Willem and Rolf - The Revolt at Castle Minas
lady ophilia said with a smile. the short, young black-and-white furred rabbit queen crossed her legs, her eccentric green dress lightly sparkling like stars as she did so.
Into the Pit Chapter 3: Gym Brat
Terry laughed it off, "i'm sorry, ladies.
Itan's Unfortunate Day 5 {PART 2}
I even felt butterflies in my stomach as i heard the cleaning lady mumble something real close to my stall. i wasn't sure what it was about, but i felt relieved when i heard the lady start to leave.
Rebirth ch26
' * * * (a half an hour later) * * * 'how are thing down at your end my lady?' i asked as i sent a mental note down to lady suicune. 'just about as much as at your end. not much.'
Love in War Chap.1
Randy couldn't help but stare at the ladies gifts. ian noticed and asked, "do you ladies mind if i ask the question that is on rex's mind?" "what question would that be?" athena said with a confused look on her face.
Chapter two: Exiting the castle
"you shall refer to me as lady, scum. you're unimportant to our lord, and go beneath his notice. however, you wouldn't want him to have to notice you, now would you?" "uh... no, mi... lady." "very good.
The Start of things
"all right gentlemen and ladies, we have a two for one here," the ferret yelled. "a brother and sister duo." with that, the auctioneer looked over to the guards and nodded his head.
The Envoy Arrives
There is none lady hunter, though you are also incapable of offering the proper greeting from a warm blood to one of my kind."
Princess and the Guard - General Information
Characters - duras (salamander) blacksmith - gorven [blacksmith] (species undecided) duras's master - madam zira (cat) herbalist - lady topaz (cat) head maid - lord orcus [head chamberlain] - king roger (rabbit) {who framed roger rabbit} - queen jessica
Honor's Sacrifice
"umm...yes sire." she gets up and leaves, heading off to where the lady's room was. " the maid arrives at the lady's room, knocking a few times before she is allowed in.
Thunder #15- Dreams
"i did not name him, my lady." "gina. so did his last owner name him?" "lady gina, we should make haste, as the storm approaches," farhain desperately tried to change the subject. "i don't mind getting a bit wet."
S2 Ep4 Trouble is brewing
Six ladies appearing in the shadows of a conference room are watching the feed of the destruction from a helicopter. "so... those are the destroyers of our work, our parents are not going to like this" one lady said.