The Journey of Hope

Vast grim wasteland in hope for even we have heard the legends of the fertile river valley just over the next dune after years of the death of my people i once again take the lead for i sense the end to our harrowing journey using the last of my might i divine

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My Awkward "Hopes and Dreams" Lyrics

Even with the blood you might've spilled, or with the friends that you once made, will we hope for divine forgiveness a hollow dream i must dissuade. where will you stand if we do not respond?


The Hunt

The taste of his blood was just divine. he shouted in pain and quickly whipped around, throwing me off of him. i shook the dizziness from the impact out of my head and stood back up. he had began to run. i chased after him before he could get too far.

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Embarrassingly Meaty

The chunk of divine steak lingered for just a moment before the flash of teeth yanked it from the air. omnomnom!

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Carry a Ride (Otherwise Untitled)

With his remaining wing flared, he ducked his head low to inquire, "if y'folk come to a retiree like me, y'must've found yourselfs a diviner and a strong need to be elsewhere.", his beak held open slightly in the manner of a bird intending to express a grin

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**The Unbreakable Bond**

._ _a promise that i will never break, a promise that i will keep forever have for i will pray for the divine one that i believe in to smite me down right where i stand for i am a **fool ** that you love.

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Excerpt for upcoming story! =D

Long back before his time, the few gifted with magic were born of luck or divine will- we're not sure. as their powers grew, so did their greed and the inevitable conflict tore the world asunder, taking heaps of innocents.

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Lovely Judgement

Then i crack my knuckles and give them my divine judgement. "so" he says. "do you want to go out for ramen some time?" "are you paying?"



It's not right, nor left nor in heaven's divine holy plan. must i stay here, a man? i have done all i can! is there some other plan?! insecurity... inevitability... superiority. priorities.

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Tlumisog: Self-Proclaimed King of Reality - Chapter 3

I yelled, "how dare you upset the divine powers of the mighty tlumisog!" mebtilogu used his not-reality powers to not respond. he was more powerful than i thought.

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Light of the Gods Below

Even thinking on the matter, how anyone could treat their divine emissaries as nothing more than a food source, it sickened her. but without virm there was no question, he would die, unless...

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Small Consequences

Driven to the brink of insanity to where you had seen olivia as some divine higher being worthy of your worship. olivia. suddenly you realized that the light meant you could see again.

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