The End Won't Faze Me -Chapter 1- Better Safe Than Sorry

Story by ZyferWulf on SoFurry

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#1 of The End Won't Faze Me

The End Won't Faze Me -Chapter 1- Better Safe Than Sorry


Just a new story idea I came up with, so I hope that it turned out well. I would really really REALLY appreciate any and all comments, telling me what I did well, and what I can work on, and if I should continue the series.

Well, EnjOy!



I clicked on the news station on my portable radio, hoping to hear something good, or even hear anything at all. The only sound hitting my draconic ears was static and white noise. I turned off the radio and stuck it in my bag, taking the Desert Eagle back in my hand and slinging the bag around my shoulders. This part of the city was completely abandoned for some reason, and it wasn't only because it was in the morning. I turned the corner to find an empty main street, most stores boarded up but everything falling to shambles. 'How could this happen in just twelve days?' I thought to myself, looking for a store or a house with batteries, food, ammo, anything useful. I walked down the street, abandoned cars being one of few signs that the city was inhabited. I saw what looked like a hunting store that was boarded up, but looked completely empty. Checked the door to find it was locked. I punched the frame, causing the flimsy bolt lock to crack. I shook my fist to lessen the pain as I slowly opened the door, scanning the inside of the building. Seeing nothing immediately threatening I stepped in, gun raised slightly. I stepped in completely before allowing the door to swing shut. I felt the cold steel of a gun barrel press against the back of my head. I took my hand off the trigger and raised my hands in peace.

"Any sudden movement, n'I'll blow your head off, got that dragon boy?" A harsh voice said behind me. I slowly began turning, stopping when the barrel was shoved harder against my head. "What did I tell you boy?"


"I wish you no harm." I said calmly. "Please take the gun off my head." The pressure was persistent as he spoke again.


"Why should I? You could be trying one of them!" He said, slightly paranoid.


"Look, I know I'm not infected. I was just looking for provisions. I don't mean you any harm." The barrel of the gun slowly moved away from my head, but remained trained on it. I slowly turned around to see a slightly heavyset bobcat, almost a foot and two thirds shorter than me. Slowly I holstered my pistol and took a step back from him and kneeled, trying to seem less threatening. He seemed to relax slightly, but kept the revolver more or less aimed at me.


"So, what do you want?" He said, still sizing me up. I ran through my head quickly what I had and what I was running low on.


"Batteries and some ammo." I said, deciding that's what I needed most at the moment.


"I may have some of those things, the question is though, what's in it for me?"


I looked around quickly and saw a smashed up radio on his counter. "I've got a radio, but nothings been on it for a while."


He seemed to be thinking about it before nodding slightly. "Tell you what, because the damn zombies smashed up my radio a few days back, give me a listen on your and that'll get you the batteries. However, for the ammo, I'll be wantin somethin more. There's a supermarket about a block that away," He said, pointing in the opposite direction I had come from. "You go get me some kola from there, and I'll see to it you're well supplied."


"Sounds fair, I'll do it." I said, grabbing the radio from my bag and handing it to him. I turned towards the door and grabbed the handle.


"Hey, what's your name, by the way?" He said.


"Drelixx." I said, walking back into the empty streets. The air was ungodly still, not even the subtlest hint of a breeze, which meant the smell of rotted fur and flesh just sat heavily in the ever still air.


I quickly found the supermarket, the lot packed with abandoned cars, many of them stripped of their valuables. I readied my handgun, moving towards the sliding doors. Without power, I had the shove the door aside, making sure to allow enough room for my larger form and wings, still slightly damaged and slowly healing from eleven days ago. The store had no windows, meaning very low light. Luckily for me, dragons' eyes can still see very well, even with the small amount of light that was in the abandoned store. I hears shuffling and hoof steps resonate from somewhere in the store. Maybe this place wasn't so abandoned. I immediately eliminated the thoughts that there were survivors in here, for the darkness would attract far too many infected, and better safe than sorry, so I kept my finger on the trigger, senses running wild in attempt to identify any source of threat. Nothing was moving, so I slowly moved forwards, not risking turning on the flashlight. Basic store design dictates the refrigerated section was in the back, so I began working to the rear of the store, snugly against the wall. I heard a quiet popping sound to my left, over cabinets of flour. I dropped to a knee and trained my Deagle on the top of the column. A gecko demonically crawled around the top and zipped to the wall twenty feet away from me and shot up it, my sights on it's center of mass the whole time. I waited just a moment before continuing more cautiously now than before.


I slid around the corner, now arriving at the back of the store. It seemed mostly clear, so I started forward. I searched quickly, checking for kola on any shelf in the unpowered refrigeration section. What hadn't been looted was spoiled and sour, or torn open and messily eaten. I quickly discovered that the kola wouldn't be here.

"Damn it!" I immediately regretted what I'd yelled as I heard a slight rumble and the sound of a shelf crashing to the ground. Knowing I was in for some bad shit, I turned around and raised my handgun, ready for whatever was going to come at me.


I saw nothing yet between the rows of shelves, but heard something above me. Thinking quickly I dove to my left just before the gecko landed where I once was, jaws wide and claws wicked. It turned it's head at me and hissed. I pulled the trigger and sent the first round slamming into his head, throwing his body limp and crashing to the floor with an errant twitch. Even with the gecko down, I refused to allow my body or mind to relax yet. My ear twitched as another clumsy scratching sound came from my side. I turned just in time to see a bloodied and mutilated jaguar begin to leap towards me. I shot twice into his chest in midair as I slid to the right, his limp body slamming on a few cartons of spoiled milk, sending the milky white substance everywhere. I felt some of it splash onto my shoulder, but I was too preoccupied with keeping my ass alive to care. Two figures whipped around separate aisles and turned towards me, shrieking wildly. Three rounds went flying into the closer one, sending his hulking body crashing to the ground. It slid into the path of the other, who leapt over it and continued yelling. I pulled the trigger three times, but only felt it kick twice. Now that it was closer I could see it was a mutated horse, the bullets only stunning it slightly. I quickly holstered my gun before preparing for his impact.


I ducked his first wild swing, moving under it to the left and jamming my right claws into his chest. At his back I grasped his neck and took his momentum against him, slamming his head into the shelf. From there I jumped back before thrusting my right fist forwards directly at his spine. My fist broke his decaying flesh and plunged in halfway. I tore out my fist and turned on my foot, bringing my other leg around and kicking his shoulders. His entire body was lifted into the air before crashing on the low shelves, slowly crumbling to the ground.


I was ready for whatever what was to come at me next, but there was a momentary hiatus. I drew my handgun again and grabbed another mag from my bag's side pocket and slammed a new clip in, saving the empty one in my pocket. I allowed my muscles to relax a little as I moved further along, trying to identify where the kola would be. I heard something fly through the wind before something struck my shoulder hard. The impact knocked my Deagle from my grasp. I dropped down to grab it and realized that the object thrown at me was the upper torso of an infected panther. I vicious roar came from over the shelves. Deagle in hand I sprinted and rolled to the right as the lower half was thrown at me. I turned my head to see a thirty-five foot mutated bull; it's eyes in a death stare with mine. Shit, this'll be one hell of a fight.


He reached out and wrapped his hand around a support beam and yanked, tearing a near fifty-foot long chunk off and held it as a makeshift sledgehammer. I had one mag in and one mag on backup, leaving me only sixteen shots to take down this behemoth. I dashed over to the closest aisle and leapt up, grabbing the top and climbing up. I sprinted down, trying to get in an optimal position to shoot from. I jumped across the aisle, landing on the next row of shelves that was two aisles away from him. I heard him scream again and slam the pole downwards at me. I jumped aside, it smashing the shelf just a foot from me. Thinking quickly I leapt onto the beam and sprinted ahead towards him. He began lifting it again as I got three-quarters of the beam covered, leaving just about ten feet. I turned around and leapt into a back flip before he swung the column aside. My body was upside down, just above his head and poised to go right over the top. With my sights trained between his eyes, I racked off five shots before I was behind him and coming to the ground. I curled over and landed on the ground, going on a knee to disperse the shock. I looked back at his head to see blood running down his face, one of his eyes blown open and bleeding profusely. He blindly slammed his hand back towards me, causing the tiles to crack just a few feet from me. Quickly I emptied the rest of my clip into the center of his hand. He stumbled back, knocking almost every shelf over in the process. I hit the mag release and grabbed another from my bag. As I slid the next clip in I ran to the knocked over shelves and dashed towards him. As I got closer I jumped as high as I could, my hand reaching for a low-hanging light. I grasped the circular frame and took aim at the bull that was about twelve feet away.


I got three shots off before he swung above me, snapping the cables that were holding the light up. I dropped and rolled to the side and dropped to a knee. I fired the last of my final mag at him, causing a massive roar that shook the entire store. I released the slide on my magnum and holstered it, vigorously searching for something else I could use. The gods were smiling upon me, for I was in the hunting section that was oddly placed in this supermarket. I reached for a three-foot survival knife and tore it from its sheath. I turned just in time to see his fist flying towards me, instincts making me sidestep it. I made sure I had a strong grip on the handle before I plunged the blade into the back of its fist, grabbing the handle with both hands. He reeled back his arm with a loud cry, flinging me with it. I wrapped my legs around his wrist until his arm stopped thrashing around, almost slamming me into the rubble around us twice. Quickly I got a grip with my foot claws and pulled the knife from the flesh with a splatter of blood. He slowly began turning his arm upside down in attempt to make me falter, but each time it turned I would counter and continue up his arm. He leaned back and brought his other arm into a fist. I was halfway between his shoulder and elbow before he leaned back and swung his fist at his other arm where I was, but I had already began my leap. His head turned upwards as I let out a yell, blade raised over my head and ready for the fatal strike. My foot claws dug into his neck as the knife pierced his skull between the eyes, instantaneously causing his death. His muscled tensed up before going limp and he began to fall back. I steadied my stance as he crashed onto the ground, causing the store to rumble.


I pulled the blade from his skull, wiping the blood on my shirt. I looked around at the massive destruction that was caused. I took a step away and felt a stinging pain in my food, accompanied by a crunching of glass. I looked down to see two things, one was a shard of glass had pierced my scales; the other was a pack of kola, somehow left untouched. With one hand I grabbed the crate, and in the other was the blade. Before leaving I decided to keep the blade, so I found the sheath and picked it up, placing the blade in it.


I exited the store to find the sun nearing the horizon, so I hurried back to the bobcats' shop. I slipped the sheathed knife into my bag so I could have a better grip on the crate and move faster.

"Well, I have your kola." I said, shoving the door open.

"Shhhh, I got somethin on your radio, it's a PSA, come quick." Eager to know what was really going on, I set down the crate and moved over to the radio, which was thick with static, but he quickly tuned it in.

"... And we advise everyone to take shelter either in your homes or at a designated shelter you may be near. Be sure to have non-perishable food with you and be alert during the night. From what we have collected, there is a strain of virus that had rapidly spread across the country and possibly the globe. The virus came from a rouge bioengineering facility. We have classified this as the GECKO virus. We do not know the full effects, or if they are permanent. All we know is that some furs are immune to the virus. Please check this channel for the next announcement, we shall keep all the survivors updated every six hours where we will announce anything new we discover. God save us all..." The radio turned back to static as the new settled in.


So, that was it, a runaway genetic virus infecting all those not naturally resistant to it into mutant blood hungry mindless beings of havoc. My head started to throb at the sudden severity of the situation, making me rub my temples to soothe the pounding within. While I was deep in thought, the bobcat must've been collecting a few things negated he was standing in front of me, medium sized bag in one hand, and my radio in the other.

"There you go, a few spare batteries and a good amount of .45 cal ammo. I wish you all the best. May Shierlex smile upon you." With a smile and a nod, I grabbed the bag and radio and stowed it in my bag before heading out the door.


Yea, Shierlex will save us; some winged wolf angel will just descend from the skies and make it all better. Yea, right.