A Bond Unbroken

Story by Aiden Windsong on SoFurry

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#2 of Bond Unbroken

This is a story I was collaborating with someone on. It is quite the love story though sadly not finished yet. Due in part to a falling out. Since the site that we posted this on is going down I am reposting it here in the hopes that perhaps I may finish it, and indeed that others can enjoy it.

Here he stood. Conner the Great. Warrior, Clan Leader, Husband, and Failure. As he stood there on his shiny black hoofs, wearing his tartan as the wind ruffled through his white fur, it was the last title that stuck in his mind.

He was a failure. With a battle coming that might very well decide the fate of his people, he was lost. He didn't know where he was, or even how he might get back. The way was blocked to him now either through treachery, or because he was to drained, to worried to concentrate on weaving the proper spell. The only way out now was to hoof it. Only he wasn't sure in what direction to go. The landscape was flat and lifeless. Looking much the same no matter where he looked. There was nothing but snow and ice, and it was bitterly cold. Alone he might strike out and try to make it, but she was with him.

That to him was the worst part about the whole thing. Nisha, the love of his life was with him. She who was so precious and pure was stuck here alongside him. Her comforting arm around him as they stood there together. He pulled her close to him as he considered just what he could do. He could not let her perish, but he knew that they both couldn't survive out here. Not with what little they had, but they had each other at least for one night, and that would have to do.

He did not fear death for he had faced it many times before. Faced it like a warrior, with his nostrils flared and a blade in his paw. Fighting for what he thought was right, for the survival of his people, and for her. He had always thought that was to be his way out of this world. A warriors death. One with honor, one that would be remembered for generations to come. Clearly that was not to be. Yet he could see no better end to his tale then to give it all up for his one true love. To sacrifice himself so that she might be safe.

With his mind set he turned to softer matters. Pulling her to him as he kissed her deeply. Letting the warmth of their love spread so that the chill could no longer reach them. Tonight they had each other, and that was all that mattered.

Conner having dug a shelter in the deep snow for them to be safe from the icing wind and cold in the arctic was holding her so close. His cloak was carefully wrapped around them, making the small space feeling warm and snug. Nisha knew it was an illusion of being safe, somewhere deep in her heart she knew they wouldn't last long out here but she kept up a brave face to not worry Conner further. She could feel his angst that he so carefully tried to hide but she knew him too well. She was so afraid that he would do something foolish in his effort to save her, but surely he should know by now that a life without him wouldn't be worth living.

Laying in his strong arms she turned her face and looked into his eyes, so many words unspoken passed between them, soft tender words whispered in the darkness of there hideout. Words shared between lovers that knew their final hour was rapidly approaching. Maybe it was their eternal love, the fact that every minute counts or a combination of the two that ignited the spark, neither one of them cared why, all that mattered was here and now and the desperate need to join one last time.

With the biting cold around them they knew they couldn't shed any clothing, but the desperation to feel each others hide against their own was too strong. Literally ripping each others clothing open, frantically seeking openings where at least small patches of fur could be felt. Covering her with his body the naked hide parts were kept warm by the other ones body. His strong paws tenderly holding her breasts, gently caressing her nipples, their mouths locked and their tongues passionately dancing.

Her paws almost feverishly searching under his clothing to find his hardness guiding him to her entrance and finally with a gasp they were joined. They started to move with a sense of urgency and desperation, clutching to one and other as if they somehow could mold them selves together to become one. His hard shaft driving in and out with frenzy. Even if they wanted this to last for ever their desperation and love was unstoppable.

As the peek closed in her paws dug into his back, gyrating her hips to meet his as she felt him flare deep within her, her whole body quivering from the inside out. At the crescendo they were both gasping for air, clutching hard to one and other, letting out a scream as the waves came crashing in.

When it was over and they were basking in the afterglow. Holding each other as only two lovers could he began to slowly weave his spell. He wanted her to be safe, and to be happy, and though it pained him he knew there was only one way he could be sure that she would. She would have to forget him, and the life they shared. He hated to take that away from her completely, but he felt it was the only way. She deserved a life of happiness even if could not be there to share it. Part of him hoped that this time they had conceived, that at long last they were to be parents as well as mates, just as he hoped that he would somehow survive and be the one to wake her, but he knew that was not to be. He could already feel the nights chill reaching to his very core, while she slept the sleep of a thousand years. Safe and protected until it was safe for her to once again open her eyes.

The spell was lovingly crafted. It's purpose to put her in a deep sleep, one where she would not age or come to harm no matter how much time might pass. No breath would she take while she waited for the one who would keep her safe. When she was found she would awaken fresh and young, with no memories to hinder her happiness, no past to pull her down. That was his gift to her. Only when he returned to her might those memories return, or if the goddess allowed she was carrying his heir. At the birth of their first all would become clear to her. He had to allow that much, if only so his child might know of him.

With a final kiss on her sweet lips he whispered a promise to one day return, to find a way to be with her again, no matter how long it took. His arms holding her now still form as he silently wept and the cold slowly claimed him, he thought back to the first time he had set eyes on her and slowly began to smile as his eyes closed for the final time and he remembered all those happy times as he drifted off into his eternal slumber.