Leurheart II (Chapter 6)
He was wearing only a heavy looking belt with a loincloth and there were some feathers behind his ear. he also had small tattoos, or paint, on his muzzle and under his eye. the choker around his neck seemed to be made out of some shiny, black material.
Ra's Begining
Altore's breath started to become deeper as his clothes started to rip and feathers started to sprout from his skin, the human's clothes quickly became useless except for a loincloth that had appeared on him with the symbol of ra on the front of it.
Raising Familiars
And while he could have maybe fashioned a loincloth or something if he wanted, it just didn't seem to bother him. nudity didn't bother him, and matron didn't seem to care, so he never bothered trying to get new clothing.
Sprite Master: Chapter 1
Tenebreas father then helped him out of his coat and clothes till he was in his loincloth underwear the same like his father. it was then that they noticed the glowing lights on tenebreas ears."
Splintered Light, Ch 9.3: Pre-Planning the Post-Planning Planning
The tribesman took a seat on the edge of the dining table; the fact that he was seated on a table at all was rude but the fact that he was wearing a loincloth and portions of his nether regions were exposed to the surface was nigh unbearable... but jacques
Blood Rose-21
His only clothing was a simple loincloth that was also covered in beads and bone shards. his ears were pointed to her as if she had his full attention. she glanced over at jason again and earned a different growl. a disapproving growl.
Shadow's hunt, part six
Once her practice was done each evening, shadow and hul would strip down to loincloths and fight unarmed for a while, something that jen thought was a little too dangerous for her.
Splintered Light, Chapter 6.4: Anache u' Tonn
Once the first made had his own fur freshly darkened he put away the rest of his powders and stood up, smoothing everything down before he gathered up his loincloth.
too war
The older argon wasn't wearing much jest a loincloth and a large cape that covered most of his upper body.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 104: Feast Of The Damned
"sometimes i like to crawl underneath his loincloth and wear it with him. "can i ask you something corey?" "go for it freckles." "while i was in my shimmer, how did you manage to fight all those monsters?"
The Death of Worlds - Chapter 3: Encounter
It seemed rather cool that night, and mordak glanced to gaza, wondering if he was warm enough in his loincloth, but it did not seem like the temperature bothered him. it must have been his fur, the orc surmised.
Could anyone spare me a loincloth? or maybe some pants? please?" * * * a few minutes later, the team was ready to go.