we were back to how everything was before, me being extremely board.
I decided to roll off the couch again when Niko said, "I am not playing your game again."
"Why not" trying to imitate a small child, which is pathetic I am almost thirty.
"Because we need to look professional when people come or we won't get work. What would they think this place is if the first thing they see is your juggling?"
I thought of two answers, one of what would really happen and a separate one that would rile up Niko I went with the latter. "They would hire me for children's parties".
He just facepalm, and sighed, "What about that cross-word puzzle you were doing"?
"Finished it earlier" Holding it.
"The next book comes out next month and nothing is catching my eyes".
"Then your video games".
"Didn't you say not to play them"?
"I also notice you ignored me and brought them anyway," Busted "it is either you playing your games or you annoying me for the next few hours". Hard choices, but before I could respond the door to our office creaked open.
Walked in a cougar, wearing a skirt and blouse that complemented her fur.
"Excuse me," she said with a wired accent, "you are Private Detectives, right?"
Nikostood up where he was sitting, "Yes, we are Private Investigators," he stuck one of his hands out, "Are you here to hire us Mrs.-"
"Young, Ado Young." It feels so odd when you call an old person 'Young'. I know I am being picky but-
"Don't be rude Isaac." I notice Mrs. Young's hand in front of me, I shook it meekly.
"Now then," Mrs. Young said, "I need you help to find someone."
"Sure, do you want anything to drink?" It was the polite thing to do, but with how she presents herself, I don't think we have anything she would drink.
"No, this is who I need to find." She pulled out a photo from her pocket, then handing it to me. The photo was of another cougar, a young male one. I could easily tell what she wanted now.
"You want us to find your son"?
She nodded, "Yes, I need you to find Xander".
Niko injected, "We can help you with that, but we need more information, sit down for a bit and start at the beginning."
Ado sat in the chair on the other side of the room, even her posture seems odd to me. "What would you like to know?"
"Everything" Niko said.
"Yes," Ado begins, "As your partner said the person in the photo is XanderYoung, my son. He disappeared two months ago and I want you to find him." Her voice sounded professionally, not the type one would use if their child went missing. "He just disappeared and I have not seen him since".
Naturally, a person would ask 'why not go to the police?' But I asked, "Your son is over 18, right?" She nodded. If a person over 18 disappears, the police are reluctant to use resources. That would explain why she might hire PI's but, "Two months is a long time, the police should take the issue serious now, so why hire us"?
"Because they refuse to listen, they still think my little boy just ran away and are not taking this seriously," She took a moment to compose herself. "Sorry, I lost control of myself."
"Okay, where things strained with your son"?
"No, Xander and I were close so the fact he disappeared is so shocking."
"What about with his father"?
When I asked that, Mrs. Young hand seemed to clutch. "No, my husband died a few years ago, it has been just me and Xander since then".
I glanced at Niko then returned my gaze towards Ms. Young, "Alright, we will help you find your son. I am going to need to see Xander's room okay".
Nikothen started to discuss the fee with her, but the gears in my head seem the running at full speed. I know so little about this case I think I smirked at this. I headed to the back to get a few things, nothing important really, but they could help solve this case. The bag I was looking for where I always kept it. After checking it contents, I slung it over my shoulders and headed back.
When I got back to the front, I notice Niko by himself. "We agreed on a fine and she is outside waiting to show you the way in her car."
"Alright, better not keep her waiting".
"Isaac, what are your thoughts so far?" It was odd for Niko to ask for my thoughts so soon.
I decided to give a serious answer this time, "Something about this case is odd to me." How Miss Young presented herself was odd and if what she said is true then the case makes no sense. But this is what I do, make sense of every odd or strange thing I am paid to do. I grabbed the keys of the desk and headed to the door.
Opening the door, fresh spring air raced into the office, I returned my gaze to Niko, "See if you can find anything, okay" I didn't even wait for a response before leaving, he knew what I meant.
Outside was just as a person would expect, a warm sun beating it rays under everything under it, flowers still trying to wake up, and the sound of cars whizzing past us on the road nearby.
Ms. Young was in the parking lot smoking a cigarette next to a Mom Van when she noticed me. I raised my hands making sure she was able to see the keys in them. She dropped her cigarette then stomped on it. I could tell she was agitated, thought I could not tell if it was because she wanted to leave or being unable to finish her cigarette. The Van roared to life, I took it as a sign we are leaving.
I got into my own car and started it up. I pulled up behind the Mom Van and flashed my headlight as a sign. Pulling away from the office I thought, I am not bored now.