Travelling Remastered- Chapter 2

For the most part, life on the ship was good. I had asked Ro'in about everything, but his answers were pretty sketchy. Apparently, a scouting ship of theirs had found our planet, but had been completely appalled at the way we were treating it. They had...

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A Passage of Time

Tiny impacts of tiny paws upon Johnathan's tail stirred him from his slumber. Tiny voices lowered to a conspiratorial whisper tickled his ears and the words brought a familiar blend of exasperation and amusement into his slowly waking thoughts. "Blue...

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A New Life (Part 3)

Brande awoke with a jolt, panting and shaking. "What in the..." Brande trailed off as he rose his head from the ground to find it to be completely dark. Groaning, he pushed himself off the ground. On his knees, he looked around at his surroundings. ...

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Guardians: Chapter Ten

(\*Warning\* This is my shortest chapter yet. XD It does little more than explain how the next chapters come about. XD Anyway sorry for the shortness this story is slowly nearing it's close. -AZR) Guardians: Chapter Ten: A New Mission ...

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Eyes of stone : Chapter 1

Hey. This is the first _real_ chapter of my story "Eyes of Stone". The prologue was a bit of a quick introduction, and by all means is not needed to understand the characters. Think of the prologue as a teaser... Anyway, here's the first chapter, I...

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Falling in ... with style Part 1

Falling in ... with style this in my mind is probably one of my best ideas yet, although it may need tweeks and adjustments that im not aware of yet. the sun high in the cloudless sky blazing down on the bettered wastes known as the capital...

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An Adventure in Scufitania

A long time ago there was a city called Pilrough, this was the city or peace and harmony. A city created to bring the five main groups of life together. The Dragons, Felines, Canines, Avians, and Humans. For a while Pilrough was the center of...

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book: fear of my insanity, chapter one: a new day of old dreams.

her bright blue eyes suddenly open to a small sliver of light shining in through a small hole in her tent left be the not fully closed zipper, she lifted her self up and began pushing her way out of the sleeping bag she noticed something, "Dam it,...

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Of Satyr and Gods Pt. 1

_This is the first part of a story I'm attempting to write. If I get good feedback, I may write up the second part. Which will actually have something sexy in it._ Crashing through the undergrowth, the girl fled. Her sobs were loud and her...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 30

The bell rang. Ket started in his seat, shockwaves of panic flowing across his body, made literal by the splaying of his fur. It was not the actual bell like he had first thought; it was the timer-bell that Ms. Hupp used to time their tests and...

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The Last Tale- Chapter One

Chapter One The circle of golden sunlight crawled along the floor, making the dancing dust motes glimmer. As the temperature in the eyrie warmed, the large body in the straw moved, lavender feathers rustling. One eye opened, blinking slowly. A low...

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A Fox's Family (Part 8)

Inside the plane the team was silent. All any of them could hear was the hum of the engines softly purring through the early morning sky. It was an old cargo plane fitted for evening jumps. The team relied on it along with their contracted ferret...

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