I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Eighteen
"_ there was no doubt about it. if he was never allowed to fly again, his light would go out for sure. he would become krampus' gateway to val luminara. laetitia would be destroyed.
Deer fight
The same doubts and the same fears reflected in an accusatory and innocent way. at the realization, the fire created by the alcohol faded until fury drained from the moose's face.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 1
My officers can handle any doubts that might be still lingering." "and the rumors about my incompetence?" "all exaggerated," dewitt said. "those rumors only fabricated because they haven't yet seen you.
Worlds Apart - Chapter Fourteen
"doubtful. they keep those schedules down to the second. if a single ship is late it holds up a dozen others, and that screws up transfers across the galaxy."
Suncrest - Chapter 3
Given how harshly tea described the tagging, he had little doubt the lady would call security if pressed. and he had even less doubt tea would be gone long before then. the woman slid a paper across the counter. "fill this out and try not to scream."
Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Ten
Koji had no doubt elected to arrive here rather than simply at the to delay his arrival home that much more. _making me wait. he's going to get an earful!_ serena fafnir had raised eight children.
At Capacity
"i doubt he'd enjoy it anywhere near as much as i would." that brewing chuckle found a way out. "i was thinking the same, actually."
Rider's Bond: Hunter - Chapter 5: Scales and Tails
"fine, but only because i don't want your self-doubt ruining you, but i will break you of this one day. i don't remember the exact wording, but it was almost entirely praise.
Phoenix Destiny
"then i will accept your choice," said alan, still feeling that awe, but unable to doubt the things that aretha had told him. he got to his feet again, stretching with forepaws extended.
The Lone And Level Sands Stretch Far Away
Disturbed by us, no doubt. the structure on one side is a large wall which curves toward the top to become a roof. metal, an iron and carbon alloy, coated with a jaggedly irregular calcite crust.
Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Prelude: “Winds of Ice”
"know the ways of the temple, too, no doubt?" "as much as you know the ways of scouts," he said. at her expression souring, he quickly added, "much more, i think, than i."
Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 09
"i doubt that something like that is going to work for him."