The End Won't Faze Me -Chapter 1- Better Safe Than Sorry
We have classified this as the gecko virus. we do not know the full effects, or if they are permanent. all we know is that some furs are immune to the virus.
The Gurardians Shadow ch7
It was the name of those classified as ones that were trained to hunt, subdue, kill, or even destroy those of the computer world that somehow transferred to our world.
DragonZ Chapter 7 --End of Act 1--
"that is classified information sir sorry," the soldier replied "d-59 to sword of the star, the package is secure and heavy two over." as soon as he called us in the hanger blast doors opened up to let us through.
Star Fox: The Unexpected Mission, Chapter 8: Tales of the Reptile ones.
"what i am about to tell classified information. you cannot tell a soul about this..understand? information like this is like gold. you'll give away free gold if you simply tell anyone about don't. got it?"
Chapter 4: An Unexpected Visitor.
She didn't say anything more than that because of its classified or secret if that is what she meant. i once told her that when i was a cub, i admire the star fox but right now it was just a simple dream that will wash away by time.
Identity: Chapter Forty
"that is - what is it your military says - classified?" garrett was more direct. "you do not want to know." ned swallowed the retort. his suspicions confirmed. "please continue."
The Raiders
On a foggy spring morning, a businessman is gleaning through a mound of classifieds posted on the chilly, dirt-caked walls of the cold storage district, narrow eyes focused on numerous, bogus prints.
Hope and Dreams part 20
But none of the thoughts went anywhere, so it couldn't be classified as a nightmare. the cause of him being woken up?. his dad, knocking at his door. nathan remembered groaning aloud and attempting to mutter muffled curses. "hey kiddo.
A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 25
Before now, strong soul never would have classified any of them as friends with any other, but it seemed that she had rubbed off on them almost as much as they had on her.
Airelus, Chapter 0 ~Prologue
For obvious reasons, it has been classified as forbidden and we urge you to never try this ever."
Thirteen Karmic Tales: Thirteenth Tale
In fact, he hadn't even finished posting the ad in the classifieds before he got a call. his new client... he couldn't really pronounce their name. he tried a few times before the client finally told him just to shorten it to sam.
Monster Mankind Chapter 3
Since you are classified as a spirit, you should have the ability to possess people." "like a demon possession?" "more or less. though, possession is one of the least controllable abilities in mythos state, at least among immigrant people.