Oh So Tragic - Part 4
#4 of Oh So Tragic
The story of a freelance thief and mercenary who slowly begins to find and weed out a strange and complicated mess of plans and tricks to kill her.
writing, characters (c) me
Even after she had changed into a tank-top and jean shorts and cleaned herself up she was still too frustrated to think. Slamming a fist down on the table, she snarled at herself. At her own stupidity.
Someone knew too much. Everything today had felt like it'd been planned.
She racked her mind for any enemies who she knew might pull off a stunt like today. A few made the list, but even so, she still couldn't put it together
"This is stupid...." she hissed, and went to one of the shelves, pulling a wine bottle and a glass out of the kitchen and into the living room, setting them down on the coffee table by the couch. She was about to sit down after grabbing the TV remote when she realized she'd forgotten a bottle opener. Sighing, she sat down anyway, muttering to herself. "I probably would've just gotten drunk, anyways."
So she turned on the TV and turned it to the news, wondering what they had to say about her today. She grumbled through the weather report, which predicted cloudy skies and rain showers for the next few days. Then her ears pricked.
And now breaking news:
Late today, the wanted criminal, Whitefire Tequilla, was reported to have been in a car with the famous Russian scientist Ralone Bolshakov. They were being followed by two men, both greyhounds, in a high-speed chase on King Street. Whitefire and one of the greyhounds were both trying to gun each other down, Ralone says. Whitefire shot both of the men in the heads and their car swerved into the nearest shop window. The men have not been able to be identified because of the damage of the bullet wounds.
Whitefire snorted as Ralone was suddenly on TV. His teeth were showing in an amused smile, and he laughed as the reporters interviewed him.
Did you have any idea who she was?
Ahaha... no, I did not. She had told me her name, but I have no knowledge of who is criminal and who is not in America. I don't make frequent trips here.
"Liar." Whitefire grumped.
Where were you going before the chase?
AHAH!! We were actually on our way to a date.
While the reporter recovered from his answer, Ralone turned and looked at the camera, smiling.
Hey Whitefire! Call me up sometime, will you?
He gave a wink and the interview cut off, going back the news people, who began discussing the event.
Her fur bristled and she hissed. "WHAT?! Is he a complete idiot?!" She stormed into the kitchen and grabbed the bottle opener out of a drawer.