We Stand By Him
**We Stand By Him** We stand by him--this fay, pretty boy come from a dream to release us from the oppression we couldn't see. We stand by him--this thing that we all once tried to categorize, to rationalize, failed; his was a path beyond us. ...
In My Time of Need - Chapter 10
**Hey all you fuzzbutts! I'm here with the next chapter the secondary story on the page, In My Time of Need! We're unfortunately still stuck the the travelling aspect of the trip, but I found a way to spice things up a bit for you guys! I won't keep...
In My Time of Need - Chapter 9
**Oh my goodness do I have some explaining to do! So I got a little preoccupied last night with my rowdy roommates who wanted me to come have a few drinks with them and I was like "nah bro" but I didn't want to be rude so I just enjoyed my cherry coke...
World of Dead Earth
Vicentendia, Dead Earth- The largest and most 'productive' city of Dead Earth. It has the largest concentration of humanity, and has some places where Feral do exist with Pures but there is a lot prejudices. However, there is large parts of the city...
Radioactive Toy (or The Post-Apocalypse Pygmalion) Part 2
It was a town, but not as he'd thought of it. Several buildings constructed of wood were loosely in a sprawling grid. It was clear they'd been looked after but abandoned and upon closer inspection, he saw why. At one point a tributary river...
Evac Day +254
Evac Day +254 The bodies are starting to get to me. They're everywhere. Even walking down a street, there is no escape from the withered and decaying forms, their putrid, nauseating stench, or their horrible, hollow eye sockets. They lay where...
Starfire the Lone Courier The Fort!! Part 1
Starfire the Lone Courier The Fort!! Part 1 Hiya everyone its Starfire here.........So a few weeks ago I started my story about my fursona, and after much thought and a very convincing Dingo/German shepherd (you know who you are hehe) I have decided...
The Duck in the Bath
I had always longed to go to school. I realise that's quite abnormal, but the whole idea of being with other teens all going through their crises of life, being pinned against lockers and robbed blind, and drinking milk in the cafeteria all appealed to...
Untamed Wildlands
Chapter 1 She struggled to cross the ruthless desert trying to arrive at the entrance of the soul's land. She is a bounty hunter, sent by a baron to kill a golden Cerberus. She was wearing a hat and a vest made from natural leather, she had a...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 33: Distance
Entering the dim FurShopper from the roof, I tried not to let the darkness tie into my thoughts that no one would come and hope was forever lost. We three clambered down the ladder, but two canine grins slipped. The dim back area of the FurShopper was...
My Name is Beta
It's not a complete description, i know, but i figured i'd at least lay down the plans for the post-apocalyptic world that dragons rule, where humans have been pretty much wiped out by the larger reptiles. i grew up watching human movies.
From the desk of the General. Part 8: Full of hot air
One of his favourite toys is his laser blaster; he had spent too much time with a boring old handgun salvaged from one of the post-apocalyptic earths and had fancied something that really reflected his personal growth into his role as intergalactic hero (self-appointed