Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep15

Story by hazbaz on SoFurry

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#15 of LoM 08

At nightfall, Hazard, Sasuga and Panja went to Cirque de la Rosa for its last show in the city and it was more packed than ever. Rinami did well for giving them those tickets; otherwise they wouldn't be able to find a single seat amidst the horde of eager crowd.

"Boy, is the place packed. I guess because it's the last day before the circus moves to another city. I wonder if there's even any seats left," Sasuga said when she saw how full the ring seats were.

"No worries, Rinami told me to go meet her at her trailer and she'll let us in," Hazard said as he led his two friends to the performers' lounge and was faced by that same security guard standing by the entrance.

"Sorry, employees only," the big elephant prevented them from access.

"Hey, remember me? I'm Rinami's acquaintance, from couple days ago? You can let us in," Hazard explained to the guard and showed him the tickets that Rinami gave to them, but he was stubbornly unconvinced.

"I don't care if you're the mayor of the city, you're not getting in."

"Jeez, and I thought an elephant never forgets," Hazard sighed with a headshake and the guard wasn't amused by the wolf's remark.

"Look here, you either scram or get some hurting. Which one is it?" the security guard huffed through his trunk and gripped his baton.

"Hey! Don't talk to him like that, or you're the one who'll be hurting, bud!" Panja retorted but Sasuga stopped him.

"Calm down! He's just doing his job. Let's find another way to meet Rinami," the kirin reasonably said.

"You better listen to your lady friend. Now fuck off," the guard grunted at them, but a yellow blur flashed right by him from behind and then they all saw Rinami hugging Hazard tight.

"Hazard! You finally came!" the fox chirped joyfully, her arms wrapped around the flustered wolf's neck and pressing snugly into his chest. She was in her glittering dancer outfit, in preparation for her act.

"Ack! Easy, Rina, you're gonna snap my neck!" Hazard yelped, as Sasuga giggled lightly at their cute antics, while Panja looked away with a grouchy face, rolling his eyes, which Sasuga then noticed and made her a bit anxious.

"I'm glad you came too!" Rinami then turned to Sasuga and Panja and greeted them cheerfully.

"Oh, we were happy to. Thanks for the tickets, I hope it was no trouble," Sasuga replied in gratitude.

"Not at all, we're all friends now, right?" Rinami said, looking up at the white lion with a hopeful smile.

"R-Right..." Panja breathed, trying hard not to blush at how cute the fox girl looked. Sasuga let out a soft sigh; it was good to see that Panja was at least making an effort to be nice to Rinami.

"Well, what're you waiting for? Come on in!" Rinami welcomingly invited them into circus backstage.

"We tried to, but this brick wall wouldn't let us," Hazard stated.

"I'm sorry, Miss Rinami, I didn't know they were with you," the security guard apologized.

"Oh, it's okay, Gordon! I should've told you in advance, so that's my mistake. It's good to see you work hard to keep all of us safe!" Rinami complimented him amiably.

"Simply my job, Miss. Sorry about that, you may enter," the big elephant said and stepped aside, making way for them to pass through.

"No hard feelings, big guy," Hazard nodded.

"Yes, thanks, Mr. Gordon," Sasuga smiled back at the guard as she and the others walked into the backstage. It was exciting to see what the insides of a circus backstage were like, with all kinds of different performers and workers getting the preparation ready for another big show, the place bustling with activities. On their way, they came across the circus ringmaster.

"Rinami! I've been looking all over for you! You have to get ready, we're starting in fifteen minutes!" the blue colored seal exclaimed the second he caught the vixen, looking quite engaged by getting everything and everyone in place before they raise the curtains.

"Relax, Antonio! We still have time. Come, I want you to meet someone," the fox said and dragged the seal by his arm over to her friends. "This is Hazard and his two friends, Panja and Sasuga. He's the one I told you about!"

"Ohhh... so you're Rinami's fiancé! If I didn't know any better, I'd beat you up to bloody pulp!" the ringmaster heatedly said, glaring at Hazard.

"Whuh...?" the golden wolf blinked in confusion, wondering what the hell he did wrong.

"Because if you, we're losing one of our best performers! I don't want to even think how we'll be able to manage without our Rinami when she leaves Cirque de la Rosa to be with you! What do you have to say for yourself?!" the seal continued to growl at the wolf, making him sweat nervously.

"Well... I'm not really..." Hazard stammered for a bit before the ringmaster burst into a big laughter, as the wolf and the other two looked back at him strangely.

"Oh, don't worry; I was just yanking your tail. You should've seen the look in your face, though!" the ringmaster amusingly chuckled.

"Uhh... yeah, you sure got me," Hazard mumbled awkwardly.

"Oh, Antonio, you can be so mean!" Rinami giggled.

"Pardon me, all. I'm Antonio Osvaldo, the ringmaster of this circus. Great to have you all here. Any friend of our Rinami is a guest in Cirque de ka Rosa!" the seal properly introduced himself, genially welcoming them.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Osvaldo. I love your show! It's so amazing!" Sasuga remarked excitedly.

"Why thank you! It's always a pleasure to meet with fans and hear their approval! It makes all the sweat and blood we put into the show worth every drop," Antonio replied agreeably. "However, it sure saddens me greatly that you're leaving us, Rinami. We're going to miss you very much here. I still hope you'll reconsider; no one else can replace you as our star," he then regrettably stated.

"Aww, I'll miss you too, Antonio," Rinami said wistfully, hugging the full-figured seal gently. "You've all been good to me these last couple of years. I'll never forget the time I've spent with you all, and always be grateful. But I have to be with Hazard, it's my final decision."

"Well, if that's what you really want, I'll say no more. It's not going to be the same without you, but I wish you the best. You have to make tonight show your most spectacular act yet in return!"

"Without a doubt! I'll blow their minds!"

"Atta' girl! You take good care of her, my good man. She's a precious jewel, y'hear?" Antonio addressed the golden wolf.

"Of course," Hazard answered with a little bashful smirk.

"Anyway, I still have to get everything ready; I got a show to run! Enjoy the show! Break a leg, Rinami!" the seal said and excused himself, going off to attend the other aspects of the circus.

"Wow, Rinami, you're really beloved here, huh?" Sasuga remarked. She was quite touched by how the circus was fond of the fox and didn't want to let go of her. Even that stern security guard mellowed down when she was around. Rinami must be a really sweet and spirited girl to easily affect the people around her and make them like her easily. The kirin whished if she had a little of that, frankly.

"Well, it was a great experience living with everyone here. Everyone does their best and work together, like one big family. I had some wonderful memories here; I'm truly going to miss them..." Rinami replied as she fondly reflected her life with the circus group.

"Sorry you have to leave the people you got attached to, Rina," Hazard softly said, petting the vixen's arm.

Rinami shook her head. "No, that's fine! Now I'll look forward to make new wonderful memories with you, Hazard!" she thoughtfully stated as she held Hazard hand against her chest caringly.

"Erm, yeah... sure..." the wolf mumbled with a slight blush. She sure had a way to embarrass him with that mushy stuff.

"Okay, okay, are we gonnna go see the show or what?" Panja then interrupted them after getting weary of watching those two going gushy on each other.

"Oh, you're right Panja! It's about start any minute now. Follow me, I know a good view from the backstage," Rinami said and led them to where to she meant, waiting for the circus show to start.

"Right then, I think everything is in place. What else am I missing?" Antonio pondered to himself after he finished making sure the preparation for the show was complete, scratching his smooth head. "Oh crap, that's right! My hat and mic! I must've left them in my office!" he remembered and quickly headed over to his private quarter to retrieve them. He found his red ringmaster hat hanging by a hook on a wall and the headphone microphone sitting on top of his desk. He grabbed the microphone and equipped it on his ear, and then as he turned around to get his hat, he was surprised by two unexpected guests showing up before him from out of the blue. "Wh-What in the world? Who are you?"

"Pardon us for dropping in uninvited, but you won't be attending the show, Mr. Ringmaster," Jale said with a wicked leer, with Megalo standing next to him.

"What the hell?! Who are you people and what do you want!?" Antonio snarled, but he then received a smack on the face from Megalo's fist that knocked him over to the back against his desk.

"Shut your maw, you old fart, you have no idea who're you dealing with," Megalo sneered, cracking his knuckles.

Antonio groaned in pain as he rubbed his swollen cheek, shakily getting up. "Ugh... H-Help! Security!" He tried to call out for the security guard through his headphone mic, but Jale waved his index finger at him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... Don't bother yourself. Nobody is going to come. Haven't you wondered how we didn't have a hard time getting in here? I've told your security men to go out and take a long break, so they won't be back for a good while. I can be very convincing," the black raven smirked smugly.

"Wh-What do you want from me!?" the seal stammered fretfully.

Jale stepped in closer to him and then took the headphone mic from Antonio's ear. "You won't be needing this anymore," Jale said, putting the mic on the side of his head. "He's all yours, Meggy."

"You don't need to tell me," the panther leered toothfully and brought out his long sharp claws from one his hands, much to the seal's horror, as he helplessly watched Megalo approach him.

"N-No! What're you...! D-Don't! Please!" Antonio pleaded fearfully as he backed away into a wall.

"Ooohh, I love it when they fucking BEG!" Megalo purred deviously, as he raised his arm up, and slashed, painting the room red.

To be continued...