Hellhounds: Bait
He was only wearing a black tank-top and camouflage pants, which provided perfect cover for a dark night like this. right now he was hiding behind a tree, cradling a knife in his right hand.
Star Fox: Tiberium War (Chapter Eight: Reconnissance)
They then proceeded to cover the cloudrunner with it, and hopefully camouflage the cloudrunner from enemy patrols. after an hour's work, haggar said, "alright, done. now what, ghost?"
Shaydes of the Past 2- Tiger's Eye
Seeing this, jade gave a shriek of rage and vanished as her camouflage power kicked in. zeng growled out a curse, then swung around, punching at the air. 'what can i do?' asked shayde.
Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond (CH4)
He has a green trench coat on with a camo shirt under it. his cargo pants were the same pattern of camo as his shirt.
Jumping Mouse, Part 1
A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 4-New Beginings
There was a bright flash of light and then six or seven men in red camouflage uniforms came in along with a few taliban fighters. the russian's quickly subdued john and his team and threw them in chains.
Life as a Elite Part 1
A prophet came up next to the arbiter suddenly, he had been using active camouflage. " you think he will suit to be beside you in the covenant?" the prophet sat there thinking for a moment. " let us see how he dose. but he has the warrior's heart.
Doodle Story: New Friends
He looked exactly like that giant werewolf creature they saw back in the bathroom, except he wasn't coated in black fur, and his pants weren't camouflage. he actually looked a bit like garurumon, except he was bipedal.
Life as a Elite Chapter 1
A prophet came up next to the arbiter suddenly, he had been using active camouflage. " you think he will suit to be beside you in the covenant?" the prophet sat there thinking for a moment. " let us see how he dose. but he has the warrior's heart.
Curse Claws Ch. 1 Fear Incarnate
Even though mcneil was in his black camouflage fatigues the battle scared white wolf was easily recognizable.
Sexist Windows
The rosettes and spots in my thick grey fur were the same shade as the dark window, looking less like camouflage or decoration and more like gaps in my being. thunder rumbled.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 2
Oh, to answer that question, 'here' is actually the black planet; it's a rather curious bit of space rock - it's so named because the shadow of the rings around it make it difficult to see from the rest of the galaxy; a kind of camouflage, if you will, which