The Trial of the Lost
"the only thing i have is a stuffed animal that they found with me and my first name." the young tiger pointed to his open suitcase on top of which rested an obviously well-loved stuffed tiger.
Childhood Friends
Zara sighed happily and stuffed his paws into his pockets. he couldn't help but blush as he walked back to his dorm room. felt good to be back...
A Nimbat's Napping
He let go of fidget, pulling out a knife which he ran along the ground, severing the viney plants that held her, gathering them up and stuffing them into a pouch.
Art Trade W RizaKiryu
Ferris received a giant stuffed fox and ritsuka received a smaller stuffed dragon. the boys walked away from the game. big grins on each of their faces.
With a warm smile on his face, the short wolf stuffed his paws deep into his pockets once again and turned to leave. the smile never left his face as he walked away from the bookstore.
Stella and Hammy, an Over the Hedge vore story
With his hands already pinned to his sides he couldn't stop her, though, and she'd stuffed inch after inch of her reluctant dinner in. afterward she lay bloated and immobile for days as her stomach processed the bandit.
Teddy Bear
The mother saw her boy had found the stuffed bear. "what do you got there, sweetie?" she bent down to his level, poking at theo. "he's mine. he's my new friend." the little boy said.
Chapter XXIV: And In My Hour Of Darkness
He got his suitcase, his stuffed wolf, and another suitcase stocked full of the diapers rashid had mentioned. the rottweiler said he could return the case the next time he visited ashleigh.
Paralleled Anew
Collecting stuffed animals, hanging out with his best friend patches (a stuffed cat). he felt he could relate more to animals. then again, most kids have stuffed animals and imaginary friends. but it went a little deeper with blake.
Fallen Angels, Part seven - See Daniel Run. See Daniel Kill
It was too light for a precise throw, and the stuffing was uneven and lumpy. _did that creep think i was some easy mark, a chalk-sucker, a local gazoonie?
Chapter 1- "A Cheetah Named Light"
He stuffed the book into his bag, not paying attention to the confused looks on the other kids' faces. perhaps the book didn't come from them at all.
Kazufox Interview #6
(looks to see the stuffed animal hanging himself) nnnooooooooo-oh yeah, silly bear i know hanging yourself doesn't kill you. you're stuffed remember? oh did i tell you about miyamoto? \*isaac\*: you know what? (cuts rope) i don't care!