Oh So Tragic - Part 4
She stormed into the kitchen and grabbed the bottle opener out of a drawer.
Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 3 of 37
Momentarily blinded by the refrigerator light, i pull out a bottle of water and down nearly half of it in long gulps. cooled, i put the bottle back and with a slurp and a suction of air, i belch.
A Very shiny Christmas
How did you... you got me a 250ml bottle of this stuff!?"
Potent Supplements
Inside, he found several bottles of a thick, grey liquid. the title and label of the stuff were in a foreign language, though the word 'imisipha' was written in large block letters across its front.
Diamond Run Forever
The young mare trots back, her horn aglow as she offers him only a half bottle, "here you are, mr run." she tells him, giving a little bow to the not-so-old male.
Doctors visit
Archer held the bottle for jade to drink, jade latched onto the bottle and began to suckle, he began to purr and archer smiled.
“Ro’Jo The Mage” A Story inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion
He was annyoed that aragonian dared to speak to him like this, but he was in no position to argue, he reached into his coin purse and reluctantly paid the aragonian for both room and a bottle of sprits. "a bottle of cyrdiil brandy!"
The Perfume (Anthro Shaymin TF/TG/MC) [TRADE]
The woman nodded pulling another bottle out of her suit pocket, spraying jax again. jax's eyes dropped like her mind just went blank.
1:27 Razor's Edge
As he brought the bottle up to his mouth again, something latched onto him. the bottle smashed to the concrete floor, sending glass in every direction. the object tightened around his throat cutting off air.
Fair Date
Aiming for the second row of bottles, they let loose. the ring slipped from their paws as their wrist went straight and flew forward. their aim was true, and the ring landed staunchly on the second bottle from the right, on the bottom row.
The Table is Adjourned
The thought of her kneeling there supporting cans and beer-bottles and pizza is one that irritates him slightly. they should at least get her home and cleaned up.
Backyard Cookout
To his surprise, his mom gently pulled his thumb out of his mouth, only to replace it with the nipple of a bottle of formula. he looked inquisitively up at her even as he started sucking on the bottle out of instinct. "all part of a deluxe diapering."