On the Moon Bridge
The samurai looked for any opening in his enemy's guard, any weakness he could exploit. he only needed one strike. his heart pounded in his chest. he felt more alert to every breath and movement than he ever had before.
Leilani Meets Spiderman
. ^^ those that follow my exploits on furaffinity realize every so often leilani's "creator", vis a vis me, visits the sea otter on her tropical island for philosophical conversations, and they love how we "interact".
Wiroch: Genesis
Drothar knows what we have and will dominate our lands to exploit them.
Tail Underground contribution part 2
It made him look like a protector will thought, a haven for any innocents who had been exploited by the wicked. he smiled.
Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Prologue
Word of toke's exploits has given rise to a cult with him as their guiding deity, and the vengeful sorakine commander, sir klevon, has deployed a hunter more deadly than any they've faced before... zashiel's sister.
The hack: Chapter 8 (Trent)
'there should be a vulnerability, there are always vulnerabilities in a system which can be exploited' scient said.
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 17
Those are all weaknesses your enemies could exploit. and, as sad as i am to say this, even renna could be used against you. but, hezzi... you have a strength no one else in this entire tribe can touch on. it's what you were named after."
Aspen - Chapter 1.1 [Sci-fi TF novel]
With any popular trend, of course, came people trying to exploit it. people like sean fuller.
The Second Promise: Chapter 3, The Living Comet
But you need to understand that in a situation like this, someone may exploit you. especially with your naivety." "i'm not naïve." "until last week, you didn't know what-" _crack!_ an emerald light crossed the sky above out of nowhere.
Jari Perikkila Character Introduction - Prologue
Just stating that simple sentence had required more courage than any of the number of times he'd tried to stand up to his brother or an exploitative supervisor, but the anchor inside his stomach had turned into a balloon at the sheer relief upon finally getting
All he had to do was exploit it and, in some way, call to them. he, of course, didn't go at it alone.
A troll after my own heart
If you would like to join us in our literary exploits, here's the link https://t.me/joinchat/cpoezhclggenroeh0yywvg critiques and comments are appreciated. a dim light. that was all i had in these abandoned hallways.