This is me... and I'll get back to you on who that is.

Threadid=11138) ever looked in the mirror and hated who you saw? well, in this case there is no mirror, forget about the mirror. point is, ever hated who you were? well, i hated who i was becoming.

A Beast's Sorrow

Nakoma approached the large mirror, her sweeping tail stilling as she stopped in front of it. it was so strange seeing her own reflection in something that was not water - how did this modern world do it?

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Aaru - Chapter 31 (Farewell)

I gave him a subtle nod before turning back to the mirror and stepped through. unlike the previous times i'd used the mirror, this one was not over in an instant. i was trapped in darkness. i had been warned of this.

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The detective turned his head to look at his reflection in the one-way mirror on the near wall.

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Thirteen

"they probably have magic mirrors in there, right?" "undoubtedly," droma agreed. "but using a magic mirror is not that simple.

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Temptation 11 - Break In

I was about to turn away from the mirror and resume prowling around baron's bedroom when something caught my eye on the mirror. leaning closer i saw a series of polaroid pictures taped to the glass near the top of the mirror.

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Becoming :Part 5- A life Interrupted

His window-side mirror had been nailed permanently into the wall a long time before his arrival at the browning house. it was an old family heirloom and although alex wasn't a big fan of hanging mirrors everywhere, but he didn't mind this one.

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A beautiful dream

, happy noise, reaching, and brushing the mirror gently where he saw the male's face "why...why must you only be a dream...?"

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The Sand Castle

Now, the cold hearth is mirrored by my heart. my nest is empty, mirrored by the hole in my heart left by those who warmed it, or i thiers in return.

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Sam's Guilt

As he looked at himself in the mirror, he stared deep into his eyes. they say the eyes are the gateway to the soul... and right now, sam saw nothing. he didn't even make the effort to sigh, instead just leaving the disgusting image he saw in the mirror.

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Completing Preparations

I preened myself, put on my new clothes, and gave one last look at myself in the mirror to admire my new form. after that, i left the hotel and walked to the unsuspecting public below.

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Huay Chivos part 1

mirror."_ a baleful voice spoke once more. darren shook off hearing that voice. like the sound of the vile being. sweated in dread, he do as he was told and looked at the mirror. there was no one else aside from darren's reflections.

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