PI Isaac Case #1 Chapter 3
#3 of PI Isaac Case #1
Here is chapter three with less mistakes.
The way out of the neighborhood was uneventful, though the sight Ado before I left still hunted me as I pulled away. But for now I needed to focus my attention to my next location. If what Ado said was true, the next place to look is the school. She mentioned a 'vandalize moment' where her son was enrolled, I know that place.
Obarinon High School, one of the high schools in the county and the one me, Niko, and most of the people I knew graduated from. Shortly after winter break, the entire campus was vandalized, closing the school down for a few days. Rumors spread about who may have done it, but nothing concrete. As the school had a severe punishment for bulling or discrimination, most people thought the vandals were students suspended or expelled as revenge.
Did Xander had some connection or knowledge of the event or the people involved? Did he disappear to hide from the vandals or the police? I will ask him myself when I find him, till then better to just think of them unrelated and save me the possible headache.
Coming up on the school, memories of my own days flooded in my mind. I would have enjoyed it, but I needed to park the car first. The parking lot was full of activity, from students and teachers getting to their cars to the people waiting on the curb for a pick-up.
While looking for a parking lot, a car abruptly pulled out in front of me. I slammed on the brakes to avoid a collision, but the jerking was unpleasant. The driver was a young looking female rabbit, with a snake and cat with her. When they all notice me, they all gave me the finger before driving off, rotten student drives. On the positive side, I can park now.
My phone buzzed notifying me of a text. It was called List sent by Niko. The list contained about ten names, at the bottom was a message, here are the name of people titled friends on Xander's accounts. The first five should have after school practice so start there. Numbers 2 and 5 hangs with Xander the most, 1, 3, and 4 where being tutored by him till he disappeared, while the others are name of people who go to the school around his age. I keep looking, pick me up at 7 p.m.
I decided to text back, I am at school so your timing is perfect. Can you look up info on the vandalism of the school back in January, picture are welcome. Before sending, I text,with hugs and kisses till I can sleep in your arms tonight. Send, then power down phone. I would love to see Niko blush when he would get that text, it would look so funny. We are always making jokes like this with each other, so this is nothing new. With my spirits high, I continued with my work.
The inside of the school was a spacious as I left. Even more modern but still the same, I hope I still remember the layout well. I swung into the front office to check-in. The desk was handled by a poodle, with a dyed Afro on her head, green is such an odd color for hair.
"Hello, I am a PI and I would like"
"No" her answer was quick and curt.
"Any reason not?"
"School's over for today and I'm off the clock, bye." She abruptly stood and left, completely rude. Guess I need to find them myself then.
I started to wonder the school, most of the immediate activity died down and most of the halls were empty. My footsteps created echoes in the deserted halls, if the lights were turned off it would be like a horror movie. A sudden shriek pierced the halls, my training was telling me to investigate the source.
Bolting down the hall another shriek happened this time with a loud crashing sound, I was able to locate it behind a door. Without thinking I just rammed into the door, not even bothering to check if it was unlocked. Multiple screams ringed out after crashing thought the door, I could not see much, so I got into my combat stance. Seconds later the lights turned on reveling what happen.
One Labrador was on the ground, a male Dalmatian and Tabby was crouched besides her, and a Gothic raccoon was by the lights switch. It looks like a desk was overturned and on its side. Is this karmic revenge for the text earlier?
The first in the group to speck was the raccoon. "Who the hell are you?"
"Sorry, I am Isaac a PI, I heard a scream and-,"
"You mean Ditz?"
"I told you not to call me that, Ringlet." Shouted the Labrador.
"You did not just use the r--word to me, bitch." I don't think that was a curse word, it just seemed like a nickname to me.
"Bring it, whore." The Labrador lunged at the raccoon. Did I walk into a reality show set, violence should not escalate this quickly. I tried to separate them, but the two were really letting the other have it.
"Enough, what are you three doing?" Three was she counting me as well? The source was a boar roughly 5'5 heavyset. She eyed us then said, "Line up in the hall now." The two girls ran out quickly. "You too, dog." I knew she was talking to me so I left too.
The three of us all lined in a row, the boar walked in front of us and just glared. The way this woman looked at me reminded me of my early training. She leaned close to us, enough to identify individual zits on her face, and in a low voice, "Explain what happen. Now." She screamed the last word.
"Ditz trip causing the dog to break down the door." The raccoon throw us under the bus in a second.
"But Ringlet causes me to trip."
"Silence" that voice was incredibly loud up close. "You are both students, and you would treat each other with respect, not argue and bicker like some reality show wannabe. Both of you are reporting to ISS tomorrow and for the next two weeks. Am I clear?" the two girls nodded rapidly, utterly terrified of this woman, and then shuffled back into the room.
The boar's attention was focused on me now. "Who are you?"
I saluted, "Ma'am, I am Isaac, age 29, Husky, 5'10, 203 pounds, occupation private investigator."
"Ah yes my husband spoke about you." Husband? I don't know anyone who married--wait I can think of one specifically but...
"Permission to speck ma'am."
"You're not in the army boy"
"Right, are you married to a Terry Gore?"
"Yes he is my husband." My body froze when I remembered the hell Commander Gore gave me. He was huge and to join the s.w.a.t team you had to survive his training. My body shack at the thought of Gore's training. "You need something else?"
"Y-y-yes, I am looking for someone who is tutored by Xander Young." Ms. Gore walked into the room and closed the door. The tabby from earlier walked out.
"Did you need something?" he said, completely unaffected by nothing.
I try to keep my nerves, "Yes I am Isaac looking for a student tutored by Xander Young."
"That's me, so what do you need?"
"Fine, but stop acting like you are from the army."
"Understand, I mean, all right." We both moved away from the door.
When we turned around the corner, the tabby spoke again, "so what do you need to know?"
"Xander tutored you, correct?"
"Yeah, I was failing economy and government and he tutored me. Nothing more or less. Once my grades raised to passing, the tutoring stopped. The last time I spoke with him was before winter break after getting my score on the exam."
"So you never hanged out at his house or something like that?"
"Nope, we studied in the library during lunch, but other than that we didn't hang out much. Taylor and Kate also haven't having study sessions any more so they won't know anything."
"How can you be sure?"
"Xander tutored all three of us at the same time, and we are all in the same club so I think I'd hear something if that was true." Okay, by process of elimination, those two who fought would be the other people who also were tutored by Xander, making this guy Nate.
"Thanks, but before I leave..."
"You want to know why T and K fight all the time." I almost think the kid is psychic or I am just obvious to read. "Taylor hates Kate since her boyfriend got arrested."
"Arrested for what?"
"Two weeks ago, Kate's sister was assaulted. During one of her visits, Kate swore that her sister said, Archie, who was dating Taylor at the time. They have been trying to kill each other ever since." That seems kind of server, but there teenagers so anything go.
I keep hearing the assaults everywhere I go, I just hope I am just paranoid and drawing imaginary lines.
I then notice something, how did Nate know what I would ask, but before I could ask he went back into the room with Ms. Gore in it. There is always tomorrow.