Love on Christmas
He had definitely not imagined that. ty refilled the mugs and then motioned for the cat to follow him. "bring the cookies."
A Blazin's Fight
This kul was definitely dead, but will that be true for the next, too? and the one after is certainly alive. he had no time to think on his worries; his comrades were already on the way.
Revolution | Chapter XXV: Chains of Tyranny
I certainly convinced zoey that it was definitely him. there was no mistaking him. i would know him if i saw him, and i knew that this was definitely him. i zoomed more on him than the woman to be entirely sure that it was him.
Age of Heroes Ch04 The Quirk Assessment Test
If there was one thing he was pleased about, it was that u.a. definitely had a way of keeping things exciting.
Lost Into the Past Chapter 12
definitely a better spot compared to the north pole. _i've... never felt this bad before... _nathan thought to himself as he shuddered again. he definitely felt sick, that's for sure.
A Shawkingly Good Christmas Break
The feeling i got from flying was definitely exciting. the thought that i was actually flying without external aid was amazing.
Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 2
Especially when there was definitely a need...?" hanbei concluded. "...heh. well, who'da thunk i would have made such a positive impression on ya, bei-bei?
Snake Eye - Under The Influence
Drew's relief was almost tangible - he definitely did not relish the idea of facing down this whole thing all alone.
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 19
It was a massive blur of shadow and dark red angles that didn't seem to want to focus into a definite, static shape.
An Interview with gamestreamer/Psudo
It's definitely still worth a read, and one of the more well-written pieces of babyfur writing out there, but i feel a bit biased.
4 : BlindSighted
_that's cecil, definitely._ "but he asked me, why else would he?" "friendly conversation?" "he asked if i had a _boy-_friend." what does that mean? "okay, but you just met him, two days ago." "but i like him."
Living the Dream, Part Four
It is a challenge that i failed, but i definitely liked the idea of it, and i rather enjoyed the direction the story was taking. it concerns the dream we all share of one day transforming into an anthro, and a look at what might happen in that event.