A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 4-New Beginings
#4 of ADT-The Star's Journey
Emelia Renxiang is the Animal Tamer in one of the world's most premier traveling circus. She and her sister have tamed anything from Ferrets to mighty Lions. One day, an event leads to an introduction of a new friend, an Eastern Dragon. What happens next will shatter Emelia's world and cast her into a chain of events that promises to forever change the way she will look at the world.
I was roused early the next morning by the sound of rifle fire and rocket launchers too close for comfort. My guess was American Forces clashing with one of the many terrorist groups that called this area home. It disgusted me really. I understood that the American's were here to try and free the Iraqi people from rule by a dictator, whose name I kept forgetting, so I didn't fault them, again, it was the person in power in the first place that I faulted. I wiped the sleep from my eyes as a few bullets ripped through the lower levels of the tent, letting in small beams of sun light. I could hear a load of screaming outside.
"Do not let the American's capture it!", One of the voices shouted, sounding Arabic, but why he was speaking English was beyond me,"set fire to the tent,the American's must not have it!". "John are you hearing this shit!?",another man, sounding American shouted. "Yeah!", a third man replied, "force them back, if they want something in that tent, we can't let them have it!" "John", I asked myself, "is it the man from the Tarot card?" I looked into the box of cards and saw that several of them were glowing, they were the Emperor, Fool, Brute, Sorcerer, Archer and The Snake. My guess was that those six men were a team of Soldiers, or maybe private civilian contractors that regularly served with the US army. What I also noticed was that I could clearly distinguish the sounds and tone of the men's voices over the sound of the gun fire, which was hurting my ears. I guessed that when I changed, it changed everything. The gunfire lasted for about 20 seconds and then stopped, just stopped, causing me to freak a little bit and pull myself further into the net.
"Clear", I heard the first man say from outside.
There was a rip of fully automatic gunfire that lasted for almost 20 seconds before it stopped and I could hear quite well what sounded like someone reloading their weapon.
"What could they have wanted so badly?", the first voice asked with a slight pant.
"Me?", I asked myself, "but how would they know I'm here?"
"Bout to find the fuck out!", the second man growled as the tent flap came open and six, desert tan clad American Marines walked in.
"Smell's like dead shit!", one of them, who sounded wuite young said.
"Split off" the man in the back said, "scour this tent, find what they wanted and bring it to me! I wanna know what was so important to be worth burning down half a fucking city!"
The man in the back was most certainly their leader, I could tell just by the way he talked and carried himself "John". The youngest on the team seemed about 16, but he might have been older "Jackson." The biggest of the six also looked to be the oldest as well as the second in command "Hudson". The other three looked to be about the same age and appeared to specialize in different areas than the other three, "Wyatt, Frank, Issac."
The names began shooting off in my head, one after another like a broken record of a bad song on loop, "John, Hudson, Jackson, Wyatt, Frank, Issac" Each time the names rattled off was like taking a sledgehammer to the side of my face and because of it, I fell out of the net and landed right on top of John and before I could back off, I felt myself overwhelmed with an urge to tear him to pieces.
"This is too easy little girl, wouldn't you say? I would."
Siazach's voice drilled in my head as I opened my mouth wide and lunged at John's neck. He grabbed my jaws in both hands and at first, easily overpowered me, but as Siazach's control over my actions increased, he began to lose out as the demon was far stronger than he was.
"Get out of my head! Leave my brain alone!"
"Never! Never!"
I was two inches from tearing John's throat out when I felt a train smash into the side of my head and I was on the ground quicker than I could realize where the blow had actually come from. John pulled him self up as the big man grabbed me by my horns and slammed my head into the ground, braking my jaw in the process. Even Siazach's influence wasn't strong enough to over come this man's super human strength, it was like someone had piled anvils on top of my head and then tied me to a bridge. I felt Siazach give up and leave my body, handing it back to me as John wiped the dirt off his face and grunted.
"Restrain the damn thing."
The Marines wound zipties around my ankles and the big man Hudson wound duck tape around my muzzle before backing off and inspecting me.
"It's a fucking DRAGON!", John said angrily.
"It's female too", Hudson said inspecting me closely, "no wonder the bastards wanted it."
"If they wanted it", Issac said, "and it's female, think maybe they have a male?"
"Possibly", John replied, "but it's also possible they wanted it to train it."
"Like as a combat solider?", Wyatt asked.
"It's quite poss...", there was a sound,like a solid piece of metal landing on the dirt.
"FLASHBANG!", Hudson shouted, "shel..."
There was a bright flash of light and then six or seven men in red camouflage uniforms came in along with a few Taliban fighters. The Russian's quickly subdued John and his team and threw them in chains.
"We have held up our end of the deal Mister Mohammad", the Russian Captain said, "in exchange for your "gift", we receive the Marines."
"Of course commander Letseniki", the Arabic man said leaning down to look at me, "just make sure that the American Dogs suffer."
"They will know suffering beyond their wildest dreams", the man said as he and his men carted the unconscious Marines out to a waiting chopper. The terrorists then lifted me up off the dirt of the tent and carted me out to a flat bed truck where they chained me down and covered me with a tarp as the chopper lifted off. The truck lurched and started forward as the chopper vanished into oblivion.
The time faded, the light died, soon it was just the bumping of the truck with bad springs, an aching back, and a sore nose from trying to breathe through it all day. I'd been working at the zipties all day, finally managing to get enough leverage to get my front paw free and cut the tie on my back legs. I slid my claw down the duck tape muzzle and pulled it off, managing to get air into my lungs for the first time in several hours. I also found with my movement, the chains that were being used to restrain me broke like twigs, but didn't fall off. I peeked out from under the blanket and only saw a Chevy Camaro behind us that was covered in dust and only had one man in it, who looked like an Iraqi citizen. I peeked out the other way and didn't see anyone in front of us. Siazach had said that my skin was indestructible, so it was now or never. I threw the cloth off me and came jumped off the back of the truck, reaching inside the truck for the driver and passenger as the Camaro behind us came to a stop and did a burnout as it's driver tried to back up and get away. I threw the men to the side of the road and landed, flaring my wings as I approached them. They look horrified.
"Where did they take those Marines!", I hissed, "tell me and I won't cook you like a bag of microwave popcorn! Deal expires in ten seconds! Nine! Eight!"
"They took them to Vietnam!", one of the men said.
"Where!", I roared, "seven, six!"
"Deep in the Vietnamese Jungle", the second man said, "in a Russian owned bunker! We don't know it's location! We swear on the Quran!"
"If I find out you are lying to me", I hissed lowering my head to their eye level, "I will come back and hunt you down. You have no idea what you may have just screwed over. If I'm right, your God will be no where to be found!"
I flared my wings and rocketed into the sky, finding that the flying came quite easily. The problem was that I was in Iraq, and the men said Vietnam, that was a long fly in a passenger jet, and seeing as how I was on my own power, and time was of the essence, the situation was that much worse. The first thing I would need is a way to orient myself so I wouldn't fly right past the country. I figured I could fix the problem by flying low and watching for landmarks, but I also figured that would get me seen and that was probably something I didn't need after the last eight hours.
That was when I remembered the cards and flared my wings as brakes as if I were running, then remembered I was 400 feet up, just barely managing to stabilize myself.
"Fuck!", I cried at myself, "the cards! Their back at the ten..."
I felt the cold silver in my paw and looked down to see the box of cards resting as if I had never lost them.
"They will always return", Siazach said inside my head, "the cards may not be separated until your task is complete."
'Well at least he did that", I thought as I kept flying. I remembered that the cards glowed the closer the people they resembled got to them, so I wondered if I could use it as a compass. I slowed until I was hovering and then pulled The Emperor card out of the box, letting it lay flat in my paw. To my amazement, the card lifted into the sky, pointed West, and took off. I followed after it.