The Orchard-Part 1-Tom meets Durian

Story by lauracraig on SoFurry

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#1 of The Orchard

This is my first story here! This is really just for character development, and an introduction. More action in part 2, if you know what Im saying.

Tom Hill lived on a Ten acre farm shared with his large family. The farm had lots of things that Tom and his brothers and sisters could do. They had a lake, a barn, lots of animals and, best of all, in Toms opinion, they had a huge Orchard. Tom loved just taking time out of his day to go and nibble the fallen apples on the ground, and just relax. They were expecting another family over to stay, the Johnsons, good old friends from "the City", his mother had eagerly said. Tom and his families farm lay just outside the little town of Sidebank, which itself was just a few miles outside a very big city, form which the Johnsons were from.

"TOM! Please try and look nice! This family want to move out here, in the house over the other side of the Orchard, and they are good friends of ours, so please make a good impression!" Tom gazed forlornly into his mirror. He was a reasonably well built, 16 year old Paint horse. His whole family were Paint Horses. Tom changed from his scruffy jogging trousers and T-shirt into a blue checked shirt and fresh jeans. H heard the car pull up outside, and he looked down from his window. A big black Range Rover, in pristine condition, gleamed on the driveway. Out came a large chestnut stallion, and another pure black mare. They ran up and knocked on the front door. Tom clopped down the stairs to see a warm greeting between the two sets of parents. Tom stepped outside , looking for the rest of the family. Out stepped a beautiful, if slightly cheeky looking young brown filly strut out of the car, followed by...

WOAH. Toms did a bit of a double take. A huge, heavily muscled solid-black stallion stepped out of the car. His rough, unruly hair was tamed into a messy ponytail, and he was wearing jeans and a white shirt. The stallion came right up to Tom and shook hands with him.

"Hi, my name is Durian Johnson. You are?" Tom blinked and then replied "Tom... Hill? Can I show you to your room?" Tom ran upstairs and showed Durian to the room across from his own. It used to be Toms big brothers room, but he left for college a couple of months ago. Durian took a quick look around, then turned and smiled at Tom.

"Nice place, Ill just fetch my stuff and be right back!" He promptly walked off.

Tom collapsed on his own bed. He was overcome by unfamiliar feelings. Feelings he wasn't entirely comfortable with...

"Durian." he whispered to himself. Then he gasped. No! he thought. He had a girlfriend, Louise, a filly from Sidebank, and he was in love with her. Just thinking of her blue eyes and white fur made him go weak at the knees.

But Durian filled Tom with an uncontrollable, uncomfortable desire... and he had only just met him.

Tom took a few minutes to get his breath back, then he got up and went downstairs.

The Johnsons where mingling with Toms family. Toms mother, Belle, was chatting along to Mrs. Johnson, while Toms sisters Elsabeth and Mariah were getting along very well with Durians sister. Toms dad, Clyde, was in the kitchen laughing loudly with Mr. Johnson, Toms younger brothers Rick, Steve, and Marley, and...


Tom started breathing quicker, and much to Toms utter distress, his Dad was calling him over.

"Tom! Hey, over here! Come on son, I would like you to meet James and Durian Johnson!" Tom smiled (unconvincingly) at his dad and sauntered over. Durian smiled, and Tom attempted a quick grin back. He was starting to sweat, being in such close proximity with... him... made him feel slightly... nervous.

"Have you guys met, Durian?" Said Durians huge brown father, Tom now knew was named James. Durian nodded and replied "Yeah, he showed me to my room. Its really neat, dad!" James patted Durian on the back and told him to take his suitcases upstairs. "Is it okay if we go and unpack, Clyde?" he said. "No problem! See you in ten, you guys." Clyde replied. He looked Tom in the eyes and said "I think you and Durian will be really good friends. You'll show him around the whole place later, won't you son?" Tom wished he could refuse, but he simply nodded. Rick and Steve asked if they could start showing Durians sister round right now, and Clyde laughed. Tom decided to go back to his bedroom. Maybe he could try and sort his feelings out, and keep out of the way up there.

Tom was about to go into his room, but noticed that Durians door was ajar. Tom tried to control his curiosity, but his feelings were too strong and he couldn't resist one private look at this curious new houseguest.

Tom tried not to gasp in shock.

Durian was lounging, topless, on the bed. He had released his dark mane of hair, and he was just running his fingers through it with his eyes closed. It was nearly enough to send Tom over the edge. Durian was even more beautiful with his clothes off. He had astounding muscles, huge, rippling, and combined with his glossy black fur he could have been a god. Tom tried to control his breathing, but he found it hard and he escape dinto his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. He felt sweat trickling down his back, and as he stared into the mirror, the delicate area of pinkish skin around his eyes and muzzle were looking much more flushed than usual. Tom knew what was going on, but he still fought against it.

He attempted to divert his attention to something, anything, else.

He took down a picture of his beautiful girlfriend, Louise, and stroked it delicately. She had her white mane blowing in the wind, he pretty little blue eyes twinkling, and her delicate head cocked to one side.

Tom quickly picked up his cell phone and scrolled through his contacts. He waited for the phone to dial Louise's number...

Pick up, pick up, pick up...

"Hello?" Louise's trilling voice seemed slightly uncertain.

"Louise! Hi, its Tom." Tom was so pleased to feel a sense of normality talking to his girlfriend

"Hiya! Oh, I thought you wouldn't call today, I was waiting for a while and..."

"Oh... I'm really sorry, we have these guests..."

"Oh yeah! I forgot. You've been waiting for them for months! Well, it feels like that anyway... Um, listen, if you have guests, don't feel you need to phone me. Ill call back later, Tom."

"But... Louise!"

"Sorry, I have to go... love you, bye Tom!"

The phone disconnected.

"Love... you." Tom whispered.

Just then Tom heard a knock on his door. He hurriedly rushed to open it.


It was Durian.

"Hey, Tom. Your Dad says you have a lake?"

It took Tom a minute to regain his senses.

"Um, yeah. Its pretty big. We have a little Jetty and everything."

"Cool! See, my and my sister were wondering, later on, after we've seen around the place, we could maybe go swimming?"

Tom attempted to hold back a small moan.

Swimming. Topless. Trunks.

Oh. God.

"Um... um... I... Ill need to get my stuff ready, and..."

"Hey, stop there!" Durian laughed. "We meant real swimming."

Tom was confused.

"Skinny dipping my friend! I've always wanted to do it, the way nature intended!"

Tom widened his eyes in shock. Naked.

Well, this was going to be interesting...