In Your Element
You open your eyes.
The sight that greets you is foreign, and you look around, an uneasy confusion gripping you. You find yourself unable to recall how you ended up where you currently are, and are completely unfamiliar with your surroundings.
Before you is a console of some sort, with nine glass displays paneled along the far wall. Beyond each glass is a different room or environment of some sort, with one containing a forest, one filled with water, one just completely dark, and so on...
You study the panel immediately in front of you, a counter of some sort ticking away at the time, counting down to zero and getting within a few seconds. Suddenly tense, you feel as though you're expected to press one of the nine buttons laid out before you, each one seeming to correspond somewhat to the room laid out beyond the glass.
With no time to think, you press a button, feeling the ground beneath you lurch as a contraption manures the ground you're standing on. A flash of blue light blares around you, and an overwhelming sense of vertigo wracks your body. Delirious, you daze off for a few brief moments, before the contraption beneath you drops you into one of the displays...
Eevee - Search "Bodyslam"
Flareon - Search "Flamethrower"
Jolteon - Search "Thunderwave"
Vaporeon - Search "Bubblebeam"
Espeon - Search "Psywave"
Umbreon - Search "Pursuit"
Leafeon - Search "Vinewhip"
Glaceon - Search "Icebeam"
Sylveon - Search "Playrough"
You blink, the world blurring around you, giving you a disorienting case of vertigo. You feel yourself stumble, shaking your head as a strong orange glow erupts around you, forcing you to squint, shielding your eyes from the bright lights.
The heat is intense, you cover your eyes, trying to adjust to the scene in front of you. The terrain around you looks to be straight out of hell, almost literally. The landscape is volcanic, with segmented sections of dry rock, stone walls circling around you a good distance away, with smoke and flames visible on the horizon. Sweat starts to bead down your back and neck as you fan yourself with your hand, the heat in the area intense.
You shakily take a few steps, feeling woozy from whatever process made you end up here, as will as the sudden and significant increase in temperate. You look around you, trying to think about what you should do, but the muggy atmosphere makes concentrated thought difficult. You make it a few steps, trying to ignore a strange sound of rustling fur a clattering claws, feeling sure that you're imagining it, and freezing moments later as a large shadow looms up behind you.
You spin, stammering in shock at the sight in front of you. A gigantic Flareon is sitting calmly a few paces away, watching you with an eager expression plastered on its face. You take a few steps back, gulping, feeling yourself quivering in fear at the sight of the massive creature before, and immediately decided to turn and bolt.
As you turn away from the Pokemon, you notice flames erupting to its sides. You run, getting no more than ten steps away when a wall of fire sweeps out in front of you, forcing you to a halt, the heat intense on your face as you topple backwards, crawling away from the inferno before you suffer a burn.
You look around, the wall of fire making a complete circle that traps you inside with the humongous Flareon. The Pokemon, knowing it has you cornered, gently lays its head down on the ground and opens its mouth. You watch the odd behavior, the Flareon holding itself still with its maw slightly parted, noticing that it seemed to be making no effort at all to approach you, as though it expected you to walk right into its waiting mouth.
As you ponder the Pokemon's motivations, you feel the heat against your side intensify again. Yelping, you jump back, confused, and turn to look at the flames. The wall that had previous been a few feet away from you, had slid up much closer. Watching, you realize, with inching terror, that the circle of fire seems to be enclosing around you, forcing you keep moving and prevent yourself from bursting into flame.
You gulp, taking a few steps back and finding the boundaries of the inferno prison matching your pace. Desperate to keep yourself from igniting, you're forced back, finding yourself stepping closer and closer to the Flareon, as it calmly waits for you.
You feel your heart racing, numbing with disbelief. The circle of flames continues to decrease in radius, forcing you to constantly approach the Pokemon's waiting maw in order to avoid catching on fire. You start to shake, your clothing getting soaked with sweat, whether from heat of from fear was not apparent.
You take another step away, your back pressing up against the huge nose of the Flareon. Gasping, you brace yourself for an attack, but none came. You look up into the Pokemon's eyes, the huge beast watching you knowingly. The now tiny ring of fire giving you no room to step in any direction, the only escape being directly behind you, and the walls did not cease their approach.
The temperature was intensifying, panic beginning to creep up your shoulders, trapped between two unthinkable decisions. You meet the Flareon's waiting gaze one last time, willing it to be merciful and, acting on the immediate fear of the fire, you duck down and slide your head into the Flareon's maw.
The humidity in the Fire Pokemon's cavernous maw was intense, almost drawing yourself back out immediately when the heat against your feet starts to sting. You yelp, jumping forward and dragging your legs into the waiting maw. Filled immediately with regret, you lunged back just as the Flareon shuts its mouth.
Your feet pressed against the now closed row of teeth, the sudden wish that you had chanced the flames
was immeasurable. You spin on your back, rolling over on the hot and slimy tongue to press your hands against the Pokemon's teeth, trying to hold onto the slick surface as its tongue curls up over your face, making you sputter. You felt the ground beneath your body shift, the tongue lifting as the Pokemon tilted its head. You start to slide away from the teeth, and you whine as loud as you can with the hot tongue cushioned against your face.
The Flareon swallows.
You gasp, gagging on hot saliva as the slithery tube of curled flesh rapidly crawls up your body. The folds of meat press down around you, pushing hard, forcing you farther into the slimy heat. You writhe, trying to part your body from the hot flesh that squeezes you, but the heavy pressures against you make it impossible, the meat cradling you as you continue to fall. The temperature climbs steadily as your slimy form glides down into the depths of the Flareon's body.
You slide down the winding tube in the darkness, thrashing against it as the muscles tug you deep into the Pokemon. You whimper to yourself, the endless conveyor of meat sliding across your face, pressed against your mouth and keeping you from making any audible sounds. You feel the heat explode in intensity against your legs as they pass through a tight ring of flesh, squeezing your slime-covered body into the Flareon's stomach.
You gasp as you plop down into the soupy bowl of stomach juices. The rank chamber feels like an oven. The parts of you that may have remained dry were now soaked with sweat, taking a breath was nearly impossible in the fiery climate. You slosh around in the shallow pool of liquids, pressing your hands up against the spongy stomach walls. You pushed as hard as you're able, folds of flesh curling around your hands as you applied pressure, and bouncing you back off with ease.
You hold yourself steady, wiping sweat and slime from your forehead in futility, knowing more would take its place in just moments. Forcing your own eyes shut, you wander the humid stomach, sloshing around the juices and feeling at the walls, trying to find any means of escape. The pitch darkness and intense heat soon sapped any motivation and desire for freedom from your will. You stumbled as the belly shifted, your body slapping wetly against the side of the slick chamber.
You sat back, leaning against the hot walls, the sweat and slime all around you making it impossible to keep yourself sitting up straight, the constant lubrication causing you to slide down onto your back, the soupy juices pooling around you, making you feel like you're in a dark enclosed Jacuzzi. You try to take a few deep breaths, the heat making them very unsatisfying as you lay still in the Flareon's dark and steamy stomach. The walls churning endlessly around you, and you shut your eyes and endure.
You gasp, feeling the ground drop out beneath you and feeling yourself falling in the swirling colors that now took over your vision. It seems as though you are free falling, plummeting a short distance. You shout in alarm, flailing your arms and legs out in any direction you could reach, when your drop abruptly halts.
You hit a soft surface with a faint thud, feeling yourself gently spring up and down for a few short seconds before steadying. You open your eyes, frightened of what you might see, and find yourself stunned with the unexpected sight.
It takes you a few moments to comprehend your surroundings, but you appear to be in some sort of colossal bakery. The powerful aroma of baked sweets fills your nostrils, with the scent of frosting the most prominent. You try to push yourself into a seated position, pressing your hand against the surface beside you, only for your arm to plunge down into the odd terrain on which you lay.
Confused, you take another look around. Directly around you looked to be a plate of gigantic cupcakes, each one frosted with a different color of cream. You try to lean up again and fail, your back stuck to the ground with something sticky and warm. It suddenly dawns on you that you, yourself, are laying back on top of one of the enormous pastries that filled the bakery.
You struggle in place, feeling pathetic as the candied surface of your dessert prison held fast to your body, you exhale in frustration, resigning yourself to being stuck for the time being. A sound behind you draws your attention and you struggle to turn around, arcing your head back, unable to catch a glimpse of anything other than an approaching shadow.
Uneasiness creeps into you as you wait for whatever approaches. Whatever it was was easily taller than anything on the platter of pastries that surrounds you. You feel your heart race as the shadow looms directly above, you arced your head back again, your hair getting engulfed in the frosting, and find yourself staring directly into the eyes of a gigantic Sylveon.
Your breath catches in your throat, the Pokemon was bigger than any you had ever seen, and it slowly dawns on you, due to the side of the baked goods around him, that perhaps it was you that had been shrunk. The Sylveon sniffs down around you curiously, its cream and pink colored fur brushing up against you as it does so.
You recoil at the touch, knowing that Sylveon's were historically very gently creatures, but also being acutely aware that you had no knowledge of what a Pokemon would do among a morsel of your size. The Sylveon steps around the platter of pastries to position itself in front of you. You watch as it licks a bit of frosting off of its nose, smacking its lips in delight as it eyes you.
The Pokemon lowers its head, mouth wide, and you feel a moment of panic as it bares down towards you. You struggle among the thick layer of frosting briefly as the Sylveon stuffs an adjacent cupcake into its mouth. You watch, transfixed, as the Pokemon engulfs the entire cake into its maw, gulping it down in one bite and licking the crumbs off the sides of its mouth. You watch the huge cake become reduced to nothing but a barely visible bulge in the Sylveon's throat, sliding down a short ways before it vanishes in the bulk of the Pokemon's body.
The Pokemon leans in towards you again, sticking its pink tongue out of its mouth and gliding it down over your body and the bed of frosting. You cringe at the slimy touch, unable to do anything about it as the Pokemon tastes you. Panic rises in you once again, feeling certain that the Sylveon intended to eat you...
The Sylveon meets your eyes, its expression showing nothing but pure joy, as the winding ribbons of its body curl down towards you, scooping your body, along with a generous helping of frosting off of the cake to be wrapped up, hanging directly in front of the Sylveon's mouth. You struggle against the soft furry bounds, sticky frosting caked against your body. The Pokemon slides its tongue over your face once more, ignoring your pleas, and smacked its lips wetly a couple of times directly above your head, flecks of spittle and frosting spraying against your face.
You shudder, hanging your head down to avoid the gleeful gaze of the giant Sylveon as you dangle in its sticky grasp. You feel your body start to drift upwards, a brief draft of warm air wafting against your back. You open your eyes just in time to see a dark abyss of pink flesh, caked occasionally with frosting, before being plunged down into the its wet mouth.
You yelp, kicking against your bonds as the Fairy Pokemon's maw closes down over you, the furry ribbons unraveling around your body and leaving you to plop down onto its slick tongue. You flail, reaching above you to try and grasp at the ribbons that retreated from the Sylveon's mouth, barely brushing against one with you finger before it slips out of your reach. You shout in alarm as the jaw slowly closed around you, the Pokemon's tongue cradling you against the roof of its mouth, frosting melting slightly against the warm muscle and trickling down behind you, towards the back of its throat.
You had one brief moment to writhe in the Pokemon's mouth before you feel yourself drop. You gasp, the deafening sound of a swallow echoing around you, and a second later you find yourself engulfed in tight flesh. You attempted a muffled scream, the Sylveon's throat pressing tightly against you, wiping frosting and saliva against your body as you slide deeper and deeper in the Pokemon.
The walls of the Sylveon's flesh press tightly against you as you're squeezed farther down its throat. The tube of muscle seemed to trail on forever, your body slides against the sticky slimy walls for each endless second after second as you're pulled ever onward. Finally, you feel your body spill out into a wider chamber.
You take a gasping breath, having it being almost a relief to find yourself inside the Pokemon's stomach. You plop into the thick stomach contents, consisting of the sloppy remains of the previously devoured cupcake pooled in with slobber and frosting and belly juices. The sludge was extremely viscous and sticky, making it difficult for you to maneuver. You breathed in through your nose to try and calm yourself and felt around, surprised at the sweet fragrance of the Sylveon's belly, the scent of sugar being extremely strong.
You struggle in the slimy chamber, working to dislodge your legs, which became encased in the thick remains the the cakes that the Pokemon had eaten. You free your body, now covered in the viscous contents of the Sylveon's belly, and try desperately to feel around the shifting stomach for a means of escape. The effort of manuvering in the tight and aggressive chamber soon wearies you, with each effort of move resulting in your body splattering down wetly into the slick contents of the beast's stomach.
The slimy mixture cakes up against your legs again, making the trek over to the other side of the Sylveon's belly a strenuous one. The walls churn around you, the growling croak echoing within the chamber. It does not take long for you to be out of energy, knowing that it was fruitless to fight from the inside of the Pokemon's stomach anyway. You slouch down, easing your body to sink slowly in the thick contents of its belly. A wet splatter reaches your ears, flecks of sugary slop slapping against your back. You jump, realizing moments later that the Pokemon must still be eating the pastries.
Chewed up sweets cascade around you, clumps of slimy food occasionally dripping onto your body, the sickly sweet mixture slowly filling the Pokemon's stomach. Resigned to your helplessness, you lay among the stomach contents, your back sticking to the stomach walls, the frosting acting almost like glue as your body rocked back and forth with steady motion of the Sylveon's belly. You take a deep breath, sugar filling your nostrils, and closed your eyes, letting the steady motions cradle you in your slimy prison.
You drop.
You shout for a brief moment, before being forced to sputter as you find yourself submerged in water. Holding your breath, you pad underwater while you gain your bearings and, spotting light, beat your legs to swim in that direction.
You surface, gasping for air and coughing on the small amount of water you had managed to swallow. You blink, rubbing your eyes with one hand while you tread water with the other. Your heart stops, and chills swept over your back. There was no dry land anywhere in sight.
You felt as though you're about to panic, staring off in every direction, searching desperately for some indication of which way you should attempt to swim, but there was nothing. Feeling lost, you simply did whatever you could to hold yourself afloat, grateful you had never had much difficulty swimming before.
After a few minutes of desperate paddling, the water around you began to swell. You feel your body rise and fall with the sudden tide, and you chance a looked downwards, into the crystal clear water. There was something below you, something moving around, something enormous.
You swim. Pushing yourself off, you splash fiercely in the water in your attempt to distance yourself from the beast beneath you, fearing, as you did so, that the commotion of your movements would draw its attention. You glance down as you swim, filled with dread at the realization that the creature was easily keeping up with your movements. You slow your rate down, feeling yourself getting weary, after all, it's not like you have anywhere to go.
The form below you shifts, causing another swell in the water that carries you up and down with the movement. You look down once more, and become hit with recognition of the form. Now that it had risen almost to the surface, you could clearly make out that what's below you is a Vaporeon. A gigantic Vaporeon.
The Pokemon had clearly noticed you, meeting your frightened gaze despite the rippling tide around you. It's expression was somewhat playful, though that thought wasn't altogether comforting. you watched the giant start to surface, its closed mouth uncomfortably close to your feet. You noted the Pokemon's size, gauging that it could easily down you in one gulp. The beast breached the surface, its slick blue skin cascading water all around you. The Vaporeon's head looms over you, its gaze piercing.
You struggled in the water, another sudden wave sweeping you towards its head as it surfaces its tail behind you. You slam into the Pokemon's cheek, pushing yourself away in a panic, noting the creature's glee at the exchange. An enormous fin, brushes down behind you, gliding down your back as it sweeps across you, plunging back down beneath the water and forcing another wave to push you into the Vaporeon once again.
You swim back from it again, knowing deep down that you would not be able to gain any distance on the creature. A sudden soft blue glow erupts from its mouth. Pointed directly at you, a stream of bubbles launched down, splashing into the water beside you. The water frothed furiously, bubbling as though the surface was boiling hot, but still feels cool to the touch. You could do nothing but watch as a bubble forms around your body, making you feel weightless as the thin spherical film of water started to ascend, holding you aloft.
You hold yourself still, unsure what to do. Knowing you're trapped from the Pokemon
s attach, you take a moment and hold yourself still, figuring you could use the rest from treading water, hoping that just maybe the bubble would carry you out of the Vaporeon's reach. Instead, it simply hung in place. The bubble drifted just inches away from the Pokemon's massive body. Dangling helpless in your bubble, you're forced to watch as the giant Pokemon shifted, swishing over in the water to plant its huge head right beneath you. It opens its mouth.
You cannot tear your eyes away, watching as the Pokemon, slowly and deliberately, parts its enormous blue lips. You want to struggle, to flee, to do anything, but right at this moment the only thing holding you free from dropping into the Vaporeon's open mouth is the bubble it has encased you in. You groan to yourself, watching as it slowly reveals its wet and slimy tongue to you, lapping it out to hang against its chin and giving you a view of the funnel of pink flesh leading down to the dark entrance into the Pokemon's throat.
The Vaporeon's head rises, you fight the instinct yo struggle, knowing one wrong move could pop the bubble and seal your fate. Beneath you, the Pokemon's wide maw opens up, placed deliberately so that you would have nowhere else to fall when the inevitable happened. The creature's cavernous maw looms closer to you, wide enough to engulf the entire bubble. You watched in horror, helpless to do anything else, as the jaws close down around you, casting you in shadows, the lips pressing gently on the edges of the bubble, warping it but keeping it intact.
Time seemed to freeze, the bubble bulged, with your body now almost completely inside the Vaporeon's mouth, you stare up at its teeth, distorting the shape of the bubble further as they close. And then, suddenly, your shield was gone. The bubble burst with a soft yet audible "pop", and you drop a short distance, landing on your ass on the back of the Vaporeon's tongue. The slimy muscle squirms underneath you, curling up so the tip reels back into the Pokemon's mouth. You struggle, trying to get to your feet and make for its still-parted jaws, but the Vaporeon's mouth is too slippery, your efforts landing you in the exact position you started, sitting hunched forward and sliding back towards the abyss.
Flesh wraps around you. You're lurched backwards with a swift toss from the enormous tongue, you felt yourself sitting at the back of the Pokemon's throat, hunched forward, the rippling muscles shifting constantly around your rear and waist. You look up, back out through the Vaporeon's parted maw, your whole world outlined by silhouetted teeth, and watch as the creature tucks its head back down into the water, liquid rushed in briefly before it shut its mouth, closing you within the darkness.
Water gushes around you, submerging your body once again just as the flesh beneath you opens wide. You were swallowed alive and whole, curled up into a ball, swept down through the Vaporeon's throat and into true darkness. The water forces you down rapidly at first, your body winding along the throat like a tight slimy waterside, but you soon find yourself gripped by the tight walls, the water draining down around you and leaving you alone with a slow descent into the Pokemon's bulk.
You feel the gentle pull of gravity rotate around you, the force once tugging you downwards now seemed to be fighting against the peristalsis, though it was nothing compared to the squeezing force of the throat, as you continue deeper despite the shift. You realize the Vaporeon must have flipped over to dive down deeper into the water. You were trapped, stuck swallowed in the Pokemon's throat, with who knew how much water above you.
You squirm as you descend towards the Vaporeon's belly. The tight walls grip you firmly, barely giving way with each push and shove you can manage. The gentle and constant tug from the throat muscles keep you in motion, drawing you closer and closer to what would be your new home. The constant pressing continued on, the warm and slimy flesh caressing you as your still curled up body bulged down the endlessly winding tube.
A wet squelch echoes around you, the flesh pressing firmly against your body as you the tube around you get inexplicably tighter, before you rapidly descend, gasping as the pressure releases you, your body splashing wetly into the cramped enclosure of the Vaporeon's stomach. You sputter, your upper body free from the pooling water that filled half of the Pokemon's belly. You feebly splash and struggle against the firm walls, your efforts wetly sliding around the folds of flesh, keeping you in the wet darkness.
Trapped in the Vaporeon's belly, you push yourself up, reaching for a way out and kicking in the water to push yourself up, not knowing what you would do if you ever ended up reaching the valve from which you had come. You slide back down to you nearly submerged state, out of breath and taking in the fishy scented air while you regain your strength, knowing it would be worthless to attempt it again.
Soaked through to your skin, you hold yourself still, your body rocking gently in the pool of fluids that lap against you and the stomach walls. The pressure around you feels intense, the walls gently imploding and rubbing against your body. You briefly think about how deep beneath the surface of the water the Vaporeon had dived, but shudder and clear it from your mind. There was nothing left to do but soak in the wet chamber, listening to the bubbling and gurgling of the Pokemon's inner workings as the ever-warming pool of liquids splash around you.
A flash of light envelopes you, forcing you to shut your eyes, as the ground beneath you seems to shift. You drop a short distance, starting to scream but soon having the wind knocked out of you as you hit the soft wooden floor. You stumble from the impact, landing on hands and knees and picking your head up to look around. But there is nothing but blackness.
You blink your eyes, briefly frightened that you have somehow lost your vision, but the traces of faint light sources in the distance confirm that you have just found yourself somewhere unusually dark. Hoping that your eyes will adjust, you steadily lift yourself to your feet, aching from the impact but grateful that there does not appear to be any serious injury. You make it all of two steps before colliding with something unseen in the darkness.
Cursing, and gripping your aching head, you feel around, finding a solid wall with a strange cool leathery texture blocking your way. You maneuver around the obstacle, walking with more care and feeling in front of you as you move. Disoriented from the fall and the darkness, you hope that there will soon be some indication of where to go, but nothing promising catches your attention.
You blindly wander, wondering where you could be, when a soft scuffling sound from a distance away echoes around you. You stop, just now becoming aware of how loud your movements and breathing had been. Holding your breath, you listen, eyes wide at the hope of some visual indication of the source of the noise coming into view. The silence beat on, the only noise coming from you own heart as it thudded anxiously in your chest. Feeling uneasy, you resume your search for an escape.
A brief streak of moving light in the distance catches your eye, something glowing and yellow whisking past you in complete silence. You freeze, wondering whether the sight was something to approach or avoid. Indecisive, you ease down to the ground, backing up until you rest against a solid wooden wall. The light in the distance continued to appear, the obstacles around the room silhouetted against the gleam, and giving you the impression that you were in some sort of library, as you could have sworn you've seen piles and piles of books. But based on the size, they would have to have been bigger than you, gigantic, and that couldn't be possible...
The light flashed by again, moving more slowly, and the sound of rustling fur reached your ears. A brief reflection of that light gave you a clear view of the anomaly, and you find your heart starting to race in fear. What appeared to be in front of you, standing at a colossal scale, looked similar to a Pokemon, specifically an Umbreon, due to the glowing yellow markings streaked across its fur, but how could it be so big?
The giant moved, walking slowly and with purpose, appearing to sniff around at the floor and discarded piles of gigantic books. The Pokemon moved onward, bypassing you and investigating somewhere you had been just a few moments ago. Trembling at how close the encounter had been, you start walking off, pointedly heading away from the soft sound of the Umbreon's movements.
After a few moments of walking, deliberately keeping your footfalls as quiet as possible, a shuffling sound behind you draws your attention. Heart racing, you turn your head to get an idea of what the Pokemon's location was, and soon find yourself frozen in place with shock. Two enormous red eyes were staring directly at you, a soft yellow glowing from the Umbreon's markings silhouetted its body in front of you, the beast was sitting still, calmly watching as you identified its presence. A pang of fear jolting out of you stupor, you turn and begin running in one motion, making it all of three steps before you stumble and fall, face first, to the ground.
Groaning in pain and listening to the sound of movement above and around you, you spin onto your back, arms raised to defend yourself, but are met with the now familiar sight of complete blackness. Confused, you push yourself to your feet, running in the direction you hoped was away from the huge Pokemon, only to ram directly into a massive furry bulk.
You sputter, pushing yourself away from the Pokemon's body, only faintly visible from the yellow glowing behind it, and turn to run in the opposite direction. Unable to gauge where you're going, you soon find your legs tangled in the soft fur of the Umbreon's tail, toppling you to the floor once again. Fear and frustration intermingled within you. The Umbreon was toying with you, knowing it had you at its mercy but allowing you to believe escape was a chance. You frantically look around for any hint of a glow, catching glimpses in front of you... behind you... everywhere you look...
The Pokemon was toying with you, knowing there was little chance of you escaping it in darkness like this. Groaning with frustration, you leap up and bolt in one direction, having little choice in doing much else, and catch a single glimpse of a soft light flashing against rows of teeth before you stumble, the humidity around you intensifying greatly. You toss your arms out in front of you, feeling them press down on something soft and slimy and hot, and you gasp stumbling backwards and falling onto your back.
Looking up, the Umbreon approaches you again, its red eyes regarding you with hunger, and the shape of its open maw dimly visible in your disoriented state. You watch as the soft light around its body become a blur, melding with the darkness moments before you feel that now familiar texture of the Pokemon's tongue curl under your legs, scooping your body into the air in one fell swoop and plunging you into true darkness.
Your scream comes moments too late, the sound of your voice getting one second of volume outside the Umbreon's mouth before your only escape is shut off forever. You freeze in bewilderment, only moments ago having been out in the free open world, and now shut off and caged within the giant Pokemon's mouth. You hear your shouting echoing dimly against the fleshy enclosure, knowing it was already too late. You thrash on the Umbreon's tongue, lunging in the direction that you hope is the Pokemon's teeth, with the feeble intent to slip back out into the cool outside air.
The tongue squirms beneath you, coiling up around your body and squeezing, pressing and sliding against you. You squirm in its grasp, reaching in any direction you can manage before the slimy muscle scoops your arms back up, coating your body entirely with the Umbreon's saliva. Soaked and slippery, the tongue works endlessly all over you, licking and suckling on your flesh. You feel a rippling and tugging near your feet as the Pokemon swallows its own slobber, pressing you against the roof of its mouth to keep you from making the same deep plunge, and wondering just how long the beast intends to savor you before you find yourself sucked into that tight darkness as well.
The Umbreon answers this question by tilting back its head. You flail in the tongue's grasp, feeling your body slide from within its slippery folds and your feet cradles by the tight slick muscle of the back of the Pokemon's throat. The Umbreon's teeth now directly above you, with gravity actively pulling you towards the esophagus, it takes all of you effort just to remain in the Pokemon's mouth. Doing everything in your power to keep yourself free of the beast's throat, you whimper in dismay when the Pokemon finally inevitably swallows you.
The support beneath your feet vanishes, leaving a gaping and hungry void into which you plunge, engulfed in flesh within seconds and pressed in hard from all sides as you body slides rapidly into the Umbreon's bulk. You open your mouth to scream for help, knowing it was already far too late, moments before the tight throat flesh envelops your face, the soft walls pressed against you and muffling your pleas. You feel yourself slide in the darkness, now appreciative of just how much light you had at your disposal in the library, and feel helpless to do anything about it but endure.
You thrash as you descend, the movements of your body only hastening your trip, with your arms pinned and useless, there was nothing you could do to prevent yourself from ending up in the Umbreon's stomach. The rippled walls of the esophagus press down against your ears, the deep thud of a beating heart rising above you providing a good indication of just how close you were to your new home. Your body moves to a slow and lurching halt as your feet encounter resistance, the peristalsis of the tube around forcing you into a curled up position as your worked ever downwards despite the closed valve at your feet.
Crumpled up just outside of the Umbreon's belly, you feel your foot breach through, the heated and heavy environment of the chamber before you causing you to emit a muffled whimper, but knowing the only one could even possibly hear you would not care. Your curled up form is slowly and uncomfortably squeezed through the narrow entrance to the Pokemon's stomach. You're eased a short distance at first, the a rippling motion around you caused you to plop through the tight ring in one frantic lurch, giving you quick gasp of breath before becoming enfolded in the Umbreon's soft flesh.
The whole ordeal left you dizzy and disoriented. You gasp for air, grateful that you're once again able to part your face from the relentless sliding meat of the squishy prison that surrounds every part of you. Liquids pool at your chest as you lay sprawled out on the bottom of the bowl-shaped stomach. You press your arms downward, intending to push up into a seated position, hoping to reach back up and feel for a way out, but your arms simple sink deeper into the hot folds of the Umbreon's stomach, leaving you laying at the belly's base and forcing you to struggle to release your arms once more.
Once freed from the tight grip of the squishy terrain, you slowly and carefully try to ease yourself upwards, wherever you shift your weight causing you to sink deeper in that location, causing your body to always be at the bottom of the slimy sack that held you. You brush your fingers along the fleshy ceiling of the stomach above you, slime collecting in your palm, and you feel your foot slip out from beneath you, causing you to tumble back down, the soft flesh clinging to you as you body presses back down against the bottom.
Sobbing and helpless, you feebly push with your arms and legs, feeling out the dimensions of the Umbreon's belly in the pitch blackness. You take a shuddering breath, grateful that you're somehow still able to breathe. The powerless feeling of being trapped with no hope of escape was making you anxious. You struggled and shouted inside the Pokemon's belly, thrashing withing its folds of churning meat, accomplishing nothing but the slight shifting of walls that surrounded you.
With no options left, you curl your body up, laying motionless in the cramped chamber, and tried not to listen to the endless symphony of sticky squelches. You shut your eyes, enduring.
The world lurches around you, the lighting intensifying, the humidity increasing, and a the scent of vegetation wafting towards your nostrils.
You grunt as you topple to the ground, dropping a short ways until you're engulfed in tall grasses stretching out to about your own height. You shake your head, making sure you're uninjured, and blink at your surroundings, trying to get a sense of where you ended up. Green surrounds you on just about all sides. The grass that had cushioned you fell stretches out as far as you can see which, given it's impressive height, was admittedly not all that far. As you stretch yourself out, planting yourself shakily on two legs, you observe the shifting leaves above you as a breeze causes the shadows around you to dance. Light peaks in through the leaves above you... high, high above you.
Overcome with a sudden sense of vertigo, you stumble backwards, pressing you eyes shut until the dizzy feeling dissipates. You fall onto your back, the springy grasses catching you once again, and begin to realize that the height of the grass may just be due to your own perspective. No trees could be as tall as the ones above you, unless... unless you were just about the height of a blade of grass.
Suddenly uneasy, you push yourself back up, the rustling of plants around you making you jump. You keep still, suddenly grateful for the grasses around you that hide your presence. The rustling continues, alternating louder and softer as something big prowls among them. You try to keep quiet, but catch yourself taking noisy deep breaths from the fear. You shut your mouth, holding your breath to see if you can hear the creature approach. Apart from the gently rustling vegetation, there is no sound whatsoever. You let yourself breath a sigh of relief and decide to start trying to find your way around when you chance another look up, and nearly shout in alarm.
Sitting calmly before you, easily looming at four times your height, is an enormous Leafeon. You meet its gaze, feeling as though you're in shock, the Pokemon is gigantic, bigger than you had ever seen, though compared to the vegetation around you...
You gulp, realizing that it was you who had somehow been shrunk. Feeling meek, you gaze up in the Leafeon's eyes, the Pokemon watching you lazily, it licks briefly at its lips, not blinking even once since you had noticed its presence. Gathering your senses, you judge that it is likely a good time to run. You take a few steps backwards from the beast, before turning and running as fast as you can.
Your size and the grasses that surround you make this difficult. You stumble several times, thrashing your arms around you wildly in order to clear the grasses from your path. You run for about half of a minute, knowing you had not cleared all that much distance but unwilling to look behind you and see if the Leafeon was pursuing. The thought makes it so that you're not paying the most attention of what is in front of you, and as a result, the writhing thick green vines directly in front of you go unnoticed until you find yourself entangled within then.
You shout, sweeping your arms left and right to try and free yourself from the thick vines, stopping in shock as you realize that they are moving independently. You freeze, staring at the spectacle in bewilderment, the thick green vines wrapping around your arms and legs, pressing your appendages together until you're completely coiled within them. You thrash, unable to budge your bonds as the vines seem to grow beneath you, lifting you into the air, above the top of the grasses. A figure drifts over you from behind, casting the world around you into shadow.
You slowly turn your head, filled with dread at the thought of what you knew would be right there. Sure enough, the Leafeon had closed all the distance you had created between yourself and it. You hold your breath in alarm, the huge Pokemon right up against you, so close that your face brushes against the coarse fur of its neck as the vines that grip you, vines you're sure the Leafeon is controlling, continues to life you into the air.
The growth stops, your body hanging suspended and constricted by the plants. The Leafeon arcs its head downwards, giving you one brief view of the ravenous hunger in its gaze before it licks its lips again, parting its huge maw. Panicking, you thrash again, knowing there was nowhere for you to go but to tumble back down into the grasses, but eager to distance yourself from the beasts mouth by any means possible. Your efforts do nothing, and you're forced to watch as the Leafeon's mouth descends around your body, its humid breath engulfing your head and cutting off your view of the trees above you in favor of the pink flesh of the Pokemon's mouth.
The Leafeon's tongue curls down beneath your body, pulling you up until you're entirely within its mouth. You look beneath you in time to see the jaws close, the roof of its mouth knocking against your head and dripping slime onto your shoulders. The enormous teeth beneath you crunch down over the vines, the Pokemon's head arcing back and forth as it tears you free from the lower portions of the vines. The plant gives way, separated from the ground and reduced to the short segment that still coiled around you, restricting your movements to short lurches.
Still bound by the vines, and now completely enclosed in the Leafeon's closed maw, you can do nothing to stop what comes next. The Pokemon tosses its head back, you whole body press down into its soft tongue, the warm flesh pressing through the gaps in the vines to lap at you as gravity shifts around your body, moments later finding yourself upside down, with the back of the Pokemon's throat directly beneath your head.
The Leafeon swallows you. The tongue roughly forced you, head first, down into the tight throat. Flesh presses down against your face as the winding tube accepts you, gulping your whole body down effortlessly. You whimper silently, your sounds dampened by the thick flesh that completely caresses you as you feel your feet slip down out of the Pokemon's mouth and into its throat. Just like that, you're gone, swallowed alive and whole, knowing that you'll soon find yourself inside the Leafeon's stomach.
You writhe involuntarily, feeling the slimy tight flesh press against you, digging the vines firmly against your body as you glide endlessly downwards. You slide rapidly, feeling as though you're impossibly deep into the Pokemon's bulk, your ears scraping against the slimy flesh barely able to pick up the sound of its beating heart before it echoes away above you. You feel your face press through a tight enclosure of meat, squeezing at your head as you press your eyes shut, a grimace on your face. Your head breaches through, a tepid humidity overwhelming you as the rest of your body is worked through the tight entrance to the beast's stomach.
You still bound body plops uncomfortably into the Leafeon's belly. You writhe against your bonds as you settle down into the soft flesh, the hot meat caressing you as you're slowly soaked in the thick stomach juices. You scream, lurching against the vines, which finally start to shift around you as they're coated in slobber and bile. After thrashing against them for so long that you're gasping for breath, the vines finally come loose, kicked off of your body and allowing you the use of your arms and legs now that you've already been deposited past the point of no return.
Knowing deep down that it was futile, you try to wander the small cramped stomach, feeling fruitlessly above you for a way out of this fleshy prison. You fall on you back with each attempt, landing on the slimy pile of discarded vines and getting yourself tangled time and time again. The stomach wall around you groan, the thick film of juices bubbling around you and you press and feel around you for what must have been the tens consecutive time.
Finally, unwilling to fight the futility any longer, you fall back, not bothering to push yourself back up. The tangles mess of vines cushion you from direct contact with the stomach for most of your body, with your feet and head still pressed into the firm and meaty walls, you shut your eyes, trying to catch your breath in the aggressive climate around you, and try to ignore the endless din of the belly that enfolds you.
Disoriented, you feel yourself drop a short distance.
You're given no time to shout in alarm before you feel yourself collide loudly with the ground below you. A metallic clang echoes around you, as you crumple down, aching from the impact. You blink the stars out of your eyes, looking around you to try and get a sense of what had just happened.
You find yourself to be laying on some sort of metal grating. Looking around, you realize that whatever room you're in, is almost impossibly large. The metal floor stretches out about as far as you can comprehend, with metal walls and enormous equipment visible a great distance away. You immediate vicinity seems to be just about completely barren. You look down, unable to see anything but darkness down beneath the perforated grating, the observation gives you the chills, you decide not to look down again.
Getting shakily to your feet, you look around, unsure where to go, and just decide to start walking, each step you take making a soft but distinct clang on the metal underfoot. Before you make it all of ten steps, a distant pattering series of clangs greets you, something else moving on the grading seemed to be approaching you. You turn, squinting your eyes to try and get a sense of what it was in the darkness, but you're unable to see anything whatsoever. The sound, however, is very distinctly getting louder.
You stop, turning towards the sound, and staring in an attempt to see what is following you. A shadow moves out of the corner of your eye, and you focus on it. Watching the shadow, you find it to be a large creature of some sort, each step having its claw clattering on the metal as it trotted towards you. As it approached, a light overhead cast a dim glow over its body, bright yellow spiky fur gleaming, and you immediately recognize what stalks you.
The largest Jolteon you've ever seen excitedly closes the distance between you. Its size stopping you in your tracks, transfixed on the sight before you as the colossal Pokemon approaches. It slows down as it gets close, hunching down in a more predatory position and eyeing you with a gaze that you're not comfortable seeing in something that much larger than you are.
Deciding that its intentions are none too positive for you, you decide to turn and run, feeling panic as realize its scale will allow it to easily catch up with you if it so chooses to chase you down. A faint flickering of light emits from behind you, a sparking sound emitting from where the Jolteon crouches, and seconds later a surge of electricity rushes through the metal grating, forcing you to arc your back and gasp, falling to the ground from the current that surged through you.
The literal shock freezes you in place, making you unable to move a muscle in your body. The Jolteon moves once more, trotting over to you and circling the spot where your now incapacitated body lay. The Pokemon, you realize, had effortlessly paralyzed you, rendering you completely helpless and unable to move as the enormous predator sniffed down around you.
You want to whimper, to shout for help, but you find yourself completely unable to react as the gigantic Jolteon nudges you with its nose, rolling you onto your back and baring down over. The Pokemon parts its mouth, sliding its tongue down against you legs, and dragging the slimy muscle over your body in one long slimy lick. The tongue glides over you, a couple snaps of static electricity stinging against you as it does so, making you spasm in place as the Pokemon tastes your body.
Unable to move in your current state, you have no choice but to endure the Jolteon's relentless licking. In a matter of minutes you're entirely saturated with the Pokemon's saliva, every other lick giving you a jolt of static electricity. The Pokemon leans back, smacking its lips as if to savor the taste of your body. It leans in towards you again, this time, opening its maw wide.
You stare into the abyss of its jaw, unable to tear your eyes away for more than one reason. The Jolteon leans in towards you, forcing its tongue beneath your prone form and planting your feet between its jaws. The Pokemon bites down on your legs, tugging them up and slurping the rest of your body into its mouth with one fell swoop. You're sucked into its mouth, out in the open air one second, and completely trapped within the Jolteon's closed maw the next.
You want to fight, to struggle, to jump back out between the Pokemon's lips, but you're still unable to move your body an inch. You lay motionless, paralyzed by the Jolteon's shock as it crams your body towards the back of its throat. You panic, your heart racing as you lay in the humid darkness, cupped in the beast's soft tongue, positive that any second now, you will be swallowed whole.
The Jolteon suckles on you one last time, pressing you up against the roof of its mouth as the pressure in its maw intensifies, the grip on your body tightens as slimy drool swishes around you before fall back on the Pokemon's springy tongue. The muscle tosses you back, the giant head tilting with the motion. You try everything in your power to scream, but no sound comes out as you watch your legs plunge down into the abyss of the Jolteon's throat.
A powerful swallow engulfs your whole body. You sucked down out of the Jolteon's mouth and into its throat in less than a second, tight flesh pressing hard on your body and shoving you deep in that of the Jolteon. You slide fast, feeling like you're free falling with the slippery walls wiping up against you the whole way down. The tight walls caress you're body, pressed up into every inch of you as you slide down the endless length of the Pokemon's throat.
The flesh ripples against you, a powerful pressure forcing your feet down through the valve of the Jolteon's stomach. Your heart races in panic, your body still unable to struggle against the Jolteon's inner workings, the peristalsis crams your down through the tight stomach entrance, your feet breaching through to the warm chamber below, and the rest of your body racing through to join them.
You plop down in the shallow juices of the Pokemon's belly. You will yourself to be able to move, as you slide face-down against the curved stomach walls. The stomach churns against you, folds of meat gently pressing against your body, a snap of static electricity makes you jump, a brief flash of light illuminating the dark pink innards of the Jolteon's stomach. You struggle, finally able to move your arms the slightest fraction of an inch.
You work at regaining your motor functions, slowly sloshing around in the Jolteon's stomach as you're able to shift your arms and legs again. You moan, trying to shout for help, but having it dawn on you that it was likely far too late for you to escape from your flesh prison. You shakily get up on your knees, another snap of electricity giving you a second's glimpse of the Pokemon's stomach, the folds of flesh curved all around you, the brief sight making it abundantly clear that there would be no escape.
You're ability to move returned, you push yourself up, grateful that you can at least sit up, your back eased into the soft slimy walls, as opposed to laying face down in the putrid fluids that pool around you. The walls churn around your back, you body squirming involuntarily with the motion of the Jolteon's belly. You take a deep breath and shut your eyes, hunched over with your head in your hands, a thin film of slime covering your entire body and causing you to slip out from time to time.
The darkness absolute, you feel your body rocking away. A spark causing you to jump, you sigh, trapped in the Jolteon's stomach, and just lean back to wait this all out.
You drop a short distance, landing hard on your ass and toppling back onto cold stone.
You blink, turning over onto your stomach and pushing your body up. You look around, trying to get a sense of where you ended up. Brightly lit white stone stretched out far around you, looking up, you conclude that you seem to be in some sort of temple. Despite the vase open space, the place does seem to be enclosed.
You get up to your feet, swaying a bit as you rub your head. The enormous scale of the place around you is overwhelming. You take a few steps, wondering if you're heading in the right direction, noting that all the walls in the area look to be almost miles and miles away. You hear the sound of soft tapping somewhere behind you.
Spinning around, you squint out over the white scenery around you. Initially thinking to look for something your own size, you nearly miss the movement of something massive walking towards you from a great distance away. The figure looks to be light purple in color, walking on all fours with a glinting red gem on its forehead. It takes you a moment, but you eventually place the creature as an Espeon, though significantly larger in scale than you ever thought possible.
The Pokemon clearly having seen you, you turn and run, knowing that with no availability of hiding spots of any kind, there was really no where for you to go. The Pokemon seems to trot after you, the sound of its claws on the stone growing louder and faster as it easily closes the distance between you. You keep running eager to escape the gigantic beast, but realizing that it would only be a matter of time before the Pokemon catches you. You briefly consider what could happen once it did, and push the troubling thought from you mind.
After a few moments of running, the Espeon's approach seems to stop. The sound of its claws suddenly halts and the only audible source of movement is from your own fleeing. Without warning, your escape is halted. You slam head first into some sort of obstacle. The wind knocked out of you, you fall backwards, holding onto your sore head as you look around, wondering what could have hit you.
Remembering that a gigantic Pokemon was chasing you, you scramble to your feet, changing a glance behind you to find the Espeon sitting calmly as it watched you, a lazy expression in its eyes. You look before you again, finding no hint of an obstacle whatsoever, and try to move forward again. You encounter resistance in the same place as a moment before. Bewildered, you press your arms forwards, pressing them up against a completely invisible wall.
It dawns on you that this must be the Espeon's doing. Turning around, you back leaning against the barrier in the hopes that it would vanish, you find the Pokemon staring down at you, the red gem on its head glinting with a dim light. You feel your body lurch. Puzzled, you look around, finding nothing anywhere near you, unable to find the source of whatever seemed to be taking a hold of your legs.
Your body is lifted into the air as though invisible ropes are tied to your arms and legs. You flail, swaying in place but remaining held up by the Espeon's telekinesis. Helpless, trapped in a binding that you could do nothing to defend against, you hold yourself still, staring pitifully at the giant Espeon as it just sits there, studying you.
The power that holds you moves your body, rapidly bringing you up close to the Espeon's mouth. You shot in alarm, your heart racing in fear as you flail in place, doing nothing to free yourself from this trap. The Pokemon looks down at you, your body practically pressed up against its nose, as it slowly protrudes its tongue, pressing it against your feet, and slowly licking up your body. The coarse tongue scratches against you, leaving a trail of drool against your body. The heat from the Pokemon's mouth making you cringe as it licks you, your shouting for help doing nothing as there was not a soul in the vicinity besides yourself and the giant Espeon.
The Pokemon retracts its tongue back into its mouth, an audible smack of its lips as it seems to study your taste. Terrified, you continue struggling against the invisible bonds that force your consistently levitating state, watching as the Espeon starts to move. The Pokemon lowers itself to the ground, splaying itself out before rolling over onto its back, keeping you held up in the air. You stare down at it, watching as it positions you directly above its closed maw, and opening it moments later.
You whimper, flailing in your suspended state, doing anything you can think of to free yourself, but nothing happening despite your efforts. The Espeon opens if jaws wide, giving you a clear view of its soft pink flesh, a thin trail of drool sticking between its upper lip and its protruded tongue. The force that holds you aloft starts to move, you body slowly descending. You scream, unable to do anything to prevent the movement, helpless as you watch yourself dropped down in the Espeon's wide maw. The heat from its exhaled breath wafting all over you from below, you flailing legs unable to reach the sides of the Pokemon's mouth as you're dropped down right in the center.
Suddenly, all hold on your body vanishes. You reach back up, grasping at the empty air in the feeble hopes of grabbing the psychic force that was just moments ago holding you free from the Espeon's mouth. Your body crashes down onto the sand-papery tongue, the slimy friction dragging you to a halt in the center of its tongue, with you feet pressed against the smooth flesh of the Pokemon's throat, one swallow away from being dragged out this world.
Nestled in the crevasse of the Espeon's tongue, you watch as it closes its maw, shutting the bright lights of the surrounding scenery away in the darkness of the warm and slimy mouth that now houses you. Your body, completely at the mercy of the giant Espeon, is nudged backwards, your feet sliding down in the Pokemon's throat as you cling on the slimy tongue for dear life. You shout, thrashing in the Espeon's mouth in your attempts to reach the exit once again. The tongue presses you against the roof of the mouth, a tug from the throat dragging you against the rough muscle for a brief moment before the world shifts around you.
The tongue arcs away from you, the throat yanking you down into its depths as the Pokemon swallows hard. You pulled mercilessly down into the Espeon's throat, your head dragging against the roof of its mouth before a tight pressure holds tightly onto you, dragging you deeper into the Espeon's body. Your body is forced horizontal, sliding along the Espeon that was likely still laying on its back. The tight fleshy tube shifts endlessly against you, constantly pushing and pulling on your body was your dragged farther and farther along the esophagus.
You thrash, the heavy flesh holding hard against you and keeping your arms pinned to your sides. You're rocked gently along the tight passage, your feet eventually meeting the entrance to the Pokemon's stomach. You're helpless to stop you body's movement as your crammed through the tight valve into the Espeon's belly. You slide in rapidly, plopped down in the soft and fleshy chamber, sliding down against the curved walls and into the shallow and watery juices that flood the bottom of the stomach.
Trapped, you curl up, knowing that there was nothing you do free yourself. You press your arms up into the esophagus, trying to fight the muscle action that pushed you down into the stomach, but unable to get any solid footing in the slippery chamber, you simply splash back down in the meaty room, you arms shoved right back out into the stomach with the rest of your body.
You shout, kicking at the lining of the stomach wall, helpless and powerless to change your fate. Eaten alive by the giant Espeon, toyed with by the powerful creature before being swallowed whole. The belly growls around you, the croaking sound booming in your ears as the stomach churns, the wall rubbing hard against you and pressing you between folds of flesh. You splash and flail in the chamber, unable to do little else, before settling down, holding yourself as still as you can as the stomach rocked you back and forth, churning against you. You squeeze your eyes shut, listening to the endless sounds as the slimy sack cradles you trembling form.
You fall for a brief moment. You get just enough time to register the freezing temperatures around you before you drop into a clump of snow, sinking in the cold substance down to your chest.
You gasp, shaking your head and looking around. White snow and ice stretches out as far as you can see, no sign of civilization in any direction. You thrash in the snow, kicking in the hope that you'll gain purchase and heave yourself out of the snow. After a few minutes of frantic struggling, you free yourself from the bank of snow, panting and laying on your back, shivering and watching your breath fogging up above you.
You sit up, hunched over with your arms clutching at your sides, shivering from the cold. You look out over the wavy banks of snow, trying to get a sense of which way you should go. The thick white landscape stretched out as far as you can see, with some distant vegetation barely visible through the still falling flakes. You push yourself to your feet, sinking slightly as you try to move, and walk off in what seems like the closest source of plant life.
The blur of movement to your side draws your attention, and you stare off in that direction. Nothing jumps out at you, but you cannot shake the feeling that you may not be alone here. Nervous, with your fingers and toes starting to feel a little numb, set off at a trot, finding the fastest pace you can run without your legs immediately sinking into the snow. You keep up this pace for another thirty seconds before you get that same sense of movement, this time on the other side.
You stop, squinting through the falling snow, feeling almost sure you can see something light blue moving very slowly among the hills of snow somewhat nearby. But that could not be possible, surely nothing that big could be moving on its own like this...
Another shift proves you wrong. As you stare directly at the light blue mass you get a clear view as it very slowly and deliberately moves towards you, like an enormous predator on the prowl. The figure moves again, its body getting closer to you, and its shape becoming clear. As bit as it is, you had not been able to comprehend what you were looking at until just now. The thing sitting out before you, laying close to the ground, was a Glaceon. A Glaceon easily ten time bigger than any you ever seen before.
Stunned at the discovery, you hold still, watching as the giant Pokemon slowly inches towards you, staring directly into your eyes, a look a smug pride within them. Realizing that you are aware of its presence, the Glaceon raises its head, a soft blue glow radiating from its slightly parted mouth, and points its head towards you. You get a brief moment of panic before the Pokemon releases an attack. You try to jump to the side, but feel an intense blast of cold air make contact with you.
Light engulfs you, a tingling feeling around your hands and feet as something solid forms around them. You shout in alarm, the blast of cold from the Glaceon's attack knocking you backwards and back onto the snow. The light vanishes a moment later, leaving in its wake two large chunks of solid ice. You stare down at you body, you hands and feet each encased in the ice, like two sets of bonds tying your appendages together.
You try to part your arms, the ice pressing your hands together and not budging at all, with the same going for your legs. You're stuck, unable to get up, pinned by the weight of the ice, and forced to just sit there and watch as the Glaceon calmly approaches you. You babble, pleading with the huge Pokemon as you shiver from the intense cold. The Pokemon stops as it stands just in front of you, looking straight down as you peer up into its merciless gaze, studying you the way you would inspect a piece of fruit.
You gulp, intimidated by the presence of the huge creature, looking away as it lowers its head towards you, its warm breath almost pleasant as it wafts against you chilled body, though you know that the beast has no favorable intentions in store for you. You look at the Glaceon's head, choking back a scream as you find yourself staring down into its cavernous maw, the pink flesh a direct contrast with the white and blue of the surrounding landscape and Pokemon respectively.
The Glaceon extends its tongue, curling down around the chunk of ice that encases your feet, and closes its gaping mouth. You feel its chilly lips press down over you knees, knowing that your ice enclosed legs were inside the Pokemon's mouth. You hear the Glaceon suckle at you, the ice being pulled deeper into the closed maw, your body scraping against its lips as you're forced to follow. You shift onto you stomach, face down in the snow with your arms still trapped in another ball of ice. You sputter, trying to lunge yourself free of the predator as it suckles your body up into its mouth, the sound of its growing stomach reinforcing your fear of the Pokemon's intentions.
Sobbing, you are helpless to do anything as the Glaceon pulls the ice deeper into its maw, your lower body and chest soon follow, until you are nothing more than a head and arms sticking out from the Pokemon's lips. The Glaceon tosses its head back, its mouth opening wide, another waft of warm air washing over you before the weight of the chunks of ice yank you down into the dark depths of the Glaceon's maw, snapping its teeth shut above you. And just like that, you find yourself completely inside the creature's mouth.
The warmth of the chamber is traitorously pleasant, and you find yourself basking in the absence of bitter cold, despite the crippling fear that you're about to be eaten alive. The ice that sill grips your arms and legs becomes more slick, with cold water melting and tricking down the Glaceon's tongue. The slimy muscle works its way around you, cupping over the ice and around you body, chilled slightly but ultimately still warm to the touch.
You endure the relentless licking and suckling inside the Pokemon's mouth, unable to do anything to effect your own fate as you lay trapped within. Your body starts to sink and you gasp, feeling yourself being pulled downwards by the ice around you legs, and realizing that the Glaceon was about to swallow you. You get one brief moment of respite as the Glaceon opens its mouth briefly, a blast of cold air filling the slimy chamber for a moment, with the sound of the Pokemon's rumbling belly echoing up to your ears. The Glaceon closes its mouth, a strong swallow following half a second later.
The dim light of the Pokemon's mouth vanishes as you are plunged, screaming, into the intense darkness of its throat. Tight muscles crawl up over your body, dragged down by the rapidly descending ball of ice, with the soft and meaty walls only able to press against your midsection, with the flesh getting parted by the ice that was swallowed with you. You fall, thrashing in the darkness as you feel yourself pushed deeper into the Glaceon's body. You hear its beating heart, thumping through the flesh against your ears as the endless squelching sounds continue, another rumbling of the Pokemon's stomach reaches you, noticeably louder now that you were only inches away from finding yourself within it.
You descent slows, the ice binding your arms pressing down against your head and forcing your body to crumple as you're crammed just outside of the Glaceon's belly. You whimper, willing for some sort of miracle that allows you to be free without sliding into the chamber below you, you heart dropping as you feel the ice move once more, rapidly sliding through a tight ring of flesh as yanking you down with it.
You pulled forcefully into the Pokemon's stomach, all of your body up to your dangling arms crammed in, curled up against the ice around your legs, before you feel the similar ice around your arms plop in with you. The fleshy walls contort to your body's shape, molding against you and churning a slimy warmth into your skin. Despite the ice that was swallowed with you, the temperature inside the Glaceon's stomach was predominately warm, with the heat and chill canceling each other out. You try to writhe and struggle, but the ice continues to grip you, forcing you to just sit and endure as the greedy walls press against you, coating you with putrid slime.
The ice continues to melt as its cradled in the warmth of the Glaceon's stomach, the chilly water starting to accompany the stomach juices and fill the Pokemon's belly with liquid. Soon enough, your feet and arms slip free, numb from the constant contact with the cold, and you're finally able to splash around in the Glaceon's stomach, pressing at the slimy walls, no closer to escaping your meaty prison than you were when you were still bound.
You slosh around the cramped stomach, lunging at the walls while the slightly cooler than warm water laps at you, filling about a quarter of the Pokemon's stomach. Defeated, you slump down, out of breath, lay back, splashing fluids around the pitch black sack of flesh. The belly walls warm and shift around you, constantly moving your body as you try to hold still, try to pretend you're anywhere but here, but having no choice in the matter. The Glaceon had eaten you, swallowed you whole with minimal effort. You rocked away in its belly, feeling exhausted from the ordeal, and feeling at least somewhat grateful that at the very least you had escaped the bitter cold.
You feel the world around you vanish, leaving you suspended for a brief moment before you drop. You try to scream, you voice caught in your throat, and have the wind knocked out of you before you can find it.
You land on something warm and soft, bouncing slightly as you roll over, blinking and trying to get a sense of what just happened to you. You lean up, looking around at the strange mound of soft brown fluff that you had landed on. You glide your hand across the terrain, feeling like the stuff was almost like bushy fur, which was, of course, impossible, as nothing could possibly be so large as...
The ground below you shifts, and your grab onto the tufts of soft fur to keep yourself from falling off. You look around, wondering what was going on, before getting a glimpse of something rather troubling. Before you, just beyond a large fluffy ball of cream colored fur, was the curious head of gigantic Eevee.
You stare into the Pokemon's equally confused eyes, getting another glimpse of the area around you, and realize that you had somehow managed to fall directly onto the sleeping belly of the enormous Pokemon. The Eevee's gaze becomes gleeful at the same time as yours becomes anxious. The Pokemon leans forward, its belly curving against you and nearly making you topple backwards. You stumble, shouting in alarm as the ground beneath the Eevee starts to rush towards you before two paws whip out to either side, slapping up against you and stopping your descent.
Caught in the Eevee's grip, you stare up into it's giant eyes, helpless to do anything but struggle against its grasp. The Pokemon leans in close, its head as wide as your body was long, and sniffs at you with its cold wet nose. You lean away from the Pokemon's investigations, hoping the creature's intents were strictly playful, and finding yourself incredibly uneasy when it opened its ample maw.
A gust of warm breath wafts across your face and you shrink in the Pokemon's grasp. You twist and wrench at the paws, trying to get yourself loose, but the huge Eevee's strength was much greater than your own, and you remain where it holds you. The Eevee leans in, its mouth open just wide enough that your body can fit easily inside, and plops your head onto its tongue. You sputter, immediately covered in slimy slobber, and thrash against the huge Pokemon, trying to push yourself free as you glide along its tongue, the Eevee lapping you body into its mouth.
The beast's maw seems only large enough for half of your body to fit inside, with the back of the Eevee's throat rapidly approaching your face while your legs were still completely free from the creature's gluttony. You kick at its paws, making occasional contact but knowing that your tiny legs would do nothing to this creature. You feel the tongue glide between your legs, pressing down on your rear and ushering you deeper into its maw.
Your face is cradled by the entrance to the Eevee's throat, surely it wasn't large enough to gulp you down whole, with only half of your body even able to fit in its mouth, but the forthcoming swallow attempts to prove you wrong. The gulping motion, squeezes against your face, the Eevee tossing its head back to position you directly upside down, your head lodged in its tight throat. The Pokemon swallows, tugging you deeper down its esophagus inch by inch as swallow after swallow ripples against you, greedily pulling down towards its belly.
You feel your chest slide into the tight tube of flesh, the tongue curling up around your feet as your knees brush up against the fur of its outer lips. You keep kicking, with your arms pinned to your side in the tight throat there is little else for you to do as the Pokemon determinedly swallows and swallows you down, eager to get your whole body down its gullet. The tight walls cradle you, squeezing you deep into the Pokemon's body. You feet its mouth close over you, the motion feeling as though it has a permanence to it, with you whole body completely enclosed within the Eevee now.
The swallows continue, keeping up as the tight esophagus squeezes and releases your body, cramming you farther and farther into the Eevee's throat, until you feel your feet slip into the tight tube to join the rest of you. Entirely swallowed, you only slide a few inches more before you face is squeezed through to the Pokemon's stomach. You gasp for air, the cramped sack of flesh gurgling around you as your descent increases in speed.
You slip into the Eevee's belly, curling up in the tight chamber, forced to bend over yourself as your body squishes in, you feet plopping down into the juices after about a minute of the esophagus working you into the final chamber. Trapped inside the Eevee's belly, forced into a fetal positions as the tight walls crawl all over you, working slimy juices against your body, your struggle. You push left and right, kicking and tossing yourself every which way you can manage, hoping to accomplish something, anything, that can free you from the slimy prison. But nothing happens,
Swallowed alive the Eevee, gulped down inch by inch until you're whole body was crammed into its cramped belly, you hold yourself still. The walls churn at your body, folds of soft flesh squeezing at your legs and shoulder, your face and belly, you chest and feet. The gurgling and squelching sounds rub against your ears, a sticky slime coating your body making every movement you make glide across the slick walls that cradle you.
Helpless and trapped, you shut you eyes, the Eevee's belly grumbling around you, and you are almost certain you can feel the Pokemon's paws rubbing at its belly from the outside, having enjoyed its surprise meal.