Unxpected Dinner
A Reindeer gets lost in the forest and stumbles across the cabin of a rather large wolf who invites him for dinner, although things don't end up like you'd normally think.
"Crap, Craaap" Selk muttered angrily to himself as he stumbled through the thick brush and overhanging branches, he was hopelessly lost deep within the forest and it was steadily getting darker. "Dammit, why did I think this was I smart idea?" Selk said aloud as if expecting an answer, he was cold and hungry and trying to make his way through the bush was difficult he kept tripping on roots and branches were constantly snagging his antlers, all of this combined had put him in an exceptional bad and hopeless mood.
With little chance of finding the trail in the dark Selk slumped down on the base of a large tree "I guess I'll just have to wait until morning to find my out, gonna be a loooong cold night" the Deer mused to himself as he tried to get comfortable for the night. Sleep eluded Selk due to the dropping temperature so he found himself staring off into the vast darkness of the forest, until he noticed something a ways off "do I see light? Or has my mind further decided to worsen my day by now playing tricks on me?" But the more Selk stared the more he started to think the light was actually real. "Hey what have I got to lose?" Selk told himself as he walked closer and closer to the lights, he stumbled out of the bushes and into a small clearing, there was a cozy little house set in the middle of the clearing. Selk was slightly confused yet quite relieved that he had found a possible respite from freezing half to death.
Selk slowly approached the cabin door and briskly knocked unsure of what to expect, the door creaked open. Standing in the doorway was a wolf, he was tall, fairly big build, with dark grey fur, but the thing that drew Selk's eye was his sizeable paunch "oh wow he's big!" "uhh Hi, didn't really mean to bother you, it's just I'm kinda lost out here and thought maybe since you lived here you'd could help me find my way out" Selk said barely avoiding stammering. The big wolf broke out into a warm smile "please come in, come in" he offered as he stepped sideways in the doorway to admit Selk. The Deer stood for a few seconds before entering the house, there were two things that Selk noticed immediately first was that it was mercifully warm and second was that it smelt wonderful, he began to salivate heavily as his stomach gave a huge rumble "that's smells really good, I forgot I haven't eaten in hours". "Lost eh?" came the deep voice from behind Selk making him jump slightly "uh yes, I wandered off the path and had no way of finding my way back" the big Wolf smiled again "I'd like to help but unfortunately I can't, even I have trouble finding my way out of here at night, but please stay the night when morning comes I can easily take you back out" "oh, well thanks I appreciate it".
"I'd bet you're hungry after your little adventure" said the Wolf offering Selk a seat at the kitchen table "well yes, very much actually" "well have a seat; dinner will be ready in just a few moments". Selk sat down at the table as the Wolf turned back to his cooking; despite the smaller house the kitchen was surprisingly large and well equipped with a large range top and dual ovens stacked on each other all of which were being utilized for the dinner preparation. "Would you like a drink" the Wolf called over his shoulder as he stirred a large pot on the stove "yes, please" Selk replied, the Wolf brought over 2 large goblets and a bottle of wine "I haven't introduced myself have I?" he asked as he started to uncork the bottle "I'm Rellach" "I'm Selk, very nice to meet you" said the Deer extending to shake Rellach's free paw "a fine name for a Deer" said Rellach with a hearty grin as he handed Selk a filled goblet "hmm" he thought staring at the wine "would he really try and drug me or poison me? I don't see why, he could easily overpower me if he wanted to", trusting his instincts and not wanting to seem rude Selk took a drink. "Well now, I think it's time I served up some dinner" said Rellach, hoisting himself up from the chair and heading over to the ovens. He opened the top one and pulled out a tray with a huge roast on it, setting that down on the nearby countertop he then opened the bottom over and pulled out a huge chicken and set that beside the roast "well this will have to rest for a few before I can carve them, while we wait let's have the first course" said Rellach with a cheery look on his face, he then produced 2 white china bowls from a cupboard above the stove and filled them from the largest pot.
"This is quite a lot of food for just one" Selk observed as Rellach set down a large bowl on the table in front of him, Rellach seated himself with his own bowl and replied "I suppose it is, but I do enjoy a good dinner as you might be able to tell" he chuckled and rested his paw on his sizeable belly. Selk felt a slight blush creeping up on himself as he try to avoid starring at the Wolf's rounded stomach, he found it to be very attractive on the already big Wolf. Feeling the blush getting worse Selk looked down at his bowl in an attempt to distract himself, the bowl was huge and filled with what looked to be a very thick stew, hearty chunks of some kind of meat, and a variety of root vegetables all in a rich, brown broth. Selk sniffed deep, it smelt amazing "dig in" said Rellach "hope you like it" the Deer dug his spoon deep in the bowl and came up with a huge spoonful, barely letting it cool before shoving it in his mouth. The meat turned out to be lamb and was incredibly tender, Selk was shocked at how fast he had emptied the bowl and ordinarily such an amount of Stew would have been more than enough for a meal in its self let alone an appetizer but it left him only the slightest bit full. Looking up Selk noticed Rellach looking at him with a sly grin "well that didn't last long did it?" he asked "err well I guess I really am hungry" replied Selk blushing slightly "well to be fair it was delicious" "well thanks you!" replied Rellach beaming "hope you're ready for the second course".
Rellach returned to the table and replaced the empty bowls with huge plates loaded with chicken and roast beef followed by a huge stein of beer. Selk's eyes widened at the sight of the plate and stein "pardon me but I believe that a big amount of meat deserves a big beer to go with it" "oh...oh wow, guess I can't argue with that logic" said Selk as he cut a large piece of gravy drenched meat and crammed it in his mouth. The roasted meats were even better than the stew and Selk found himself eating much faster than he was aware of, he only slowed at a point where his pants become uncomfortably tight and he absent mindedly unbuttoned them. Selk was totally lost in the food; nothing else mattered at that time but consuming meat and the occasional quaff from the seemingly bottomless Beer stein. With his plate cleared Selk snapped out of his food trance "erf wow that was just amazing, you can really co-" he began before a huge belch drowned out the rest of his sentence, Selk blushed brightly with embarrassment "oh...jeez sorry" Rellach chuckled heartily 'it's ok that alone says more about my cooking than any words", the Deer smiled with relief "and how you don't mind my pants being unbuttoned, they were just getting kind snug...oh my" Selk gaped at his very bloated white furred gut that was almost resting in his lap, Rellach's grin widened at the sight "well I'm sure you can squeeze some dessert in there". Selk's sweet tooth ached at the thought of dessert "well I suppose a lil something sweet wouldn't hurt" and with that the bloated Deer was presented with an enormous slab of chocolate cake
"Errph dunno if I can eat all this, but I have to, be kinda rude if I didn't" Selk thought to himself as he stared at the massive cake piece "hope you like it, old secret recipe" said Rellach smiling warmly. Selk dug his fork into the slab and got a mouthful, his eyes widened at the taste "oh wow" he managed through the mouthful; the cake wasn't so much cake as it was a large brownie. Selk barely remembered mowing through the cake and then even asking for more, upon finishing the second cake slab Selk snapped out of his food trance and realized how full he really felt "errph" Selk grunted as he tried to pull himself up on the chair, struggling due the significant weight of his gut pinning him slightly. "Well I'll show you to your room now as you're bound to lapse into a bad food come here soon" said Rellach with a slightly amused expression "oh thaaaanks" replied Selk trying and failing to stifle a huge yawn. With Rellach's help the stuffed Deer managed to stand up from the chair but the sudden moment combined with the new concentrated weight almost sent him crashing back down, "oops, hehe lil unbalanced there eh?" smirked Rellach, Selk cradled his huge belly "oof did I really manage to eat THIS much?".
By the time Rellach had lead Selk to his room the gorged Deer was almost asleep standing, the Wolf opened the door and admitted Selk to his room for the night. "This is where we would say good night and this is where you'd be sleeping, but I think I've had a sudden mind change" said Rellach as he stood in the doorway "whaaat?" said Selk barely keeping awake and not having the mental power to comprehend what exactly the wolf was saying until he noticed the look in Rellach's eyes and the fact he seemed to salivating somewhat heavily. "Y'know you're not the first lost soul to wander upon my cabin here" continued Rellach in a strange sort of sultry tone "few have come but none have ever left", Selk's mind snapped awake upon hearing those words "oh hell, friggin wolf wants to eat me!" he thought to himself, panic rising in his chest. "Y'know this sizeable gut didn't all just come from overindulging at dinner" said Rellach as he patted his belly and opened his jaws with the intention of cramming the stuffed Cervine into them, "oh no, oh no! Oh holiest of crap, he is gonna eat me!" Selk thought to himself, mind and heart racing "I gotta stop him! But how?!" as he stared at the ivory fangs of the big wolf some kind of instinct kicked in and he acted suddenly.
Selk reached up and snapped the wolf's jaws closed and without hesitation he lowered Rellach's head by the neck into his own gaping mouth and crammed it in, then slowly leaning over towards the wolf he engulfed more of Rellach's head and neck and started to swallow. With a few hard gulps Selk had managed to swallow Rellach down to just past his shoulders, pushing with his hoofs and with gravity's help it was going more quickly, instinct had mostly taken over. The already bloated Deer was starting to feel painfully full when hit the halfway point of gulping down the big wolf but he seemed to be in a sort of trance and kept swallowing, with Rellach being more than halfway into his belly Selk grabbed the wolf's legs and threw his head back, the sudden momentum knocked him back on his butt but shot almost the entire rest of the wolf down. Now Selk was really feeling the fullness, he could literally feel the skin under his belly fur stretch to accommodate the large wolf on top of the dinner feast but it was almost done and there was no way he could stop now. Another few powerful swallows only the wolf's bushy tail remained hanging out of Selk's mouth, with a quick slurp and one last massive gulp the wolf was fully stuffed into the Deer's now massive belly. With his hands now totally free Selk gingerly rubbed his towering mountain of belly; he couldn't help but moan a bit at the sensation on his incredibly stretched belly skin. "Did I really do that?!" Selk asked aloud as he came back to reality "how have I not exploded?" he rubbed all over his huge, taut gut trying to relive at least some of the intense feeling of tightness, marveling at the areas where his belly was so stretched that fur couldn't cover it and showed reddish patches of stressed skin and seeing the furious thrashing of the Wolf inside. Still the feeling of marvel and constant struggles of the devoured wolf could not override the desperate feelings of drowsiness and with no hope of moving anywhere let alone getting up on the bed Selk slept almost instantly, his massively bloated frame still in the doorway.