Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 84

He had seen them crashing against the wall like waves.

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Fateful Encounters!

"they weren't carved in so this wall was made by somebody." as max studied the wall, he let out a small gasp, whispering to bulbasaur. "i can read it...all of it is clear to me."

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In Your Element

The wall that had previous been a few feet away from you, had slid up much closer.

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The Sylarium : Part 7

He searched around for false wall that led to freedom. all four of the walls of the cell were solid. he could feel the small hole at the bottom of one wall. it felt just as solid as the others.

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Astral High - Chapter 44

The ceiling was suspended twenty yards over my head, with long columns in the walls holding it up. the back wall was at least eighty feet away, with forty feet between the side walls.

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Chapter 3

"those of you good at using a bow or have ranged abilities, you're being placed on the walls. we're assuming they have a means of getting through the wall, so pick off any suspicious beastmen or boats you think may give 'em the chance to do so.

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The Argonian Chronicles: Rising of a Storm Part 1

"just stay near the walls." without another word, he ran between a building and the town's inner wall. i followed suit, keeping my back on the charred rock wall.

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Translating Shadows

Sam edged her way along the outer wall of the chamber, heading back towards the wall carvings as the other members of the dig made their way to their allocated sections.

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Part Eight - Breaking the Cycle

After a few minutes, i notice that the room is actually being lit up, albeit gradually, as the walls are the same color as the wall or the fortress. the krendall must really like their dark colors.

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A World Lost

Selene hung her outer suit to a hook set in the side wall and touched the door on the opposite wall, a light turned green and the door unmelted from the wall and swung open. the visitor stepped through followed by an anxious ferrikesh.

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Into the Beast Pt. 2 of 2

Suddenly, there movement besides the pulsating walls compressing him. around his head, the walls opened and a great gout of relatively cold air surrounded him.

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