Knight Class - Part 3
#3 of Knight Class (Dropped)
This is the part I was waiting for and hope it came out right. Leave a comment if you feel like it and I would thank you it you find any weird wordings.
Until then
I found myself a little shocked at his comment, to know that us two were a 'well--know pair' was a revelation to me. But I could think about in another time, I had to focus on what was happening at that moment. Next to me Arcem stepped out first.
"Don't trip on your way up" he taunted.
I scowled slightly at his words. His tail was held high and swishing slowly from side to side as he climbed the staircase and marched towards the middle of the stage, where our former instructor was awaiting us. I took a last glance at the small owlet in front of me and received a nod before I also stared to make my way.
"I hope you can show me something interesting, child" I heard him whisper as I passed by.
My eyes widened and my body turned violently only so I could watch him retreat with the others to the seats. I forgot all about any kind of sensation in my gut at once. Could it be that he knew? I remained motionless for a second pondering that question. Once I concluded it was useless to think about it I turned again and calmly continued. Whether Mr. Sinis knew or not what I hid, I had to thank him anyways for relieving me of my anxiety.
"Then" Mr. Dext began, "give me your knives, and any other weapon you might have on you. Even if this's just a Práctica Armada, you'll be using the enchanted weapons we prepared for this match."
"Why is that?" Arcem questioned monotonously.
"Nobody really came here to see their youngs hurting each other, see? Those weapons are enchanted so they cannot cut flesh, so rest assured you'll be safe. Don't slack off though. It'll still hurt like hell if you get cut and your clothes will be damaged. Will only intervene if see necessary."
Both of us obeyed and handed him what he had asked for; I noticed both of us only had one knife each to give. With the weapons in his grasp he didn't add another word and simply walked away. I was following him with my eyes until Arcem himself moved; I might have caught a faint smirk on his muzzle before it was out of my sight. He walked over a rack holding different weapons that had been placed at an edge.
I didn't move immediately and instead invested some seconds looking around, at the crowd. I could easily locate father, his white and black fur being quite distinguishable among the mass of mostly browns and grays; he was in a spot close to the platform. Under that criterion finding Anne should have been equally easy but the female graduates were having a quick meeting at that same time, having an event of hers to hold just as important as ours. It wouldn't last long but me having taken first turn Anne wouldn't make it. Kind of a pity.
I was brought back from my reverie when I noticed Arcem standing at one end of the stage staring at me bored, having already taken a broad sword as his weapon. I quickly turned towards the rack and walked over. I didn't even look at every weapon available when I noticed a sword, noticeably narrower than Arcem's, which I thought suited me and took it. Then I moved to the opposing end of the arena, facing Arcem.
The crowd was awfully quiet at that point, expectant at our every movement. Mr. Dext had left and I couldn't distinguish any kind of signal which could tell us when to start. Some seconds passed like that, with no one making a move. I supposed it was up to us to decide when to begin.
I braced myself, deciding to take the first attack. I took a final breath, and I guessed I had closed my eyes, even if for an instant, because the next I became aware of was a wolf rapidly approaching and raising his sword with two paws. Having being caught unprepared I didn't move at first; I opted to receive the assault. I raised my sword in time to block his with the blunt side, using my left paw to support the blade as to not being pushed back from the impact.
I felt him thrusting down without receding, as if he believed he could eventually cut the metal. We held that stance for long seconds, no one of us really trying to break it. He probably wanted to bring me to my knees with sheer power and demonstrate he was stronger, and I was probably just being stubborn into opposing him. We continued to struggle with each other, waiting for an opening.
"Will you go?" He suddenly asked.
I gave him a quizzical look, not really sure what he had meant. He gave me back what I could only describe as a confident smirk.
"She asked you to dance the First Dance with her, isn't it? Anne."
Bewilderment took me as I wondered how he knew about that. I considered what to say to the abrupt discussion. He didn't give me much time to think though.
"I request you to turn her down."
He spoke formally, even considering the position we were in. But then he broke it and swiftly leaped backwards, landing on the same spot he had been just some seconds ago. Again, he didn't give me a chance to articulate a word.
"It's rumored you two are going out, but I know that's not true. However, her invitation to you is a hindrance to my plans so I would like you to turn her down."
My reasoning could only lead me to one conclusion. He wanted to be Anne´s partner and I was in his way. Actually, I didn't have a problem with that, and I would have stepped down on his request. But the whole situation had started to irritate me. He had brought a completely unrelated topic into the battlefield. He had spoken as if he actually knew about me. And he had directly told me I was a hindrance. My face became expressionless, but it was only to mask my annoyance.
"Why should I turn her down?" I simply inquired.
He seemed taken aback by the question and actually hesitated before opening his maw. He lowered his sword and looked me straight with a serious expression.
"Do you have feeling for her?" it was an uncomfortable subject. "If you have feelings for her then I'll take back my words."
The conversation had taken a turn for the worst. I didn't like to talk about such topics. I didn't like to voice out what I felt.
"It's- It's none of your concern" I tried to evade.
He didn't accept my answer. He walked forward and stopped a step in front of me. He repeated his question, more slowly and piercing than the first time.
"Do you have feeling for her?"
A kind of panic struck me and mixed with my annoyance; it was a bad combination. I wanted to finish the conversation and return to the duel that had turned important to me. I would had said anything to put an end to it, but unluckily for me in that kind of state I could only muster the truth, in the worst way possible.
"I don't" I began scornfully, "and please stop putting us together. If you want to ask her, go ahead. I don't care. I don't have feelings for her. I never had even the..." my words were cut when I felt something strike the side of my head.
From the corner of my eye I saw a white lump falling to the floor. I turned to inspect better the object and saw a white stuffed cat toy, its silly face staring me back. Astounded I raised my sight towards the crowd to find Anne, her ears were straight up and her tail swishing from side to side. Her face wasn't one of reproach, nor anger; it wasn't one of sadness or disappointment either; her expression was mildly irritated, like pouting. But it didn't alleviate me of the tumult I felt.
"Idiot" she stated before turning.
I didn't take off my eyes of her as long as I could still distinguish her white pelt amongst the crowd. I became aware of the stares of the fursons and felt the turmoil inside me grow. I could practically hear my heart pounding in my chest over the whispers and my tail tighten around my abdomen.
"Sorry" Arcem said.
That only made snap. I don't think the ager I felt showed in my face; instead I think my expression went blank, concealing madness. I raised my sword and drew it towards the wolf standing almost next to me. He quickly hoisted his to block successfully. I didn't press further and swiftly took the weak of his blade in my left paw. His eyes followed my movement only to widen at the sight.
From where I was touching the metal a layer of frost started to spread. The once brilliant gray material was being turned opaque with a crust of white and blue. Arcen didn't move until he noticed the frostbite coming closer to his paw and he hurriedly released his sword and backed. I wasn't supporting the weapon so it slipped and fell to the floor, shattering upon contact.
I stared at the pieces, my emotions receding. It was done, it couldn't be undone, and I had just resigned. I looked up to Arcem, my face again expressionless but that time behind it was complete calmness. He was staring me with a flabbergasted mug, what had happened still not settled in his mind. Having lost his weapon I had won the Práctica, and probably he wouldn't approach me now that I wasn't in his way anymore. I blocked whatever was happening on my surrounding and turned towards the staircase, beginning to make my way out of the stage, and the festival.
I had to halt even before reaching the center of the arena though; father stood on the edge and blocked my path. His expression was calm yet severe, extremely aggravated by what had taken place.
"What's that you just have done?" He demanded with a restrained tone.
My ears flattened remembering my mistake and my eyes dropped to the floor. I realized sourly that nothing that day had gone as I had planned. I didn't respond; I didn't know how to respond. Father didn't make a move either and just awaited. Then I noticed a figure approaching from behind father. I raised my sight slightly to see another ruby red clad wolf stop next to him.
The wolf was bigger than Arcem, as tall as father, obviously an adult, and his dark grey fur had some lighter tones. He gazed me with an unrecognizable expression but then his eyes went to somewhere behind me.
"Come, Valen" he said calmly.
I remained still and didn't turn, but soon Arcem passed me and walked towards the other wolf. As far as I could see his tail hung low and his ears were drawn back. He descended the first step and halted, likely waiting for the other wolf. That other wolf was turning to leave when father spoke again.
"I made you a question. Answer" the restrain in his tone had diminished.
"You can't blame your cub entirely" the wolf intervened. "This is where your decisions have led to and now you mustn't act recklessly."
"You're right. It was my decision therefore this is my issue, don't get involved." His voice had calmed a little, yet he didn't look at the wolf as he spoke. His gaze was fixed on me alone.
"Both of us know now I will have to" his words sounded pained.
Father's face grimaced. The two of them didn´t say another word and that made me notice how quiet it was. The crowd had gone completely silent, observing the spectacle we were giving.
"Stay out of it" father began quietly, "this is an issue of our house and we'll deal with it the two of us. Outsiders must stay away." The intensity of his words had grown with the time and he had decided to face the wolf.
"I'll leave it" I whispered.
Father's ears twitched and the wolf turned to look at me intently. Everything had really not gone as I had planned. Panic had struck me again and I was blurting out my thoughts. But I didn't care at that moment as long as it gave me the opportunity to dash away. I dared to raise my head, a mix of fear and morbid content on it.
"I'll leave" I said more clearly yet shaky. "I'm an adult now. I'll leave the house and live by myself."
The wolf had returned to father's side giving me his full attention and a serious frown. Father was speechless and his face showed it openly.
"Now I repeat those words to you, cub" the wolf stressed. "Don't act recklessly."
I couldn't respond. At that moment I wondered how I could had even uttered that previous statement. The grip of my tail tightened painfully as much as the one of my paw on the sword. Then father suddenly reacted, his expression holding back expressing his fury but his ears showed me its back. He suddenly strode pass me, making me twist my head to follow his movements. He reached the rack of weapons and took a sword similar to mine. Next he turned and pointed the blade towards me.
"You won't leave the house unless you can pass over me!" He declared.
I could feel the insides of my abdomen immediately constrict. My paw gripped the handle of the sword even more tightly to suppress the growing trembles. I could hear the beat of my hearth more loudly than ever. I thought my body would go scorching hot, but instead I felt a chill. I could perceive the warm leaving my body and my right eye tingled viciously as I lost some awareness. I finally recovered some composure when I noticed my breath. It was coming out foggy, as in a cold day.
A sudden clank allowed me to completely regain control of my senses. Focusing on father once more I saw the sword on the floor and shock beyond words on his face. Puzzlement invaded me.
"Cub" the wolf called.
I turned my full attention to him unconsciously, probably awaiting some kind of answer, or a solution. But his face was deadly serious; I could tell he was holding back a snarl or parting his lips. Behind him Arcem had turned and now stared me with an astounded expression. The wolf continued cautiously.
"Since when do you have that on your eye?"
I didn't know what he had meant for a moment before a thought crossed my mind. I slowly raised my left paw and guided it to my right eye where I had felt the tingle before. I couldn't find anything different, but I already knew I wouldn't. My vision wasn't any different. I had only one way to be certain.
"Did it change?"