SF:TDF Prologue

As the ship continued to drift close and closer, eventually passing over the small fleet as it rolled on its axis ever so slowly, sarzod contemplated on what to do about this discovery.

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The blink (Government views)

The cold energy is one of my best discoveries. at minus 1 to minus 1000 degrees celsius a compound called "hexofid" begins to shutter. the movement from the hexofid is then harnessed as kinetic energy.

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World descriptions

Fur, fury, space major pc: arrow quincy vershaft, (possibly redtai dacolis) following the discovery of an alternate universe with a high number of habitable planets, our prime timeline used a one-time event to spawn over large amounts

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Fox on a Colony (Otherwise Untitled)

, her tone perking back to that of sharing surprises, discoveries, and secrets, "so, you'll never believe how many people in that gaming club i joined that haven't ever eaten anything that wasn't synthfood!

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Your not alone.

The discovery chapter #2 when they had awoken they were inside of a mental facility inside of some straight jackets.

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Lament, Chapter 2

-\- discovery date: 06/12/2012 recovery date:: 07/12/2012 recovery status: hostile, pacified with force assigned staff: drs. itoshi, manfeld, reynolds -\- the cells were a lot better than they could have been.

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All of the ideas we had had were lost in the waves (An alien world)

We updated our journals and turned on the ship so its sensors, if they still worked, could record environmental data like temperature, humidity, atmospheric gas levels, etc so that there might be some record of our situation and our discoveries.

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Character Description: Atalo

Now working his way up various positions, atalo, at the young age of 19, became the founder and ceo of one of the largest quantum computing companies in the nation, which gained popularity with his discoveries in the field.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Epilogue

Lebeck (that's me).watch for the next novel in the series, "daggers of darkness #4: an unexpected discovery"!

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1. My Memories (Prologue)

I was never nervous before, not even in my first combat patrol, but this isn't any combat patrol, this is an experimental jump into unknown territory, a place where there is no certainty, no sure thing, a place for new discoveries and new dangers, and a place

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Bio-electricity chapter 1

As my fear for the plans frugal had for his "child" grew i took careful note to keep my own unique discoveries secret from him. i devised a computer network that ran on bioelectricity alone and found a unique way to power this system.

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//?A Curious Sergal: Part 6.001

He snapped back into reality, and got ready to deliver his letter... but he was quite curious about the new discovery, and besides, if he set up a bonfire like he usually did, there was no guarantee it would get the city's attention.

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