Dragonheart Part 84

"but when you see it like you're right, i was also captivated by the calm.

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GOJ:A love story: Simon and Tegan's banishment, a love story between two villains

Tegan growled, "get off him now father." she ordered in a calming yet angry tone of voice. he glared at her, "you disobeyed my orders tegan.

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The Rose of the Wolf

The wolf calmly walks forward now, with the rose in hand, and presses the petals of compassion to the breast of the "hero". "my goal is to see that all around me have paid for what they have done," i say calmly.

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Asteroid Catastrophe

Ok, calm down, calm down. what should i do now? i don't know. let's consider this, pretty straight-forward: a giant piece of space rock with the size of hawaii, travelling 4 times the speed of sound, heading toward my apartment in less than a day.

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Out of Time, Out of Space Chapter 3

Rusty starts struggling against his captors, but i try to calm him down. "rusty, rusty! such commotion. it's all right. don't fight." "but..." "but nothing. it's ok.

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The anger within

I didn't feel like i had earlier. being outside calmed my nerves and my mind alot. it wasnt till a bit later that i realized that i should have heeded my little voice. it happened faster than i realized.

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Identity: Chapter Twenty-Five

"ladies and gents" the doberman said with what ned had to admit was a very calm tone under the circumstances, "please stay calm. everything is under control. what you just saw was nothin' but a terrorist attempt to ruin this fine event.

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After the Storm - Part 11 [A walk to remember]

"jason, calm down..." the garchomp raised his arms to try and calm the riolu. "you're creating a scene..." "stay away from me!" jason backed up in a panic. "just... back off..." "jason, please don't make it harder than it has to be."

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A Giant Problem III

"just stay calm, jason," dr stevenson said in my ear i nodded slightly. dr stevenson could read my emotions from a long distance off.

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Knight Class - Part 3

I looked up to arcem, my face again expressionless but that time behind it was complete calmness. he was staring me with a flabbergasted mug, what had happened still not settled in his mind.

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Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 4

When his hands touch mine in the brief instant of taking the money out of my hands i could swear that an overwhelming sense of calm comes over me, the song even calming down to little more than a chirp in the back of my head.

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Calmer Heads

Cassie could block his anger and his connection to the memories of the events today, until we can discover how to keep him calm."

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