The Gurardians Shadow ch7
#6 of The Guardians Shadow
CH 7
Hunter. It was the name of those classified as ones that were trained to hunt, subdue, kill, or even destroy those of the computer world that somehow transferred to our world. These several people who actually went through the course, only a couple made it through if any. Some even quit within the first week due to the intense training or morals.
Ever since that day when I had killed that little demon, I had dedicated my life to the pursuit of those demons that prayed upon our kind. I wasn't going to allow someone else to feel the sense of lose and pain that I felt, over the lose of those that they hold dear.
I remember the day when I had heard about the hunters. It'd been after I had stalked a very elusive Impmon in Washington near my current residence. The Impmon had been terrorizing a local neighborhood when I had heard about it over the local news. They had said that local area was to be avoided at all costs, and had been quarantined for the publics protection.
Even though the police had been called in to deal the little devil, they couldn't keep up with the thing and had been scrambling around to catch it. Due to the divide and concur technique they used, they believed that they had cornered the dark digimon quickly, only to be picked off one after another while they had searched for it.
It didn't take me long before I showed up and had cornered the little thing in a very simple trap. I had led/pushed him into an alleyway that was very tall and that didn't allow him to jump away. Having my back against the corner to the entrance I looked around the corner, and out of the corner of my eye I could see him try and jump up to the roofs which was the way that he had avoided the police. He looked like a minature version of a purple demon with a white face, red three fingered gloves, three clawed toes on either feet, white face with green eyes, a red bandana around it's neck, and a yellow smiley face on it's chest. He would only be able to jump up to the first floor before he wouldn't be able to get to the third story building on either side and back of the alleyway.
So watching him I took aim with my rifle at the shingles on the roof of back
building and shot, which brought several shingles crashing down. As the Impmon covered it's head to try and avoid having it's head hit by the shingles, I rounded the corner and took a knee, then taking aim through the scope at the thing, let loose a single shot that took the demon off it's feet and plaster itself against the back of the alley. It hit the wall and stayed like it had been nailed there like our god only to slide down the wall and leave a black bloody smear against the wall from the hole that was now in it's head.
As the thing lay there bleeding I simply turned and walked away, as it's body began to decompile and turn into bits of data to be scattered on the wind. When I returned to my motorcycle, which was a simple off road Yamaha I heard.
"I can't believe it. A real live Hunter before my very eyes. Nobody at the school is ever going to believe this." Said a young mans voice. Slowly turning around I saw a boy around the age of 5. He was wearing a pair of brown shorts with a black short sleeve shirt on.
"Sorry kid, never heard of them." To which was my reply. As I packed away the rifle and other gear.
His eyes went from excited to those of disappointment. "Oh man and here I was all excited about meeting one for the first time."
So I took a knee and we got to talking about the Hunters. Apparently they were a small group of people that were very similar to the Green Brays, or at least to the point to intensity of the training and either unfit or unwilling to join the service.
It took me quite a time before I was able to find out at least something about the group. For you see this group didn't like to be contacted or looked for. As in the matrix movies, you didn't contact them, they contacted you. And as it seemed that they had been keeping an eye on me for some time, and had been awaiting my decision as to join them.
It all happened one day when I had been least expecting it. I had just returned home from a recent hunt when the phone had rung and a mans voice spoke from the other end. "So you wish to be one of us young man."
I had no idea as to who this voice belonged to but I had a pretty good idea as to the intent of the idea he was implying. "The hunters." I said back to the mans voice.
"Yes..." He said in a drawn out voice. "What is your answer?" He said in a serious tone.
"If that means that I will be able to get the vengeance that I seek. Then the answer is a no questionable...Yes." Though when I had answered the voice there was no reply as the line went quickly dead, only to be replaced by a knocking at the front door. ‘These guys certainly don't waist time.' So placing the phone down on the receiver, I pulled out a small 22 revolver that I kept tucked behind my back in my pants. Slowly I pulled the hammer back and walked to the door, with the gun ready. Looking through the view window I saw that it was just a simple mail man, and I took a long sigh.
After I had opened the door he quickly thrust a package into my chest and took off at a dead run without a second to spare. As if the package was a bomb or something. So shifting the box around a minute I was surprised when the box covered in a thick brown packaging start to ring. ‘Damn this is getting weird.' So moving into the living room I quickly checked to see if anyone was watching and once I had made sure that nobody was I quickly tore into the package.
Once it was opened I looked inside the box to find a manila envelope and a simple 7/11 phone. The black phone was one of those slide down kind so I slid it down with my pinky and held the phone to my ear.
"For security purposes we need you listen quickly and keep this phone. We cannot meet directly right now or talk over a regular phone as we don't like our conversations interrupted or traced. Within the envelope there is a piece of paper and a card with an address. Once you've red the piece of paper that is in the envelope, throw it into the fire, then go to the address on the card. Once there, we'll contact you again and you'll be given your next set of instructions. Click." The voice was that of someone using a voice changer and didn't even pause for a breath to which could also meant that this persons could have used a computer to say this message.
All of a sudden the word fire clicked in the back of my mind and I looked out the open living room window. If there had been someone there I couldn't see them now, and they were probably long gone. ‘Secretive bunch.' So I set the phone down next to open box and first pulled out he card attached by a piece of tape to the envelope. The address on the card was that of the abandoned warehouses in the industry district.
Placing the card next to the phone I pulled out the piece of paper from the envelope. The letters on the paper were of course printed on by an old printer. The sheet of paper had a list of many different things, but was mostly that of cloths and weapons. It said that I needed at least a week of combat wear gear and any choice of weapons that suited me. Though it said that I wouldn't need ammunition as that would be provided latter.
So not knowing what they were really getting at I decided to be cautious and get at least several clips of ammo, just in case. After reading over the paper a few more times to make sure that I had the info memorized, I tossed the sheet into the flames of the propane fireplace fire and watched as the fire happily licked at the paper. It didn't take me long to have everything quickly packed and ready to go. I didn't need to leave a note for my foster parents as they were used to me disappearing for a week or more, as I would often do this on my own personal hunts. So throwing everything onto my bike I quickly kicked the well worn in engine over and quickly sped off without a glance over my shoulder.
It didn't take me long before I arrived at the abandoned warehouse district and find the indicated warehouse. So reviving the engine I sped around the building, to inspect it for anyone around or escape routes if need be. Once I had checked out the building's exterior I sped around to the front and into the roll up metal door and into the dimly lit interior. As I stopped in the center of the building I heard the door behind me quickly slide shut as if pulled down by a massive weight.
Then out of the corner of my eye I could see men start appearing from around the upper scaffolding from their hiding places. Then pull out AK-47's and train them on me.
"Turn the engine off and slowly dismount the bike." Slowly doing as the man said I knew that these men were professional killers, as they not only had the upper ground but left me without a single place to hide fromm the crossfire that would surely come. Complying with the man I hit he kill switch and threw my military duffle bag away and raised my arms. Once that was done I kicked out the bike stand, got off my bike, and walked away.
Only when I heard the click of someone switching a guns safety off did I flick my wrists and the semi automatic 22's that I had hidden in my sleeves move into my hands and fired several at the offending person. Though I had probably just violated some kind of rule, nobody returned fire on me as I unloaded a quarter of both clips at the person.
When I started looking at the other men did I realize that the other people were just standing there, and upon further looks did I realize that they were just manikins. Looking back at the man did I see that he was the only person that was real and laying down shaking. "Why you little shit. I'm going to kill you." But before he could get back to his feet did I hear someone behind me clapping.
"And what would you think that would accomplish?" Slowly lowering my head I looked behind me from the corner of my eye. A man dressed in what looks like a business suit, is slowly approaching me from the shadows of the corner of the building's lower part. "You fail to realize that even though you have the high ground, that you no longer have your weapon and you are in a prime position to be killed if he wishes it." He says to the man still clapping, then stops altogether when he's a few feet from me. "Not to mention that you were the one who broke MY rule first." He says to the man in a serious tone.
"I only turned the safety off when I saw that you were entering the building sir." Though the man ignored the underling as he smiled to me.
"I can assure you that he is no longer a threat. So if you'd be so kind." He pointed to my guns. I don't look at him as I slowly release my grip on the guns and they slide back into their holsters on my wrists.
Just then I hear the sound of the man on the upper scaffolding scramble for what I believe is his gun. I simply flick my right wrist again and the gun flings to my hand and I fire off a single shot, effectively buzzing the man before he can get to what I can see is the gun not far away. "The next one wont be a warning shot." I warn him.
"Damn it Simmons." He yells as I look at the man and see that he has his fingers in his ears. "Would someone get up there and relieve him of his weapons. Before someone gets killed." Just then I see that several of he manikins swing their guns around to their backs from the straps on their guns, run over to him, place him in handcuffs, and escort him away. "Now if your quite done showing off, I would like to see those things holstered." So looking around the room I can now see that every person that I had thought was a manikin begin to move and take aim at me.
Releasing the gun again it slides back into it's holster again and I face the man. "I hope that wasn't part of the initiation." As I hear someone chuckle from the scaffolding.
"One of our hot headed and newest recruits." He nods to the person he had called Simmons as he's led away by two of the manikins.
From that point on things were a little more normal, or what would be considered normal for a group of people who were basically a civilian version of the Army. From this point on I can't really describe what the place and it's training methods were like due to the security of the organization of the Hunters. Though I will say that there was a lot of book work on these creatures from the computer world, as well as different weapon trainings, and methods of their use.
I remember the first time that we had gone out to try and deal with a rogue digimon, by the name of Guardromon. It had been a mission that was said to be a group hunt, as these things were damn difficult to deal with, due to their armor. As we had loaded up with several high caliber rounds, but I'd the strange idea that something like this probably wouldn't be that hard to deal with.
As it turned out, it was I who had finally taken the bulky machine down. Once everyone had nearly unloaded all their rounds on that thing, I just smiled as I threw an overly powerful magnet and watched the events unfold. Once the magnet had come into contact with it's body, it seemed to go into shock and convulsed. There was a quick screech and a puff of smoke from it's body, then the thing fell to the ground face first where it lay dead.
So when we returned from the hunt, and the story was told of the successful hunt due to the rookie's unusual weapon. This caused no end to the red faces of some of the senior members of the hunters, and the quick advance to graduation of said rooky, to that of hunter.
It hadn't been long after that when the army had hired me on as a Hunter to deal with digimon from a certain portion of the US.