In the Shadow of Life-Prolouge,Part 1:Meet Shadow
#4 of In the Shadow of Life
Hello felow furries! (^.^) i am here to give you my first novel length story, and i hope you enjoy it! I am about 5 chapters into it, but it takes a long time to type it all up, so there might be a long time in between the chapters that i post, sorry. Also, i know this story is a big block of text, but since then i manged to find a beta reader to go over the rest of my chapters. I hope that you all enjoy this little piece of awesomeness that i put together. and now, without further words, let it commence! /(^.^)/\
In the Shadow of Life-Prolouge,Part 1:Meet Shadow
Welcome, I am pleased to meet you. I am Shadow, an Umbreon. I am not like most Umbreon you may find though. I'm colored differently. Instead of yellow rings, mine are blue, and I have yellow eyes instead of red. But besides that, I'm just like any other standard Umbreon. I am what humans would call a shiny. There are others like me out there, but we are widely spaced, and unlikely to meet, being quite rare. I assume this is caused by some flaw in our DNA, like when humans are to small, tall, or just plain strange. I don't like to think of myself as a mistake, more like gifted. I believe that everyone was put on the earth for a reason, wether for as small a task as to give someone a little happiness in their life, or as big as becoming champion of the Sinnoh league. I'm not sure what my purpose is, then again, no one does, or ever will. It certianly wasn't to give my family happiness, thats for sure. I'm sorry, I've been rambling, haven't I? Well here, let me explain. I was born to 2 Flareons, in the forest near Sangem town, in a small village that a small group of pokemon created. I had a brother and 2 sisters. The earliest childhood memories I have are playing with my siblings, just like any other Eevee. I noticed I looked different than them, but I never really thought anything of it. As I got older, my thoughts got clearer. I started remembering things like eating with my family, battle training, and simply growing. There were some other kids nearby, but for some reason, I never seemed to get along well with them, with the exeption of one Absol. One day, when I was finally old enough to keep long thoughts and make decisions, I asked my parents why I looked different from my sisters and brother. They told me it was because of a flaw when I was born, but that it didn't make me any different from the other Eevees. I believed them to. Boy, was that the biggest mistake of my life. A few months after I turned 2, our parents sat us all down and gave us a long talk. It went something like this. "All right everyone, I'm sure your wondering why your mother and I have called you here together. Well, let me start of by asking you all a question. Do any of you know what evolving is?" I was the only one who raised my paw. Just because I didn't get along well with the other Eevees didn't mean I ignored the daily gossip. "Well, for those who haven't, I will explain. Certain pokemon, but not all, have a specific DNA structure, and sometimes it will react to certain conditions, such as when you touch a stone, or you become very smart. When this happens, a pokemon's DNA structure has a reaction to this, and it changes its molecular composition, turning this pokemon into a more powerful being. Most pokemon can only have one or two choices, and some none at all. But you, being Eevees, are quite unique. You have very unstable DNA, and so you react to several different changes in the enviorment around us. In short, you can evolve into one of SEVEN different forms." My siblings, never having heard this before, went insane, babling on and on, but I'd heard this many times before, from gossip passed around by other Eevees. After my parents got them calmed down, they continued. "Like I said, there are seven different types. I believe its time you learned about them now, so you can start thinking about which one you want to be, and focus on that one. I would be quite unhappy if you evolved without knowing what happened, and then to have you be upset all the time because you don't like your new form. Remember, once you make this decision, there is no going back. It would take us forever to explain each one to you, so I'll give you a quick description of each. First, there is Jolteon. They are electric pokemon, and they value speed greatly. Then there is Vaporeon, a water type pokemon. They are fish-like, and they love to swim. Next, there's Flareon, which is what we are. They are a fire type, and have quick changing tempers. Next, Espeon, which are of the phsychic group. They are very calm, quiet, and caring. They can also read people's minds. Then Leafeon, who are grass type in origin. They aren't really all that special, they just like the earth alot. And last but not least is Glaceon. They are an ice type species. They can be snappy sometimes, but overall are very nice. They also love to learn, and are commonly considered the smartest Eevee evolution, or Eeveelution, for short. Second only to Espeon, of course. Once you ponder over this information for awhile, come let us know which one you think you would like to be, and we'll give you a more in depth description about it, as well as how to become one." Before they walked away, I quickly blurted "Wait! I thought you said that there were seven evolutions. You only told us about six of them." "Oh, yes, well, the other one is called an Umbreon, but you don't need to worry about them, just focus on the others." "But why?" "Because, they are horrible, selfish, disrespectful creatures. It's better you don't know anything about them at all." I was quite suprised. I had never heard Umbreons talked about before between the other Eevees. I knew that there were some bad pokemon out there, but I found it hard to believe that there was a whole species devoted to being evil. My curiosity still nagging me, I wanted to learn more about this pokemon. "Now go play with your friends, and think about who you want to be.", My parents told us. As we started to walk away, my parents suddenly called "Shadow, wait! We want to talk a little bit more with you for a second." (Uh oh), I had thought, was I in trouble? As we walked into our underground den, they explained that I was not in trouble, and that they just had to talk to me a little more. They then proceded to tell me what mating was, and how it worked. About 15 minutes later, I was as red in the face as a blood stained tomato berry. "Once your brother and sisters reach your age, we will tell them to, but they are to young right now, so I don't want you to mention any of this to them, O.K.?" I nodded my head yes, and they let me leave. Well, I had just learned about Eeveelutions, plus something else my siblings didn't know. I thought my life couldn't get any better. Boy, I had no idea how right I was.