File #10

Doctor kylen tao had come over to his home and given him a complete examination, much to the concern of his clearly devoted wife. doctor tao's frown lines had indicated that quite a bit of time had passed since his last few memories on the warrior.

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Microscope - Prologue

They are members of a mysterious group who are devoted to the work of the scientist; they seek to incite chaos and conflict to propel society towards a utopia.

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Before The All-Dark

Enemies that might have carried off my diminutive but devoted mouse. a sharp pinching in my spine cleared my head, the skymetal doing its job. my band flared to life, humming softly and bringing my thoughts into focus.

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The Sun Long Set on Amazon/Bonus Content Announcement!

He had it on his phone afterwards so he could devote more time to it, but that previous version wasn't locked. his computer wasn't locked. how could he be so stupid? "your last night is this one, and it ends at midnight," jia said. "you earned this."

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Window idle, with sunken eyes beckoning my lessons were of emotional control the fundamentals of bending others' will casting strings of invisible silk to not rid the world of its permanent ink stain but to change it to my own favorite hue i devoted

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MTG Echo Crossover Thingie

Flynn, ever annoyed that syd was almost slavishly devoted to another person, mused on his own hypocrisy, as he'd do the same for carl. speaking of carl, all where in his mansion, on the couch, drinking beards and watching shitty porn.

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File #3 - "Echoes"

He knew the basics but lacked the specialisation of somebody that had devoted their life to scientific pursuits. "meaning what?" he asked, craning his head behind him to look at his science officer.

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Hunting Death- Sick Fey

But i'm sure they have a reason, probably to test how good my tracking skills are and how devoted i am to persevering. they kept claiming to not trust me but that has to be a lie. after all, what would a fey have to fear from me?

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Journey Through Darkness: The Gluttons

Here it slathers without hunger ceasing upon the gluttonous: souls who's very lives lay devoted to ravenous hunger. as there hunger could never be satisfied in life nor shall it be in death.

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Available Light

He had forgotten this avaricious stranger because he had become a new individual- born-again in a new spirituality devoted to finding the sacred geometry of nature.

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Tales of Unova, Mission: Martha

Florance was the kind of person who would wait devotedly until whatever instruction had been fulfilled. he told his dad that he had to leave.

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Threads - A Development in The Works

devoted to their country, yeah, but they're happy without work." a card was played, and then the chips were thrown in. "well then, they're paid to do what i tell them, so they'll do it."

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