The Great Prophet Of Zao Chapter 4: Spears, screams, and blood

Story by Rostav on SoFurry

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#4 of The Great Prophet Of Zao

An unknown enemy with devastating weapons will send an ancient kingdom to the brink of destruction. With chaos surging throughout the land a hero appears from the most unlikely place of all. Which thanks to his tactics and the support of his closest friends his name will be woven into the tapestry of time.

The 2 rabbits push with all their strength to swing the 2 front doors wide open. Everyone else got up from their crouching position and start pouring out of the house. Everyone screams to the top of their lungs as they push and shove each other to get out of the building.

By the time I reach the front doors half of the animals who are in the house have already rushed out. Suddenly I hear the sound of the enemy weapons and feel a sense of relief that I was not in the front of our charge. Dad was in front of me which made it hard for me to see what was happening as I left the building.

Thanks to the darkness of the room once the light hit my eyes it blinds me, and almost makes me trip on the steps going down to the street.

Dad is a couple feet in front of me when he suddenly jumps over a body. I look down to notice that there are 2 bodies on the ground bleeding badly. I shudder in fear as I realize that the 2 bodies are the rabbits that first charged out. I suddenly realize the true danger I'm in. I stop immediately and try to adjust my eyes to the bright day, as screams of pain swallow the sound around me.

I slowly start to get accustomed to the sunlight when I see one of the enemy soldiers charging towards us. Dad quickly moves his spear to the right sending it straight into his stomach. The creature screams in pain and says words that I can't understand. I quickly step to the left side of dad and thrust my spear into his neck silencing him.

He releases his weapon, grabbing my spear as blood starts gushing from his throat and mouth. Dad releases the spear from his stomach and turns to his left facing another enemy soldier.

I try as hard as I can to get my spear out of his neck but his grip is too strong. I let go of the spear and pull out my axe, as I try to get accustomed to the chaos around me.

My eyes have finally adjusted to the light and I slowly start to get my bearings. I realize that I'm in the middle of a chaotic battle. We havecharge out of the house like everyone else and have forced the enemy to be pressed into the middle of the street.

Already there are some bodies lying on the ground. Most of them are screaming in pain, holding the wounds on their bodies, but some of them lay there still, while pools of blood forms around them.

I turn to my left and start heading towards dad but before I can get there I hamster in front of me falls backwards with an enemy soldier sending a dagger through the poor hamster head.

The soldier quickly stands up, turning to face me. He has a deep wound in his side and cut over his right eye which has blood pouring out.

I quickly raise my axe and send it straight down towards him, but without warning the soldier quickly grabs the upper part of my axe's handle and sent his short dagger through my side. The pain is overwhelming and forces me to fall to the ground groaning in pain.

The creature aims his dagger towards my head, but before he can thrust it, Eros with his shield, slams the creature right side sending him to the ground. With no hesitation Eros quickly thrusts his sword into the skull of the enemy soldier. The enemy soldier's body goes limp and Eros quickly pulls out his sword from the creatures skull.

I quickly try to get back up, but the pain in my side is unbearable and I just fall back on the ground. Eros turns to me and says "stay down for now and catch your breath". The idea crosses my mind, but I'm just too scared to think of what would happen if I'd stop now.

That's when I notice a sudden break in the line behind Eros. 5 enemy soldiers charged through and start wreaking havoc. 2 of them noticing Eros back to them and they start to charge towards him.

"Eros behind you"! Eros turns and moves out of the way of the first attacker with a spin of his entire body while bashing his shield on the enemy soldiers back, sending him falling forward on the ground.

Still holding strong to the axe in my right hand, I quickly push my entire body to turn over sending the axe straight to the back of his neck. He falls limp and I quickly turn back to see the 2nd enemy thrust his deformed spear towards Eros head.

Eros quickly pulls his head down and pushes up the deformed spear with his shield. With his right hand he quickly thrusts his sword into the stomach of the enemy soldier.

The creature screams in pain and without warning Eros sends his shield back down slamming into the chest of the enemy soldier. The soldier is thrown backwards landing on his back unconscious.

Eros runs off towards the gap where enemy soldiers are running through. I slowly attempt to get back on my feet. The pain in my side is unbearable but with one final good push I make it.

I look around the battlefield and notice that down on the right were the dogs had ambushed. They have done a lot more damage than we have and now are pushing towards our lines.

A sense of joy starts to overwhelm me. We are winning this battle and all we have to do is hold out till the guard dogs reach us. Even us hamsters and rabbits with our lack of training are actually holding the ground and even fighting back.

Suddenly I remember. "DAD"! I start heading to Eros ho is trying to close up the hall in the line. The wall of hamsters and rabbits waved back and forth with screams and shouts. Their swords, spears, and axes are covered in blood and glistening in the sunlight.

Eros has helped three hamsters and one rabbit reclose the gap and slowly pushed the entities back. "Eros have you seen my dad" I say while looking around in desperation.

Eros by now covered in sweat and exhausted from the battle, turns to me with an irritated face, but notices the fear on my face.

Eros takes a quick breath, calming himself down and says "I haven't seen him but you must help me hold the line or else we might lose the shield wall".

I stood there in pure shock. How could he think that I would not care about my own father, but suddenly I remember dad saying if we don't stand together then will just fall apart.

That's right dad can take care of himself while I do my best to help win this battle. That's what he wants me to do. I nod to Eros and ask "what do you want me to do? Sadly I'm not in the best fighting condition". I point to the wound in my side which thankfully to the belt tightly tied around my body, is helping to slow down the blood flow.

Eros stares at my womb for a second and says "Just stand back and make sure that if an enemy soldier runs past our lines, you will immediately attack them, but remember to attack them from the side so you catch them off guard".

I nod my head and take a couple steps back. Eros turns around and immediately presses himself against the wall of hamsters and rabbits.

It feels like hours standing there watching the line of hamsters and rabbits move back and forth.

For some reason this battle reminded me of when I was looking over the barley fields at my farm and how the fields waved back and forth from the wind. Now I'm looking at metal, leather, bone and flesh doing the same thing right before my eyes. It is beyond terrifying but somehow breathtaking.

Slowly over time Eros starts taking steps forward with the rest of the line pushing against the enemy. Their bodies covered in sweat and blood, but they still push forward into the enemy line screaming and slashing. They start climbing over bodies covered in blood and laying still as if they have fallen into sleep.

I start looking around and see guard dogs running in front of me filling in the week gaps in our wall of sword, shield, and spears. The dogs easily push forward slashing and cutting through the enemy faster and more precise than the rest of us.

Slowly I notice the lines starting to thin out and realize that most of the enemy soldiers are retreating with our animals following close behind. Slowly the line starts to disappear in front of me and more and more of our animals start retreating up the street.

Only now have I realized how exhausted I am and fall to my knees out of breath. My sweat has completely drenched my leather garb making it heavier. I look up and notice Eros jogging back from the clump of animals while heading towards me.

"Marco you sit here and try to put some pressure against your wound". By now Eros wasn't just covered in sweat but also large stains of blood on his armor, though surprisingly the blood doesn't seem to be coming from him.

"I'm going to go up the road and help fight against the remaining enemy army. Once the fighting is over I'll get back to you and try to help you with taking care of your wound. Okay"? I nod in agreement. Eros quickly turns around and runs up the street.

I slowly regain my breath as I look around the street. I see the ungodly amount of corpses on the ground. There are points where there is at least 5 bodies piled on top of each other. There is so much blood on the street to the point I can't even see the street itself.

I notice that there are other hamsters and rabbits lying on the ground crying in pain. I'm surprised that there are no enemy soldiers wounded, though sadly I believe that my allies probably didn't go easy on them.

I thought crosses my mind of dad lying down like the rest of these animals in a pool of his own blood. I quickly get the idea out of my mind but sadly the possibility of him surviving this battleare not looking positive. An overwhelming sense of despair fills me as I look up the road and see all the animals lying on the ground.

I had Eros watching my back and that's the only reason why I'm still breathing. I slowly got back on to my feet and look up the street noticing that by now the enemy army is in full retreat. Behind them a few guard dogs are still chasing down and killing whoever they can get their hands on.

I slowly start making my way up the road along the path dad ran up. The pain in my side aches as I walk, making every step feel like a painful stab into my side.

The overwhelming stench of blood is sickening to my stomach. I immediately fall to my knees and start vomiting out my lunch. Surprisingly for some reason the pain in my side is eased from my spewed food.

I can't stop here, I have to get to dad and see that he is okay. I immediately get back onto my feet with the taste of vomit in my mouth, I start my walk up the street where dad ran off hoping to find him.

For some reason I can't stop staring at all the corpses around me. Even though their dead, there is still blood oozing out of their bodies and even some of them have their limbs chopped off. That's when I see something that makes me feel as if every corpse on the street has disappeared into darkness and the only thing I can see is dad's body on the middle of the street.

I run over as quickly as I can to him. He's lying on his back with many bloodstains on his leather garb. There's one of the enemy soldiers lying on top of him. I quickly throw the enemy soldier off of him and look over his body.

That's when I see the real damage that has been done to him. The soldier that was laying on him had taken his dagger and cut halfway through his belly.

I get on to one knee and inspect the deep cut. Blood is pouring out of their like a stream of water and I am certain that I can see some organs trying to push out as well.

Suddenly I hear a faint whisper "Marco"?

I look up and see dad, slowly open his eyes and looking down at me. I move myself behind him pulling up his back and placing his head on my left shoulder. "Dad you're okay, don't worry were going to get you help. Eros is coming back to help you". I frantically say with a smile on my face as tears run down soaking the fur on my cheeks.

"Don't worry, Eros will patch you up and will go over the river to see mom and Sam. You'll get to see me get my artifact and be so proud". Suddenly dad puts his right hand over my mouth. He places his left hand over the wound of his stomach and looks me in the eyes. "Promise me you'll take care of your mom and sister".

By now I have been crying for so long that the tears are now streaming down my face and onto my leather garb. I try to hold back the tears but I just can't stop whimpering.

I slowly pull away dad's hand from my mouth and say "But dad you'll be fine. You'll be fine...". Dad raises his hand once more placing it against my cheek and with a heavy breath he says "promise".

I look deeply into dad's eyes, That looks so calm and relaxed as if there is not a care in this world. With a smile I say "Of course dad, I promise to take care of mom and Sam". Dad slowly lowers his head looking down the road and says "thank you Marco. Now I can die in peace". With those last words dad's right hand fall's to his side and he slowly closes his eyes.