The Mourning After - Chapter 12 (Moving On)
#13 of Malakye's Story - Part 3 (The Mourning After)
This is the final chapter of the 'Moving On' arc of the story and we finish it up with Callidus trying to juggle all his responsibilities in addition to arranging the hunt for the demon.
The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol () depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.
This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!
I always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism.******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
"Warlord Stern is currently dealing with the drakes in our squads. He is explaining to them not to mention anything of this, to anyone." He explained. "And the consequences they will suffer if any of them should speak of it."
"Good." Callidus said. "He will make his report to us at his earliest convenience, and I will speak to the drakes in your squads myself, to ensure they understand just how imperitive the matter of their silence is." The tone Callidus used made a shiver run up my own spine. I felt a little sorry for those drakes but their silence was important.
"I will tell him my Lords."
"Once we are rested we will head out once more." Xavier said. "We will hunt this demon down and kill it before it can hurt anyone else."
"No!" I interrupted. "You will remain in Zangar until the tournament is over."
"Kaldor! This is not the time for worrying about the tournament!" Callidus snapped at me. "We must hunt down and kill this demon before it attacks Zangar!"
"And how are you going to explain away why the tournament has been cancelled?" I countered. "We have already made the preparations, and by now the most of the warriors willing to compete will have put their names forward."
"We shall simply tell them we were unable to fulfil the...."
"Cut the crap Callidus!" I snap. "The tournament is going to go ahead as planned!"
"Kaldor! Your being unreasonable!"
"If you cancel the tournament questions will be asked! And rumours will spread about the shadow that those warriors saw while out on patrol! It will cause a panic!" I say pulling ever feasible reason I could out of my ass. "We need to distract them while we come up with a plan to deal with the demon."
"My Lord!" Xavier protested.
"And both you and Stern are going to stay and help with the tournament!" I commanded. "You will not leave Zangar without my permission!"
"Kaldor..." Callidus gave a sigh of exasperation. "You are being unreasonable!"
"Those are my orders!" I said defiantly. "The tournament will go ahead as planned. Once it is over we will organise the hunt for the demon!"******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
"Will that be all my Lord?" The serving girl asked.
Kirva... that's her name. The same female I had caught my son in the library with. Ever since that incident she had been trying hard to please me, as if to make up for her mistake. The mistake wasn't hers, the blame falls on my son.
The thin slip of a female, too skinny for my liking, even though she had a decent set of breasts on her. Attractive but not enough for me to break the oath I swore to my wives about sleeping with the help.
"That will be everything." I said dismissively as I lifted the cup of tea she had poured for me. I held it to my muzzle and savoured the fragrant scent of herbs of the brew as she scurried off.
Tea was such a luxury here. Many places have come up with their own versions of it, and I've tried many, but the best still comes from Erythea*. I would have to make sure to ask that the trade caravan purchases more for me. I sipped the hot beverage and savoured the taste. The temperature was perfect.
It was going to be a long day. The final preparations of the festival were underway and in three days the festival would begin once the sun set. The following day the tournament would begin... the logistics of arranging the shifts for the warriors to attend had been a nightmare in itself but it was done now. But what concerned me more was the possibility that a demon could be running amok in the mountains.
Why was Kaldor so insistent that the tournaments go ahead?! Xavier and Stern could be out there right now hunting the beast down. Demons were an unknown quantity. The weakest could be easily bested by the average warrior but the most powerful would require a guardian deity to defeat them. The Guardian Deities themselves had not been seen or heard to have walked among the populace for a long time... centuries.
I finished my tea and got up to head to my first meeting. I needed to meet with the Warlords to arrange the final preparations of the duties for the upcoming tournament, as well as ensure the final preparations were ready for hunting the demon down once the festival was finished. In all we had twelve warlords, eight of whom were also master level benders, in Zangar. Four more were currently in charge of the three outposts. However those were more honorary positions than anything else. They spent their entire time guarding the outposts.
I entered the war room, located near the main training area in the old mines. The room was lit by a variety of braziers and wall mounted torches. Around a large, oval, stone table sat the eight warlords. The table was built for a much greater number, back in its prime Zangar had as many as twenty warlords. I took my seat at the head of the table. Normally Kaldor would sit here, but with him not being here I was leading this meeting.
"Good day." I said in casual greeting as I sat. A spattering of responses greeted me.
"So what is this meeting about?" Came the blunt and unwelcome voice of General Ortavia.
His lack of respect was intolerable, and lately it had becoming something that I could no longer ignore. I could not have the General of our forces show me disrespect. I could forgive such formality if we were alone, I could even forgive his tone if I had wronged him in some way, but I would not tolerate either while in a formal meeting such as this!
"General Ortavia..." I grumbled unhappily as I levelled the best glare I could muster at him. "Must I presume you are issuing me a formal challenge?"
"What!?" He bellowed, obvious surprised by my response to his disrespect, more than likely oblivious of the disrespect he had given. "What are you talking about Callidus!?"
"I am referring to the lack of respect you are offering me!" I stated bluntly. "Lord Valelor, Lord or even Sir, any would be an adequate honorific."
"Gah..." It seemed he was at a loss for words.
"Not to mention the disrespectful tone you used.... I think I am well within reason to consider your attitude as a challenge to my authority and the right to lead this meeting!" I made sure to use a tone that made everyone aware that my last statement was not a question. Everyone else remaoned silent. Some looked between us while others kept their gazes down cast. "Now then General... either issue the challenge or apologise!"
"I... I... I apologise for my poor behaviour." He grumbled. Obviously less than happy at having to apologise in front of the other warlords like this, let alone at all. "Lord Valelor."
"Very well." I said relaxing my pose. "I accept your apology. So onto business."
The meeting didn't last long, and despite the hateful glare from General Ortavia it went smoothly. Squads for the demon hunt had already been decided and we would be able to move once the squads from the outposts returned. It was going to be quite a big shift in the arrangement
Next I needed to go to the the market and see if that book I had sent in to be repaired was done. I hadn't expected to need it so soon but it had some information I required for my current research on trying to find the best way to track and hunt this demon.
As I was entering the market I spotted Kaldor and Jovani, Kaldor in conversation with one of the local smiths. I needed to make sure that Kaldor was remembering our meeting later today. He spotted me and smiled, but before we could greet one another an ominous clang echoed throughout the marketplace. Everyone who heard it froze, all of us knew instinctively what that noise was bit no one wanted it to be true. When the second clang echoed my mind caught up with my instincts. It was the alarm... Zangar was under attack!!!
"What the hell is going on!?" Kaldor bellowed.
"We must prepare for battle!" I shouted. "Kaldor!"
"I know!" He responded, already knowing what I was going to say. "Jovani! Fetch my armour!"
"Yes Master!" Jovani diligently responded and a moment later took off at full speed to comply with Kaldor's order, while we took off towards the entrance.
We sprinted towards the exit. The warlords knew what to do and would begin preparing our defences and securing the non-combatants. Kaldor and I would buy as much time as we could so our troops could gather. Comparatively a grand-master was considered to be the equal of at least fifty regular warriors. Together though we would be much stronger than that! As we emerged into the light of the day we ran towards the center square of the courtyard.
I couldn't help but fear that this attack was from the demon that Xavier had warned us about. If it was then at least we wouldn't have to hunt it down, but given how strong it appeared to be from the slaughtered wolven camp Xavier described I worried about the potential casualties we would suffer before we could stop it.
We didn't stop running, even after we were temporarily blinded by the daylight. We kept running. The clanging of the alarm stopped, and the warrior sounding the alarm came running to meet us the moment he spotted us approaching the inner gate.
"What's happening!?" Kaldor barked.
"Wolves sir!"
"Wolves!?" I spat, not expecting that response. "With no warning?! How did they get past the outposts?!" I
"How many!?"
"One pack my Lords!"
One pack?! A single pack of wolves numbered no more than two dozen, not a serious threat. Could it be a delegation for negotiation peace? No... that would not be like the wolves at all! But even so a single pack of wolves was not reason enough to sound the alarm like this. There had to be more to this.
"Explain!" I ordered.
"Sir! The wolves are currently engaged in battle with an unknown opponent!" The warrior responded quickly. "Most of the wolves have been slain... but... Zaraki is leading the pack my Lords!"
"Zaraki!" Kaldor spluttered.
Already I could see him tensing as his anger rose, his nen flaring at the memories. Zaraki... the wolven k'tan. The wolf who killed our fathers in the attack two decades ago. The most powerful wolf in centuries. It had taken three grandmasters to hold him back, and two of them, both Kaldor and my own father, had died in the attempt. Only old grandmaster Killik had survived.
"Zaraki of the Blue Flames." I muttered.
"We need to attack now!" Kaldor growled.
"We don't know why he is here Kaldor!" I responded, surprised by my own response. I wanted that wolf dead as much as Kaldor... but this just didn't add up.
Why would he be here with nothing more than a single pack of wolves? Even Zaraki couldn't hope to overcome our defences with so few wolves. But a political delegation led by Zaraki would certainly grab our attention. But would the wolves really believe we would let someone like him into our home willingly if that is what it was?
And who was he fighting? Or what was he fighting? Whoever or whatever it was had to be strong in order to have lasted this long against an opponent of Zaraki's calibre. I'm not sure if I was more worried about Zaraki or whoever... whatever was brave enough to attack him.
I turned to see Jovani carrying Kaldor's armour. Kaldor was not one for armour, benders of Master rank and higher rely on our bending skills more than we armed combat and so usually forgo heavy armour. Kaldor was no different but did wear armour that protected the more vulnerable areas on his body. A black steel chest piece, thigh guards and wrist guards; as well as some chain-mail. All of the armour was exquisitely crafted and inlaid with a gold design befitting his status as head of the Anaris house and leader of Zangar.
Jovani quickly slipped on several pieces of leather armour and then helped Kaldor fasten the rest of his. I didn't have any armour with me, and I didn't have time to fetch it. But then armour would do little good against the blue flames of Zaraki, flames that burned and froze at the same time.
"Lets go..." I said as I stepped towards the gate.
"Your staying Callidus!" Kaldor ordered.
"What!?" I spluttered in surprise. He couldn't seriously be considering fighting Zaraki alone?
"You are staying here." He repeated. "If I fail then you will be the last chance we have of defeating him."
I wanted to argue how stupid he was being. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. Not with that look in his eye. I had expected rage, the need for vengeance. But I had never expected such calm determination.
And if I'm being truthful Kaldor probably stood the best chance of either of us in beating him in single combat. Kaldor was the most powerful fire bender I have ever seen or even heard about. One of the few that can summon flames from nothing. His flames might stand a chance against Zaraki's where my water would be far less effective.
If Kaldor failed then it would be up to me to continue the defence. With a planned coordinated assault I might stand a chance, but I would need time to plan and organise it. Kaldor would give me that time.
"If I die..."
"If I die!" He repeated, cutting off any argument I might have been able to muster. "You will do everything in your power to protect our people!"
"I will of course." I assured him.
"Anything Callidus!" He repeated with a tone of authority I had rarely heard him use. This was as serious as Kaldor could be. "Even if you must use that!"
It took me a moment to realise just what he was talking about. The forbidden bending technique that my family had sworn to protect and prevent. An all powerful technique that could force your enemies to the knees. It was as powerful as it was corrupting. And it was that corrupting influence that had made it necessary to hide all knowledge of it. Only the heads of the Zangar houses were privy to its existence, and only the head of the Valelor house was privy to the deadly secrets of the technique in order to be prepared to stop anyone else who discovered its power. I had sworn to never use the technique for any other reason that stopping someone else who used it. What Kaldor was asking me to do was to break that oath in order to protect Zangar.
"I promise... I'll do everything I can." I swore to him.
He nodded his thanks and began to head towards the Western gates.
"Kaldor!" I called after him. He stopped and looked over his shoulder at me. "Don't die!"