
"crap balls" i yell at my captian. my captian was named grace mittleston, hes about what, 45? i dunno, but he was the best in the buisness. "we're here, so here!" captian grace throws me my scar-l, and i holster it on my back.

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Issues of a 16 year old boy

I saw "auras" but i don't believe in that crap, nor do i believe in a higher power. i'm gong crazy, and it's driving me to my grave. maybe i should just stop repressing it and show my parents the real me, but that could be bad for the world.

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prequel to GOJ/GNY chapter 8

Smith jumped, "ah crap, if i don't get her food now, she'll kill me! gotta go, gin!" yelled smith as he ran off. "okay then..." muttered gin.

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Wtf is with my dreams?

He sighed and said "crap... fuck.... shit" and continued with just about every swear he (or rather i) could think of. i only nodded as he kept swearing.

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FnaJ: WTF? (part 4)

Sorry for not uploading anything to this story in months, but my computer is total crap i slowly and carefully walked out of the safe room and headed towards the show stage. "hey carl" i said and waved "think you could follow me?"

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Unxpected Dinner

"crap, craaap" selk muttered angrily to himself as he stumbled through the thick brush and overhanging branches, he was hopelessly lost deep within the forest and it was steadily getting darker. "dammit, why did i think this was i smart idea?"

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Chapter Two - A Change For The Better

"crap, i have to get home. ben's probably freaking out!" i said to myself, frowning as i remembered something. my phone was dead, so how did i just... the electric attack maybe? shaking my head, i cleared my thoughts as i continued walking.

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The House on Rainbow Road - 09 - Stephanie

"amber," mary finally spoke up, "i know you're afraid... but-" "don't you pull that _we're all fine if we stick together_ crap on me," amber cut her off. "don't you pick on her!" haley snapped as her temper began to show.

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Daughter of a Devil

"crap." steel grabbed the girl and the angel by the shoulders and tossed them inside, "let's get upstairs, there is a buttload of nonsense to sort out right now."

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new life: chapter 4

I looked at the clock again and it was 6:54 crap! i quickly grabbed my shoes and tied them up got out of the house and went to the bus stop that was at the end of the street at the stop sign.

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Suncrest - Chapter 17

crap. giu picked up his pace. whatever they were planning, he doubted elly would just walk it off. he dropped behind a nearby bench, peaking over to his target. denzel was grinning wide. he gave a signal, the orb caster raising her other hand.

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Presto - Chapter 10

"and yet you were gonna try to blame _me_ for not keeping in touch or some crap? because you're jealous? that's low even for you, tim. i can't even stand this. so he's been avoiding me because he thought i would reject him?

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