Unxpected Dinner
"Crap, Craaap" Selk muttered angrily to himself as he stumbled through the thick brush and overhanging branches, he was hopelessly lost deep within the forest and it was steadily getting darker. "Dammit, why did I think this was I smart idea?" Selk...
L'arc The Bloaty Lion:Beer Keg
"come on, we're gonna be late!" shouted the short black wolf as he pounded on front door, "I'm coming, keep your mane on!" came the somewhat irritated response from inside. The door flew open and L'arc the Lion stepped out,his scruffy mane of hair...
L'arc The Bloaty Lion:Garden Hose
It was a bright clear day; the sun was beating down powerfully making it uncomfortably hot. L'arc was outside watering his front lawn; even in doing something so simple he was sweltering and unfortunately had no ways of cooling off. But as L'arc...
L'arc The Bloaty Lion: Shower
L'arc the lion was standing in front of the mirror looking at his physique. He was tall with broad shoulders creamy brown fur and a scruffy mane of auburn hair; his arms were large with a slight tone of muscle. But L'arc's favorite physical feature on...