1:27 Razor's Edge
#27 of The Underground: The Mercenary
The Mercenary is the first arc of The Underground series
Chapter 27 of 32
Razor's Edge
The rabbit walked away from the vixen, broken in a pathetic blue heap on the floor. Smiling, he walked away thinking about the games to come. He was only toying with the bitch and this was how she was taking it. Once he got the order from Hets, there were no limits to how much he could make her suffer, the things he would do to break her down. He would degrade her, humiliate her, take his time and pleasure with her. And unlike that cheetah bitch he had played around with, this vixen was young and fresh. He walked to his personal chamber, which connected to the interrogation room. He had all night with that blue bitch, so there was no point in rushing anything. Delay the pleasure a little. In his mind's eye he could see what she would look like, pinned beneath his thighs, tears flowing from those pretty eyes as she begged him to stop. Sooner or later, company would show up, and when they did... well, that's when the real fun would begin.
The rabbit walked over to his wall, which was covered in pictures he had printed off. All were of a female in some horrible position, giving him a feeling of arousal. He had been doing this for years now. He remembered his "first" time. It was such a rush feeling that powerful over someone so helpless. He remembered how she had begged, and pleaded with him. However, her cries for mercy only acted as encouragement to the rabbit. Then he did as would end up doing so many. Once he had gotten everything out he disposed of her as one would do an outdated computer. Grabbing his bottle of whiskey, the rabbit took a swig, feeling the alcohol rolling down his throat. After tonight, the blue bitch would be added to his wall, and he would love every second of her torment.
As he brought the bottle up to his mouth again, something latched onto him. The bottle smashed to the concrete floor, sending glass in every direction. The object tightened around his throat cutting off air. The rabbit's natural reaction was to reach behind him and fight whatever was attacking him; however, his paws couldn't connect with his assailant. His paws then went to his neck, trying to relieve the pressure bearing down on his windpipe.
His adrenaline surged through his veins as he struggled for his life. He couldn't move and he couldn't scream; not even when he saw a combat knife positioned directly over his heart. He felt the sharp tip start to break his skin and sink into his soft flesh. He would have cried out in pain if he could have spoken. The knife went in slowly, whoever this was wanted him to suffer. He struggled and kicked and clawed, but the assailant was relentless. He could feel his blood draining down the front of his chest and the knife was almost up to his handle. However, the rabbit could feel nothing now. A numb, cold feeling flowed over his body as his world began to turn grey. He felt himself spiraling out, out, out into nothing.