Gap Year: Jake's Soup
#7 of Gap Year
Sorry I posted this later. This is a character chapter, going into characters than plot.
"You've gotta be shitting me," I said, staring in disbelief.
"I'm not. This is real." Jake grabbed a hold and posed for a picture.
Turns out, he wasn't crazy, nor lying. There really is a Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station. On a brick wall before the rest of the platforms was a sign that read: Platform 9 3/4 and a luggage cart that was built so part of it disappeared into the wall. Each of us posed for pictures that were immediately sent to Facebook. Funnily enough, when we uploaded them, it happened to be September 1st, the day students returned to Hogwarts.
At Jake's request, we stopped by one of Gordon Ramsey's old restaurants. It still ran on its reputation, despite the old guy biting the dust a few years ago. He was still going strong, when one day he had several heart attacks at once. He was in his 90's at least. Anyway, Jake used to watch Ramsey with his dad back when he was really young. It really brought them together. Jake even cooked for a while, but I think he stopped liking it as much, because I haven't seen him cook in ages.
Sad really, cause I tried the stuff he made and it was really good. He got all these old recipes from his German Nana and would make them for his family, even though he was only twelve. I was sick with a really rare virus that normally only affects pure animals, but had crossed over to furs. It only happens to .00001% of the population, but I guess I was the unlucky one. Plus, I was really contagious. Anyway, he came over and made me fresh chicken noodle soup, from scratch. It was really good. It put Campbell's to shame, but then... Almost everything does.
That was when I realized that Jake was a friend who cared for me so much he'd risk getting sick himself if it meant making me happy. He stayed with me while I ate, talking to me after almost a week of not talking to anyone else. That's when he and I became best friends. Before, I found him really annoying but put up with him. Our parents were friends so I only played with him to appease them.
But that soup and him staying with me, even though I wasn't saying a lot changed everything. After that, when kids picked on him, I'd fight them. I got into so much trouble with my parents for the fights but when I told them I was doing it for Jake, they went easier on me. Even my older brother, Donny, rest his soul, didn't like Jake until I got that soup. And when my brother died, he came over with cookies and held me as I cried. He didn't say anything at school, didn't laugh at me for crying or anything like that. He was always there for me. I guess, that's when he started feeling like family. Because he helped me grieve and helped me write something for his funeral. Jake's always been a great guy. I hate that it took so long for me to see it. And even...
It was him again that made me uncertain about my sexuality too. If i could change one thing, I'd go back and keep kissing him all those months ago when he kissed me.
Well, that got really off-subject.
We ate these really delicious filet's that had this delicious gravy-type sauce and mushrooms with onions. Jake was in heaven, and I decided to pick up the tab. He didn't like that, but I told him it was his Christmas gift, which wasn't true, I had a Christmas gift picked out for him that cost as much as the dinner had.
Back at the hotel, after a few games of Urban Commando, we hopped on Skype to talk to our families.
"Brent!" Sophie said, bouncing on the couch. "Mom! Dad! Brent's on Skype!"
"Heya, Soph, you being a good girl for Mom and Dad?" I asked.
"Mhmm! Are you being a good girl for Jake?" she replied.
"You bet he is, I even picked out a pretty dress for him." I punched Jake in the arm. Sophie giggled the cute little giggle she only does around us. We're her two best friends in the world, she likes to say.
"Hey, Jake, where's my ticket to Hogwarts?" she asked.
"Oh you saw the picture, did you? Well, I hate to break it to you, but you still got another year of being a muggle. First Years don't get their letters until their eleventh birthday."
Mom and Dad walked into the room. They were getting ready to go to work. Dad was the mayor of the town, sweeping up votes in his re-election campaign. No one in their right mind would vote against the father of the most famous fur in the world. My mom was a current events teacher at a private high school. She wanted me to go to Hemsworth Academy, but I refused. No one wants to go to school where his parent is a teacher.
"Hey, boys!" my dad said, a huge smile on his face. "Good to see ya! How are you two doing?"
"We're good. We had a great lunch at Ramsey's restaurant over here. I paid a small fortune but it well worth it."
Jake interjected. "I offered to help him, but he refused. He said it was a Christmas gift. I don't know if I should believe him or not. He's lied to me about that before."
"Well... I wouldn't say lied..."Jake slugged me in the arm for that and we both giggled.
"How 'bout you guys, Other Parents?" Jake asked. "How's politics and events?"
"It's really quiet without you two. But we're good. The town wants to put a historical marker at our house, saying Brent Phillips was born here, but I'm trying to talk them out of it. You'd think they'd move onto a new hero to worship, but no. They're in love with you, kiddo."
"Can you make a law saying Brent Phillips is just a normal kid and not some hero to worship?" I suggested.
Dad laughed. "Sorry, kiddo. The people decide who's famous and who's not. I'm sure you've got fans over there as well."
I told him the story about the train station and the couple, leaving out the part with Jake and Collin almost kissing and the girls that did things at me. It's best not to bring these things up to parents. Before too long, Dad and Sophie had to go to school and work respectively and Mom did too but I wanted to ask her something.
"Hey, Mom? Have you heard anything about the British Furs for Equality?"
She laughed. "Those wackos? They're terrorists, Brent. They're pure furs, thinking all humans are terrible and need to be eradicated. Scarier still, their leader is just about your age so this is a new idea and it's getting followers from young kids. They think it's still 2020 and that we're lab rats or slaves. Even kids will play a part in their schemes if it means getting new members or getting furs on their side. Be careful around them.
"A student just last week was saying that the leader, the daughter of one of the first furs, made an announcement that you'd be joining them soon. You're... You're not thinking of joining them are you?"
"No. Just... I think I met the leader last week and she tried recruiting me but I told her no."
"Okay. Good. Just ignore them if you can. You're one of their so called 'purebreds' so you should be safe."
"Alright," I said, feeling somewhat relieved and confused. "Well we gotta go. Talk to you later, Mom."
"Bye boys! Love you!"
"You too!" we both said. We glanced at one another when the call ended.
"I didn't think that people wanted 'mans gone. I mean, I thought it was only the humans that were crazy."
"Dude," Jake said, "there's crazies on each side. Of every problem. There always is."
"True. But... Do you think that Laney tricked us? That the kid was part of an act?"
"I don't want to think about it." Jake said, color draining from his face.
"Let's give your parents a call."
* * *
"Jake?" I asked in the night, just after we turned the lights off.
"When you realized you were gay... Was there, like, a transitional period? Like, in your mind, from girls to guys?"
There was a space of silence for a few seconds. "Y'know, I don't really know. I guess there was a period of transition, like, when I was still questioning."
I nodded, then realized he couldn't see me. "Okay. And h-how did you realize you liked guys?"
"I fantasized about a guy instead of a girl and came harder."
"Really?" I asked.
He laughed. "Nah, man. I'm fucking with you. i don't know, it just... Came to me one day."
"Was that the day you kissed me?"
I was getting in deep now, but I could hear his voice trailing off like he was falling asleep.
"Day before."
"Did you ever think or want us to be... Y'know, more than friends?"
"Yeeegnh." Jake said, snoring now.
Fuck. I thought. _Couldn't get a straight answer. Maybe he did. _
That'd be great.