Blood Rose-21

They were given a fair amount of gold and directed to the nearest boutique. the building was small and warm, heated by a small furnace in a far corner.

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Keeps and Kobolds

Several were carrying carts full of gold and gems, transporting them to a tunnel that lead into a cave further back. many others were busy polishing a large twenty-foot gold statue of a dragon that stood in the center of the cave.

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Seppia: Game Mechs and Out of Character Items

**gold earnings** -dm rolls 2 d-10 dice and the result, multiplied by 10 is the total gold earned from battle. fleeing -fleeing from battle. you do not gain experience or gold.

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exadmini part 1

You win 1 experience and 10,001 gold you receive 10x ultimate life potions, 10x ultimate mana potions, 5x warp scrolls, 1x month vip card, 500x rc coins, 1x 1 day double exp balm and 1x legendary loot mystery box.


Chapter 3 - Far Beyond The Stars

It was adorned with the finest gold that decorated the walls in great patterns which seemed to form some alien language.

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NaNoWriMo 1 - The Details are in the Devil

Feathers spread across the membrane of his wings as his wingspan pulled in slightly, the gold and red all over his body fading as his muzzle hardened into a dark raven's beak.

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Murciél's Madrigal

Some hours later, after an endless-feeling hike through the dark, the glow of gold and yellow returns. not the sunset this time, but a lonely campfire set up beside the road.

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Fire From the Darkness Chapter 7

For reference of worth, the average farmer makes no more than 200 gold gillis a year, and feeding a family of 4 consumes approximately 3/4 of that. anything over 600 gold gillis is considered a small fortune.

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The Jackal's Fortune

"i think it's solid... solid gold..." franciso's mind could not believe what his eyes were seeing. in his arms miguel held a gold statuette. it was as large as a baby and depicted two distinct figures, not one.

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Song of the Summer King: Chapter 2

He didn't look at the king again, but felt the gold eyes burning him until he was out of sight. when he looked up again he saw kjorn, gold as the sun on the slope. shard broke into an undignified sprint, shedding terror in the running.

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You Look Really Sad

And kei will look into those green eyes, with the gold leaf effect that's faded in the intervening years, but only a little, and just say, "you looked really sad."

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Nathanriel's Fate: Chapter 4

In either case bob and angylia seem to have almost just enough lesser gold coins to be able to afford it, though wouldn't have more than a gold or two's worth afterwards.

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