Gap Year: Jake's Soup

jake slugged me in the arm for that and we both giggled. "how 'bout you guys, other parents?" jake asked. "how's politics and events?" "it's really quiet without you two. but we're good.

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the magic school bus: things aren't always what they seem

jake: yes mama miss frizzle :well it seems you're not the only one grounded jake seem confused but then he heard his name being called as he looked he saw his good friend tsume jake: wow she got you to?


It was only a joke..

jake. now most bullying it start with just a couple of spiked words or the casual shove, the bullying that jake rained down on this kid was horrific, and it only got worse.

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Leonardo - Chapter 2

jake yelled out. leslie looked over to jake, seeing that he was running up to her. "oh, hi, jake," she responded, raising a hand.

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Walmart Digi-Blast

And sunny day as tsume and jake was in walmart shopping for their mom, tsume soon sent jake for some other stuff as she got the food she was going to cook .

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A Special Gift

"merry christmas jesse." he whispered to him, causing the lapine to turn his head up at jake. "merry christmas to you too.... jake."

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Chapter 2: Warning

"hello mr zhang," jake said as he shaked his hand, zhang was a red panda who was wearing a dark blue suit and a grey tie. everyone sat down while jake began to start the presentation.

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Tsume's and jakes battle

jake shouts as he punches the pantomime guy right in his face when he tried to tease jake with another sad looking face of his boyfriend.

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Lord of arms- Chapter 20

Will stared at jake with the big blue eyes, the eyes that made jake fall in love with the tiger.

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back to the pride lands

Seem to have a big distance between them, she figured that they were still mad at each other or that jake never forgave red for lying and red hated jake for not caring and running off on the team "jake can you please stop your little fight with

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Mesozoic Park 2 (Part 11)

jake nodded "theirs service where we are heading, don't worry... c'mon, lets go" the team grouped up, ready to follow jake. "where are we heading anyways jake?" jayden asked.

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Aciec Aeternam (etarnal Battlefield) Chapter Five

jake asked her, "yes jake, i uploaded your training program this morning" she answered. "good girl" jake smiled. the youngsters were now standing in the holo room, they seemed to be getting a little nervous.

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