The Great Prophet Of Zao Chapter 4: Spears, screams, and blood

Slowly over time eros starts taking steps forward with the rest of the line pushing against the enemy. their bodies covered in sweat and blood, but they still push forward into the enemy line screaming and slashing.

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Change Your Spoons

There were seven furs in line. pretty soon it would be a single line, a double line, and ... who-knew-what. field, inwardly, urged, "hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry ... " "well, i just don't know," the customer laughed. oh, the jocularity!



As he entered the building, he realized that spells had one advantage over the method he wanted to try out; they didn't need to wait in line, as he could observe the long, seemingly endless line that was blocking the help desk.

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Racers Edge

The two kissed and pulled up to the line. the staging lights lit up and the time had come. the tree quickly lit up and the green light flashed. both cars rocked off the line. till about the halfway point it was a dead heat.

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Vince's story

Vince nodded and looked at where pushrod pointed, at where a line was being painted into the road. vince put his car in gear and rolled his car to the line where he waited.

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Receiving End

I get my answer as the second line finally flees and after a sweeping beam what's left of them with a good chunk of the third line is gone in a quaking explosion as ammunition cooks off and fusion cores are breached.

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Saga of the Dark Skald - The Guilder.

He gulped it down and glanced at the panicking lines of soldiers around him. he steeled himself and began to bark commands. "hold the line! fire at will!" he roared and discharged his pistol at the ulvarg.

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Amazing Race Trial

Jennifer kept dragging angie towards the finish line 10 yards away. 5 yards. 3 yards.

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Rubber and Pigskin (Pt. 2)

The offensive and defensive line practiced hiking plays again while gary practiced handoffs to cory. after a while the lines lined up on the 45 yard line like the home team did to help block their view of our plays.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty-Three

The alien laid out a holographic map showing the continent they were fighting on, which had the combat lines drawn on them with the forces at each front.

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 1(.3)

"follow the grey designation line to your group" the man said, pointing at chris's feet. chris looked down and saw a multitude of coloured lines running from the spot he was standing.

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Chapter 17: Sign of the Dark

'there's a thin line between sanity and balls out madness. but in this business it pays to step over the line from time to time.' thought stone as he smiled to himself.

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