Maverick Hunter - Chapter 3
Utterances of joy and disbelief flowed throughout the cargo bay.
Chapter 1
Along the gaps in it's body, the black dust flowed freely out, the trail disappearing into nothingness.
Industrial Zone Series 3 Episode 1 - Final
Caught off balance as the gunge flow twitched to pour on to her head, she unsteadily took a step to the side and coughed as her face came out from under the flow.
Introduction to Bloop the Alien
As his hand stopped, he could feel the flow of the liquid he'd created. it gently rippled and flowed across his face and eyes, tickling.
Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 11)
His vision burned white until all that existed was a cone consisting of his enemy, and instinct flowed through him, guiding muscle and mind. he felt his body shifting, flowing through form his father had spent a lifetime perfecting.
Power and Pride
Food and drink flowed in the streets and in mouths. ground up herbs, crushed pills, and solutions scraped from the bottom of distilleries passed hands for gold and services--a touch here, a roll in the hay there. life flowed in the city.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 79
_renna is not vallah._ taberah hugged him back, feeling the warmth of her tears flowing down her cheek just as her blood was flowing down her arm. "i love you, too, sorrin." "then let her go. it's just for a little while."
Chapter 80: The Hall of Windows
Evelyn was a white foxhound with a long flowing mane, and as a result, her fur always seemed to glow incredibly bright - brighter than any god in skkye. she was young and beautiful and draped in a long, flowing white gown.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 15
He remembered the bright red anger that had flowed through his body. it was still with him, not quenched in the slightest, only sleeping.
OC Draft: Isaac Aridesh
**likes/dislikes:** women, he has a peculiar way of looking at women, similar to how he looks at piece of artwork, making a mental outline of their physiology to see how their bodies would flow.
1:27 Razor's Edge
A numb, cold feeling flowed over his body as his world began to turn grey. he felt himself spiraling out, out, out into nothing.
unspoken words
Itis not your intent, or your purpose, to rough up the harmonious flow within these seas. often you do not see, amidst the swirling vortex of fish, fragments of thoughts.