PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 6
I was so late. Nikois going to be completely furious when I get there. If it was 7:10 he would be more forgiving, but it is already 7:30. He will kill me if not worse. I pulled in the office's parking lot, trying and failing to get my nerves to...
PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 2
The drive to the house was not long, but pretty boring. With Niko still at the office, the only sound in the car was whatever station the radio could pick up. Most of the coming from the speakers were ether songs currently popular or celebrity gossip....
PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 1
The clear, warm sunlight peeks thought the blinds, landing on me. Stretched on the sofa, eyes staring in the ceiling fan only four words repeated in my mind I am so bored. My best friend typed furiously on the computer. The rhythmic clicks and ticks...
The Actor
The curtain closes again on my act. The audiences roaring applause still present in the air. I care not for their sound or their cheers, only the distance towards my sanctuary. I pass the threshold and seal myself in, dreading the thought of leaving...
PI Isaac Case #1 Chapter 3
The way out of the neighborhood was uneventful, though the sight Ado before I left still hunted me as I pulled away. But for now I needed to focus my attention to my next location. If what Ado said was true, the next place to look is the school. She...
Pokemon beta emerald chapter 7
### Pokemon beta emerald chapter 7: A challenge When i think about it, I get in trouble a lot. I stare at the battlefield, a standard gym field, and the girl across from me, May. what am i thinking, she's probably a gym trainer how am I supposed to...
The new wolf chpter 3
Honestly, some days are worse than others. Like today for example. I woke up in an unfamiliar place, in the bed with a stranger, ran around like a chicken with its head cut off, found out I have been deliberately brought here for who knows what, and I...
A werewolf guide: Magic
Magic Today's topic is going to cover magic. Just because magic exist doesn't mean that science is useless. Most packs use magic as well as science these days, let start by explaining magic. **Magic** Most people argue what magic is, but most of...
A werewolf guide: introduction
Hello and welcome to my werewolf guide. This is the guide to understand the world of Werewolf Love, a series I wrote some time ago. I originally wanted to start a new story and use that to explain the world, but I always found ether something wrong...
PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 11
The parking lot of the school was crowded so I had to part a little bit away. While I was reluctant to the idea of coming back to the school, but what I needed might be here at this time. I needed more info about Xander and the school was probably the...
PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 10
We arrived at our office. It was just past 10 and I already feel tired. "Do you want some coffee?" "No I'm good," Niko responded while digging though his pocket for the office keys. Our office wasn't anything special, few chairs, a couch, small table,...
A stormy Encounter
Heavy rain hit my shield as I ran thought the forest. I cursed myself for being impatient with a storm so close. Now I am soaking wet, lost, and most likely dead when I get back if this storm doesn't kill me first. I saw something in the distance, "is...