Looking Up

Story by Velisren on SoFurry

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#1 of Poetry

This poem has actually been published in a university's annual book publication. And to top it all of, it won second place for poetry in said book. I'm quite proud of it.

Looking Up

They walk with downcast eyes, unfocused

Unsure of what the world looks like

Truly, but the weight has pressed

On hunched shoulders and slouched backs.

There are memories in their eyes

Memories of hurts and pits

Of black; cast aside,

Spit out, unwanted, unfit.

They dare not look up, focused

For fear of what they might see:

Something better than they. They trust

That the path below will give them comforting consistency.

They walk with downcast eyes, unfocused

Unaware of the others around them.

For their world remains encased

In a prison of walls dark and numb.

The walls are suffocating.

Whispers of pain echo,

Ricocheting off, cutting deep sufferings

That ring mournfully within, and it's all they know.

They dare not look up, focused

For fear of what they might see.

The dark walls that encased

Stretched higher than they thought would be.

They walk with downcast eyes, unfocused

Blindly turning in circles,

Perhaps sitting in the corner of their high walls, convinced

That the dark will remain comforting, unchanging, endless.

No light reaches them, no arm outstretched

To caress their troubled soul.

Soulless and hopeless, they remain

Bound by the laws that have them hold.

They dare not look up, focused

For fear that what they might see

Will cause the pain to flow in the form of tears shed

Mixed with the blood of a broken despondency.

They walk with downcast eyes, unfocused,

Not realizing: the walls are thin

Like paper. And if hewn down the mid

Would quietly crumble, as loud as a dropped pin.

Freedom rushes into their lungs

As they take unrestricted gasps,

Panting, for the wall had grabbed them, and wrung.

Yet they sing. "Welcome home." The world shouts.

They now dare to look up and focus

On the things of the universe that are queer:

Art in the teardrops and wrist cuts;

Beauty in the trials they surpass, conquer, shear.

Though the ebb and flow of time

Tears and throws, drowns in a bitter cup,

There is hope, help, indeed a mise en abyme,

But only if we start looking up.