Not Feeling Like Myself Today

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Inspired by the Fionna and Cake, obviously.

"N-no, p-please don't wake up!" Rhoun uttered to himself.

His dream was amazing. He was out in space, fixing a magnificent space station at his leisure, he could even sleep on his job! But as soon as the pipes began to whine with the sound of an alarm clock, his lucid dreaming was coming to an end.

With a numb sigh, his eyes woke up.

His room was surprisingly tiddy for someone in his situation. Job after job and none sticking. He gorggily prepared himself some toast with whipped cream. He then looked at his schedule. No job today, just an appointment with Doc.

Which he could barely afford.

He groaned.


"And everything seems alright!" Doc said, wagging his tail, "You chould probably do some cardio, but I'm not seeing any health risks.

"Th-thanks, Doc" Rhoun said, sighing.

"And your last's job's warrantee should covers your fees!"

Rhoun laughed unhappily.


On his way to the gym he saw two carain arguing. One was female and intimidatingly large with scars on her face, the other was a dobberman smaller than her.

"Do I make myself clear?" she barked.

The doberman was still furious, but lowered his ears.

"Yes, Captain."


Her demanour relaxed.

"Spot me, will you?"

He grumbled, and accidently collided with Rhoun.

"Oh, I'm s-so sorry!"

The doberman growled, but upon looking at Rhoun he calmed down suddenly.

"Nah, it's my fault."

He checked him out with his brilliant eyes, and Rhoun felt a little flustered.

"First time here?" the doberman asked.

"Y-yeah" Rhoun said, "H-have to get my c-cardio in order."

The doberman's features softened, and he extended a paw.

"Name's Marruk."

"R-Rhoun" he said as he shook the other carain's paw.

The shake lasted a bit longer than intended, and both felt a bit flustered.

"Hey Marruk, are you going to spot me or what?" the female carain said, loud but in an amused tone.

"Just a minute" Marruk said.

He took out a paper and gave it to Rhoun.

"My number. I know we're going to the same gym, but it is kinda huge. And I'll be busy. See ya around?"

Rhoun nodded, and Marruk went.

Rhoun sighed. Marruk was hot, and completely into him. Maybe staying awake had it's perks.

Then he remembered why he came to the gym, and groaned again.