lucarios story, ch1

My heart was racing and my mind was numb. ive never had a pokemon so i didnt really know what to do. as the adrenaline kicked in i remembered all the survival books ive ever read. i had to keep my mind clear and act fast. i got my medical kit out of my pack

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Warm Seat in a Cold Storm (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the dragon, numbed by ways more than cold, scrambled up out from the muck and into the offered seat.

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Looking Up

For their world remains encased in a prison of walls dark and numb. the walls are suffocating. whispers of pain echo, ricocheting off, cutting deep sufferings that ring mournfully within, and it's all they know.


Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:7 The Surprise

"(sings)how can you see into my open doors..leding you down into my core..where i`ve be-come so numb...with out a spirit`s sleeping some where cold, until you..find it there and" jewelia sings. "wake me up!"

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 15

#15 of darkness darkness chapter 15 renamon (all told in renamon's perspective) it was cold outside but i was already to the point were i was numb enough that i could no longer feel the cold i sat there and thought to myself why!? renamon: why!?!?

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Night thoughts - .7 - BECAUSE Y KNOT

Truth has become something numbing when spoken making me at times, jus feel unreal, in someway broken i'm slipping further into a place i avoid like the plague the solid foundations i walked on regularly are shadows of their past, just...vague...

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Touch the breath from the beast, awaiting its feast, heated anger emanating loudly from it so very much frozen in place, it stops in its chase, as dread fills my being it seems to be growing, ever knowing, my struggle has become to great my body now numb

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Not Feeling Like Myself Today

With a numb sigh, his eyes woke up. his room was surprisingly tiddy for someone in his situation. job after job and none sticking. he gorggily prepared himself some toast with whipped cream. he then looked at his schedule.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Forty Five

numbness. _oh, crap..._ stark was a silverblood. there was silver in his veins, and apparently in his saliva too. i may have been a silverblood as well, but i was a failure.

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The small sharptooth yelped in surprised, and then he screamed at the numbness, that was followed by the burning pain on his rump. "this is for leaving without talking to us!"

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No Light to be Seen: Chapter 13

I had a bad feeling that the monster had something terrible planned but at the time i was too numb and uncaring without zillian by my side to put up a fight.

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Charlotte felt numb. her tears had stopped weeks ago. how long had it been since arc left? a month? two? she'd lost sense of time.

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