Walmart Digi-Blast

Jake hesitated for a moment sigh " he was taken by phantomon" "phantomon?

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Walmart Digi-Blast : friendship

Said tsume as she looked at her digimon and saw a scythe in her back then she heard a laugh as tsume looked up and saw phantomon " one down and 2 humans to go" he said with a laugh as his scythe returned back to his hand .

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Chapter 35: Stoping the Raid of Terror

"why does it have to be phantomon? they are a mega form digimons. they may look weak but their strength is great, watch out for their scythe." "everyone, full power attack!" al ordered the team while two phantomons are still recovering.

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Takashi's First Partner

phantomon and impmon both exclaimed as their attacks were hurled towards her. kimimon managed to dodge phantomon's attack but was immediately hit by impmon's attack, knocking her to the ground. "kimimon!"

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