Journey to another world pt3 ch97
Rena asked as i could see her fur slightly shimmer in the weakening light as the last of the rays of the suns light danced off the slight sweat that was in her fur.
Adam's heart started racing fast, beads of cold sweat lingering down his face as he cried out and tried wriggling out of his bonds.
Forest Ambush
Every step built the anticipation of an attack, and he felt sweat drops sliding down his forehead. he was a dragon, and almost never sweated, so it drove home just how nervous he was feeling.
The Journal: Chapter II
He ran his paws through his fur, rubbing in the clean water and rubbing away the sweat. he rubbed his paws all over his body, from head to toe and even made sure to get the insides of his ears.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 45
Something to be said for a strong enthusiasm to experience things in life." he laughed nervously, wiping a bit of sweat off his face with a handkerchief and letting out a sigh. "very energetic... too energetic..." gardevoir responded.
A Beast Set Loose
Pate felt a bead of sweat trailing down his side beneath his too-small shirt. dusty, grey windows stared out at the manicured trees and brush, an unnatural quiet to the unoccupied forest.
Fire Branded Leather: Rescue and Recovery
His days are soot stained as he fights to keep the city from burning to the ground and his nights reek of sweat and blood as he learns the ways of a new passion.
The Furry Dead (Medieval Style) Chapter II
He clutched the iron-capped crosier to his chest with paws suddenly dampening with sweat. "when we leave the crypt this door must open into, we must be quiet. the dead do not get tired.
You Bet Your Species
Just another in a long line of swine--" i feel the sweat trickle down my brow, hand trembling as i reach for the buzzer. "there we go, let's begin miller, life only gets better from here."
Ch. 3: The necklace's secret
This laughing sure made me sweat!" he said as he swiped some of the sweat of his forehead. he touched the necklace and - like it was charged with static electricity - retracted his finger from the gem. "ouch!"
That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 13: The Brother (part1)
He asked, shaking his head and letting the sweat fly out. "dude.... its new years... lets party!" alex barked out. "yeah!" we all yelled, and walked out of the building. "hey hon." hayden said, putting a paw on my shoulder. "yeah?"
The Orchard-Part 1-Tom meets Durian
He was starting to sweat, being in such close proximity with... him... made him feel slightly... nervous. "have you guys met, durian?" said durians huge brown father, tom now knew was named james.