Tarase - The Story of Ibsin ad-la Adda

We are just a merchant vessel, bringing goods to and from sevno! and right now, we are on a deadline, we must reach sevno without any interruptions right now!"


The Emu Armada's Invasion

This part of space was usually at least somewhat active with the hustling and bustling of merchant ships. but now... nothing. most would dismiss something like this as just a coincidence and continue on with their day. but he knew better.


Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure Part 2

We figured we'd attack the merchants bringing the coins to her. henry: she's expecting merchants to bring them to her? tam-tam: fantastic! we can pose as one of these merchants to get into the castle. thomas: an excellent idea.

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Azerite Language Notes

Kami-kora-leir: eighth sister ja-boog-leir: eternal dancer detra-zist-leir: defiant one kai-zair-leir: the brawler aura-za-leir: she who watches luci-za-leir: he who judges hav-zist-leir: discordant one wel-shyn-leir: generous merchant


Where does everyone fit in Kyruku society?

These are considered the average citizenry, workers, merchants, trades, poets and other some such; the everyday folks who live next door.

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Twelve Days of Skyrim - TES Arrow in the Knee Christmas Song

"merchant perk?! you mean i have to buy these fur helms?!" three contractions of hell joint, two stolen sweet rolls, and an arrow to the knee! \* \* \* on the eleventh day of skyrim, my companion gave to me... eleven black soul gems!

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2 down 400 billion to go

At least that's what the merchants and travelers who landed in the galileo talked about. he just hoped they weren't exaggerating.

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Origins of Chaya the Shiny Espeon

She had been sold to a slave merchant where she started her training for the life of a slave. after the rough six moons of training she was placed on the front lines to be sold. givin her shiny attribute it wasn't long before she had a new owner.


Cathedral - Kreet 70

She watched as merchants and deliverymen loaded stores into shops along the way, and as servants walked dogs and cleaned walkways as they left the merchant areas behind into the loftier realm of the nobles and wealthier citizens.

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Pride Goes Before the Fall: Chapter 1

After a good walk, the group made their way into the palace district, where the duchess' home resided, next to the palaces and villas of the nobility and wealthy merchants.

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War Of The Litche: Prologue

"it's a merchant town, what did you expect, a quiet monastery?" his lupine companion smirked at him as he came up to his right. "this is a thief's paradise!

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Ch. 15: Hilfa

The troops stationed in the village couldn't afford to send anyone to escort merchant wagons, so the best they could do was watch from afar and intervene when and if the hands of laren ever showed up.

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