Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 31

Lyndis whirled around, facing her adversary while the dragon observed her with a hint of amusement. "hardly," mused tiamat. "do you require more to test your skills against?"

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A Task

Structure life's path in an instant a stirring mark in a crosshair lined up in a red cross destiny in the hand of reflex bang, a blast, a flash, a sudden jolt all in the motion to slay the mark clamour, panic, fear and desperation with it arose sheer amusement

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*Poem* Species Dysphoria I

[sd1_7_400.png](http://glycanthrope.com/sd1_7_400.png) | * * * \* "six flags" is a reference to an amusement park in texas

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Uncatchable: Espeon

Interrupted as he was batted with a paw again, espeon snickering in his amusement of the rabbit's treatment.

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The Fractal Paw

I'd been watching you for years as you went about your excursions and taking joy in tormenting those less fortunate than yourself for your own amusement.

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A Worn Down Lizard

Smirking, sunderfoot was deeply amused by how well the wolfess was handling herself around him, all things considered. few people could keep eye contact with him, and she hadn't broken it once.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep15

"jeez, and i thought an elephant never forgets," hazard sighed with a headshake and the guard wasn't amused by the wolf's remark. "look here, you either scram or get some hurting. which one is it?"

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The Twisted Begining pt3

He got amused and listened to it for a few moments before moving on. then, when he was near the middle, he found something. it was a long hallway similar to the one he saw in the dream and it led into a large room.

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Life of a theif

I heard an amused chuckle from nearby and turned around to see a large blue and green dragon walking from a tunnel to my right into the cavern where i was.

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A Spike for an Elephant

She clenched her legs together as shelf-conscious amusement swept over her. another burst of laughter escaped her mouth.

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With The Best Friend Part 2

Jenna asked, a hint of amusement in her otherwise dry voice. "sis, i have limits too" sydney said, "no amount of explosions and ass shots saved the robot movies. they're all garbage in my eyes."

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A fox's struggle - 05 - Sharing enabled

Turning to face his mother, a half amused, half worried look on her face, "what pictures?" "now jj, there's no reason to be embarrassed", resting a hand gently on her sons arm.

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