Life's Pains (Part 6)
I jammed the keys into the ignition and turned them. the car started with a roar and i pressed the pedal straight to the floor. the car squealed then shot off straight down the road. i heard a gunshot sound, but nothing touched us for some reason.
Ayame's Chronicles- A Change on the Wind, Part 2
As if navigating the forest isn't hard enough, the birdramon's attacks keep on igniting anything dry they touch, setting it ablaze and cutting off more and more of suri's dwindling escape routes. "if only i could find a ...!"
Adventures of Haru and Rai - Ch. 1
Haru took the keys out of the ignition and walked up the stairs to the entrance. the bottom story was stone and didn't have any windows on it. it could pass for a bomb shelter. he snapped his fingers to bring her out of her daze.
Tribal Wars: An Assault is Planned
But for humans, it has flecks that will ignite skin or clothing. it is meant to intimidate as well as kill." "ok, we report back to king."
The World of a Husky - pt. 3
Leo put the key into the ignition and started the car. he unlocked the convertible top as skyler sat in the passenger seat. leo hit the button and the top dropped, as it opened the heat escaped out of the vehicle. "ready?" skyler said to leo.
The Halo Records- Ch. 1
The arbiter came from the right, plasma sword ignited and beginning to slice relentlessly into the oncoming foes, his mind was clear and on edge as he made lunge after lunge, tearing through the resistance without losing a step.
Fur Story: Book I: The Rise - Part III
"he left them in the ignition, why are you two on my case?" he doesn't look nervous anymore, just pissed off. "what are you guys getting at, seriously?"
Unbroken Bonds: Chapter 3
For the next two lessons the day went by much as any other, the chemistry teacher demonstrating an interesting property of pure ethanol by pouring some onto the table and then igniting it, the tables were unharmed.
Flying Mile High Chapter 13
Eventually the remaining engine began sucking in the jet fuel and igniting it. the gulfstream g650 exploded in a big ball of fire, sending shockwaves to the local surroundings.
Life's Pains (part 6)
I jammed the keys into the ignition and turned them. the car started with a roar and i pressed the pedal straight to the floor. the car squealed then shot off straight down the road. i heard a gunshot sound, but nothing touched us for some reason.
As the rockets began to fire up and ignite, eventually launching into the sky, yells of delight turned into screams of terror as missiles rained from the heavens-- non traditional ones, one striking the side of each station and not exploding so much as _releasing
A Bond Unbroken
Maybe it was their eternal love, the fact that every minute counts or a combination of the two that ignited the spark, neither one of them cared why, all that mattered was here and now and the desperate need to join one last time.